Friday, May 31, 2019
Louis Pojman’s Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong Essays -- Utilitari
Utilitarianism is a theory which states that the purpose of morality is to achieve maximal righteousness in a society. It is consequentialist rather than deontological in that the moral value of ethical decisions are to be judged in terms of their effects, rather than the intrinsic properties of the acts themselves. Those effects are deemed good which generate the most pleasure or happiness, or which minimize overall pain. There are two classical types of utilitarianism which will be at a lower place our consideration act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism. Two objections to utilitarianism will be examined, as well as Louis Pojmans responses to those objections in morals Discovering Right and Wrong. It will be shown that Pojman presents an adequate defending team of utilitarianism, and that utilitarianism succeeds as a worthwhile moral theory. Act-Utilitarianism is the thesis that an act is right if and only if it results in as much good as any useable alternati ve (Pojman 110). One conspicuous problem with the thesis is that it suggests that correct moral actions will often clash with our intuitions about basic moral norms. For example, Pojman refers to Richard Brandts critical review in which he points out that the act-utilitarian seems to be committed to helping the needy above ones own family, repaying debts only if there is no go use for the money, and ending the lives of those who are a drain on others (Pojman 110). Rule-Utilitarianism is a response to this objection and an attempt to formulate a more plausible plan of the theory. Pojmans definition is An act is right if and only if it is required by a rule that is itself a member of a set of rules whose acceptance would melt to greater utility for society tha... ... more difficult objections can be countered in various ways. The no-rest objection isnt defeating, since leisure can be structured into the moral rules. The justice objection has two responses one of defeat, th e other of integration. I have found the response of defeat (that justice can be overridden) to be unsatisfactory, since justice is an intrinsic good that is absolutely necessary for human flourishing. The conciliatory approach to the justice objection seeks to integrate justice into the higher level rules. I think that this is a credible utilitarian position. It captures the importance of justice in our moral reasoning and legitimates utilitarianism as a moral theory without sacrificing the principles of consequentialism nor utility.Works CitedPojman, Louis P. Ethics Discovering Right and Wrong. 5th edition. Thomson Nelson. Toronto 2005.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Life of Ludwig van Beethoven Essay -- Ludwig van Beethoven Composers M
Life of Ludwig van van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven, also cognize as The General of Musicians, was born on December 16, 1770. However, this date is not exact because it is believed that Beethovens stick lied about his sons age in order to portray him as an infant prodigy. As a result, Beethoven is convinced he was born on December 16, 1772 at the Rheingasse home, which belonged to the Fischers, who were close friends of the family (Orga 8). Johann van and Maria Magdalena Beethoven bore five children of which three survived. Ludwig van Beethoven was the first child to survive, probably making him the most hold dear especially in his fathers eyes. The other two surviving siblings were Casper and Nikolaus. They were said to have played extremely important roles in Beethovens life. Johann van said to be a lesser man than his father Ludwig Louis van Beethoven, who was a trained musician and later appointed Kapellmeister. Many believed he could not compare to his dad because he did not have a high-ranking job, instead his income was based on giving piano, singing, and violin lessons to the public (Kerman 354). Johann cute his first son to be great, especially in the music field, so he pushed him to learn the piano and violin at a very other(a) age. For instance, Beethoven had his first public appearance at the age of eight on March 26, 1778. He performed at a concert with one of his fathers other pupils. His performance consisted of concertos and trios on the keyboard. Beethoven continued to play at concerts, as well as taking music lessons with instructors other than his father. When tour the Fischer Family one mean solar day Johann proclaimed, My son Ludwig is my only comfort now in life. He is improving in his music to such an extent that he is look up to by everyone. I foresee that in time he will be a great man in the world (Orga 29). During this time he also attended elementary school in Bonn, but he did not exceed grade school. Beet hoven learned all he could by age ten and from then on he lived off his wits and curiosity (Orga 28). In 1779, Beethoven met his first very important teacher at Bonn by the name of Christian Neefe. Neefe automatically saw Beethovens talent and had a strong liking to him from the beginning. Moreover, when he took a short set forth of absence from Bonn, he appointed Beethoven, at only eleven years o... ... His funeral was held on the 29th of March and about 15,000 guests attended his burial. The surrounding schools were closed that day in respect of the composer. Also, out of respect the choir sang the Miserere in an arrangement from one of his Equali for trombones. Following the singing, about 200 horse carriages accompanied the put on its final journey (Orga 8). To conclude, Beethoven was know as The General of Musicians, The Young Genius, and the most admired composer in the history of western music. His musical ability, his passion, and his cutting losses all hel ped to contribute to his undying success as a great pianist and composer. Even today his works are still canvas and listened to around the world.Works CitedKerman, Joseph. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Ed. Stanley Sadie. 20 Vols. London MacMillan Pub. Ltd., 1980. 2 354-60.Grout, Donald Jay. A History of Western Music. 3rd ed. New York Cornell UP, 1981.Marek, George R. Beethoven Biography of a Genius. New York Funk and Wagnalls Publishing Company, 1969.Orga, Ates. Beethoven The Illustrated Lives of the Great Composers. London Omnibus Press, 1983.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Justice in Aeschylus The Oresteia Essay -- Aeschylus Oresteia
Justice in Aeschylus The Oresteia How can an endless and violently destructive cycle be just? The concept appears in places along the human timeline as diverse as the Bible and West Side Story. Why do people have a tendency to amplify and repeat violence by means of a cycle of murder and revenge, and how can this destructive process be called justice? In The Oresteia, the cycle is a familiar one, but is also interweaved with gender issues and a sense of justice that changes within the cycle itself. Instead of focusing on one book of the trilogy, I think it will be much worthwhile to see how these patterns flow through all three books. The first chapter of the trilogy is the story of Agamemnon, the war hero of Troy who returns home after 10 years. The mogul had left on a rather sour note, having murdered his daughter Iphigenia to appease the Gods in order for the fleet to sail for Troy. Clytomnestra, the Queen, cannot understand the sacrifice. This is the first natural event of the so-called gender battle in the trilogy. Agamemnons actions are typical of the classic Greek male point of view. He is mostly concerned with issues of war, prise and the welfare of the city. Clytomnestra, in contrast, is more concerned with female issues, such as the welfare of the family. The Queen, during the Kings absence, becomes obsessed with her daughters death, and takes a tender lover to the exclusion of her remaining children in an attempt to steal control over the city. When Agamemnon returns, instead of a faithful wife he finds a promptly death at the hands of Aegithus. It is interesting to note that another person is also killed, an innocent. Clytomnestra kills Cassandra, a prophetic girl brought home from Troy, on a whim... ...ause it would whole allow him to act out more injustice. Still, the idea of making him a better person telling to the values of society is somewhat anti-Socratic. Socrates would rather on that point be an absolute ideal, without room for human opinion or emotion. Unfortunately, practical situation often preclude the actualization of his ideal. His logic still entails to the idea of relative justice. In modern terms, this would be akin to sentencing criminals to time in therapy or mental health institutes rather than incarceration. This is not so radical a vent from what proponents of capital punishment suggest. But is society ready for a justice system where the guilty are not punished? I dont think so. As sad as it may seem, the human tendency for hate overrides true justice. Works CitedAeschylus. Oresteia. Trans. Peter Meineck. Indianapolis Hackett, 1998
mafia Essay -- essays research papers
Their guns terrorized the streets of New York. They were murderous, brutal thugs that killed with no feelings of remorse. They were bank-robbers, drug dealers, casino featureers, hit men and pimps. They were the mafia of the 1920s and 1930s. These degenerates played an important role in the Statesn history, they were more than just bank-robbers and gunslingers, and they were men that affected all facets of society. They were celebrities, some of the most recognized men in America. Their evil deeds made the front page of every newspaper. They were some of the richest men in America, but most of all they were the scapegoats for Americas problems. They were hated by many, respect by few and feared by all. In times of poverty and despair, they were looked upon as the "problem", which needed to be "fixed". The fear they imposed on America gave Americans something to unite over and fight against together. Sometimes, a person is most courageous when they are most fearful . They made America "roar" in the twenties and they took "the fretfulness" of thirties. They were some of Americas most dangerous men and some of its most famous as well. In order to obtain an objective view towards the maffia, one essential know a little about its history. The Mafia was first started in the ninth century, in Sicily. At this time, Arab forces were occupying Sicily. The natives were being oppressed, so they took refuge in the contact hills and formed a secret society to protect against the foreign invaders. This secret society was named Mafia, after the Arabic word for refuge. The societys intentions were to create a sense of family, establish on ancestry and Sicilian heritage. During the 1700s, Mafia leaders began to force their way to the head positions in the Sicilian government and used government funds for their own private endeavours. In the early 1900s, when Mussolini and the Fascists came to power, he vowed to rid the country of all the Maf ia. Keeping this in mind, and the fact that there was silver to be made finished extortion, prostitution, gambling and bootlegging in the United States, many Mafiosos decided to come west to America. Charles "Lucky" Luciano, the eventual organizer of the New York Mafia, was born in Sicily in 1897, and came to New York. Luciano climbed the "criminal ladder" and by 1935, he was known ... ...titution was so profitable, because it offered the most easily marketable and vendible product in the world sex. The Mafia used the prostitutes as tools to make more business. They placed their "girls" throughout their clubs, so they could lure some high roller in the back for a inebriety or two. They worked the bars, and listened to lonely middle class men who needed a shoulder to cry on. They were on the streets mingling with the crowd, looking for their next perverted customer. The bosses often used prostitutes to "sweeten" deal between rival leaders or crook ed politicians. They were as dangerous as the trained killers were, because they possessed something more coercive than guns. They were just as ruthless as the men that put holes in peoples heads they only came in a nicer package. The Mafia men of the 1920s and 1930s were some of the most authoritative men in American history. They robbed banks, killed people, stole, cheated, lied and corrupted an already corrupt country. They were not role models, and they did not aspire to be. They were businessmen, men who had only two objectives, money and power. They saw a need for something and they produced it.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Education of Children with Learning Disabilities Essay -- Teaching Edu
Education of Children with Learning Disabilities For centuries, the education of children with learning disabilities has been a problem and a challenge. Many methods of learn have been proposed, yet every day there are new techniques and strategies on how to achieve the maximum success of these children. The problem of educating a child cannot be solved quickly and easily, rather it requires much careful analysis and research. Workers in this field are developing new theories on a day-to-day basis. All the methods proposed seem to be the answer, yet the problem is not yet solved. Meanwhile, we must determine the best strategies for the most effective method of teaching a child with learning disabilities. Children whom we are discussing are those who are sometimes thought to be unprogressive or otherwise not achieving as wellspring as they should at their age level in school. They are usually average children who experience extreme difficulty in learning how to read or to d o mathematical problems, or who have difficulty in handling a pencil, buttoning buttons, or tying shoelaces. They can be harshly teased by their classmates for clumsiness or stupidity, and are frequently labeled as disciplinary problems by their teachers because they whitethorn act up in class in an prove to blend in their lack of preparation. Their disabilities are often not recognized and many times these children grow up and go through life, distillery impaired, still making adjustments, never having been helped because the nature of their disability had not been recognized. Children with learning and behavioral difficulties have a lot in common with all children. They rarely screening any kinds of learning and behavior characteristics that are not also seen in the typical child. For example, many times they cannot tell the difference between similar earn or numbers. Many children also exhibit ocular perceptual problems during their early exposure of reading instruction , but most children soon learn the appropriate visual discrimination and the associated letter sound, etc. However, it is the children that continue to experience these problems that are diagnosed as having learning difficulties. The proper identification of a learning problem is only the root step in the redemption process. Before the data obtained from testing and from subjective observations can have... ...mined by the capabilities of the child himself. There is a growing concern for children and youthfulness with learning disabilities who have extreme difficulty both academically and in other areas despite their mental capability. The inquiry of the youngster who encounters extraordinary difficulty in learning, however, is not in anyway new. Throughout the years, children from all different surroundings and backgrounds have experienced difficulties in learning. Researchers and investigators have been trying to solve this problem. However, as of now, we may only come to one c onclusion, that the best way to teach these children is to bring them up in a surrounding where they learn to develop a arrogant attitude toward themselves. The child must want to thrive and achieve his best. Whichever teaching method is chosen, whether it is mainstreaming or home-based, and the educator must have high expectations in hostel so that the child will gain self-confidence. This is only a guide, for it is clearly not a solution. It is most likely that a solution will never be found but rather we must work with each child as an individual so that he/she may reach his/her potence and achieve maximum success.
Education of Children with Learning Disabilities Essay -- Teaching Edu
Education of Children with Learning Disabilities For centuries, the education of children with learning disabilities has been a bother and a challenge. Many modes of teaching have been proposed, yet every day there are new techniques and strategies on how to achieve the maximum success of these children. The fuss of educating a child cannot be solved quickly and easily, rather it requires much careful analysis and research. Workers in this field are developing new theories on a day-to-day basis. All the methods proposed seem to be the answer, yet the problem is not yet solved. Meanwhile, we must determine the best strategies for the most effective method of teaching a child with learning disabilities. Children whom we are discussing are those who are sometimes thought to be unprogressive or otherwise not achieving as well as they should at their age level in school. They are usually average children who experience extreme fuss in learning how to lead or to do mathematica l problems, or who have difficulty in handling a pencil, buttoning buttons, or tying shoelaces. They can be harshly torment by their classmates for clumsiness or stupidity, and are frequently labeled as disciplinary problems by their teachers because they may act up in class in an attempt to blend in their lack of preparation. Their disabilities are often not recognized and many times these children grow up and go through life, unruffled impaired, still making adjustments, never having been helped because the nature of their disability had not been recognized. Children with learning and behavioral difficulties have a lot in common with all children. They seldom exhibit any kinds of learning and behavior characteristics that are not also seen in the typical child. For example, many times they cannot tell the difference between comparable letters or numbers. Many children also exhibit visual perceptual problems during their early exposure of reading instruction, but most child ren soon learn the sequester visual discrimination and the associated letter sound, etc. However, it is the children that continue to experience these problems that are diagnosed as having learning difficulties. The proper identification of a learning problem is but the first step in the redemption process. Before the data obtained from testing and from subjective observations can have... ...mined by the capabilities of the child himself. There is a growing tending for children and youth with learning disabilities who have extreme difficulty both academically and in other areas despite their mental capability. The inquiry of the youngster who encounters extraordinary difficulty in learning, however, is not in anyway new. Throughout the years, children from all different surroundings and backgrounds have experienced difficulties in learning. Researchers and investigators have been trying to solve this problem. However, as of now, we may only come to one conclusion, that the best way to teach these children is to bring them up in a surrounding where they learn to develop a positive attitude toward themselves. The child must want to thrive and achieve his best. Whichever teaching method is chosen, whether it is mainstreaming or home-based, and the educator must have high expectations in order so that the child ordain gain self-confidence. This is only a guide, for it is clearly not a solution. It is most likely that a solution will never be found but rather we must work with each child as an individual so that he/she may compass his/her potential and achieve maximum success.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Starting Up a Cookie Company
Starting up a biscuit ships company on-campus You and your roommate are preparing to start a company producing cookies in your oncampus apartment. By starting up this business, you want to provide fresh cookies to starving fellow students late at night. However, you still have to figure let out some aspects of the business model such as the price to charge, whether you pull up stakes be fitting to make profit and how many orders you squirt accept. The business excogitation You have an extraordinary idea to bake fresh cookies on delivery, using a customer chosen combination of ingredients.The cookies can be picked up at your apartment within bingle hour. Several factors will enable you to be diffe lead from your competitors such as store-bought cookies. First, the cookies will be fresh since they will only be produced after the order is received. Therefore, the buyer will be getting cookies that are literally hot out of the oven. Second, you will have a variety of ingredients a vailable to add to the basic dough, including chocolate chips, M&Ms, chopped Heath bars, coconut, walnuts, and raisins. Buyers will telephone in their orders and specify which of these ingredients they want in their cookies.Consequently, you will have the freshest, most exotic cookies anywhere, available to your fellow students next to campus. The issue process Baking cookies is simple mix all the ingredients in a pabulum processor, spoon out the cookie dough onto a tray, put the cookies into the oven, bake the cookies, take the tray of cookies out of the oven, let the cookies cool and finally, take them of the tray and pack them in a disaster. You and your roommate already own all the undeniable capital equipment a food processor, cookie trays and spoons. Your apartment is equipped with a small oven that is able to hold one tray at a clock.Your landlord pays your electricity. As such, the variable costs are merely the cost of the ingredients (estimated to be 1 Euro/dozen), the cost of the box in which the cookies are packed (0,30 Euro/box, all(prenominal) box holds a dozen cookies), and your time (what value do you place on your time? ) A more particular description of the production process is described below. The first step of the whole process is to take the order. Your roommate has figured out how to do this quickly and This cause is an adapted version of the Kristen Cookie case, Harvard Business Review. ith 100% accuracy by using electronic mail to accept orders and to inform customers when the order will be ready. Since this process runs automatically, it does not take any of your time. Therefore, this step will be ignored in further analysis of the process. You and your roommate have timed the necessary physical operations. The first physical production step is to wash out the mixing bowl from the previous batch, add all of the ingredients, and mix them in your food processor. The mixing bowls hold ingredients for up to three dozen cookies.You then dish up the cookies, one dozen at a time onto a cookie try. These activities take about six minutes for the washing and mixing steps, regardless of how many cookies (i. e. , one or more dozens). However, dishing up the cookies onto the tray takes two minutes per tray per dozen. The next step, performed by your roommate, is to put the cookies in the oven and set the thermostat and timer, which takes about one minute. The cookies bake for the next nine minutes. So the total baking time is 10 minutes, during which your roommate is busy setting the oven during the first minute.Since the oven only holds one tray, a second dozen takes an additional 10 minutes to bake. Your roommate likewise performs the last steps of the process by first removing the cookies from the oven and putting them excursion to cool for 5 minutes, then carefully packing them in a box and accepting payment. Removing the cookies from the oven takes only a negligible amount of time, since it must be done promp tly. Furthermore, it takes two minutes to pack each dozen and about one minute to accept payment for the order.As experienced bakers know, the description above contains some simplifications. For example, the first batch of cookies for the night requires preheating the oven. However, such complexities will be put aside for now. Please begin your analysis by developing a process flow diagram of the cookiemaking process. Question before starting up your business To despatch your business, you need to set prices and rules for accepting orders. Some issues will only be resolved after you get started and try out different ways of producing the cookies.Before you start, however, you at least want a preliminary plan, which as much a This case is an adapted version of the Kristen Cookie case, Harvard Business Review. possible specifies, so that you can do a careful calculation of how much time you will have to devote to this business each night, and how much money you can seem to make. Fo r example, when you conduct a market survey to determine the likely demand, you will want to specify exactly what your order policies will be. Therefore, you will have to process the following operational questions How long will it take you to fill a rush order? -How many orders can you fill in a night, presumptuous you are open four hours each night? -How much of your own and your roommates valuable time will it take to fill each order? -Because your baking trays can hold exactly one dozen cookies, you will produce and sell cookies by the dozen. Should you give any discount for volume who order two dozen cookies, three dozen cookies, or more? If so, how much? Will it take you any longer to fill a twodozen cookie order than a one-dozen cookie order? How many food processors and baking trays will you need? -Are on that point any changes you can make in your production plans that will also allow you to make better cookies or more cookies in less time or at lower cost? For example, is there bottleneck operation in your production process that you can expand cheaply? What is the effect of adding another oven? How much would you be willing to pay to rent an additional oven? This case is an adapted version of the Kristen Cookie case, Harvard Business Review.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
John Milton’s’ poem “When I consider how my light is spent†Essay
deception Miltons poem When I consider how my exculpated is spent is a swell piece of cheat that he creates during his blindness. The sarcasm and the word choice in this poem excessively have a great impact on how he masts feel. Milton also presents us with a key point on how God plays an important part in his point of slang and his life. One of the best thing of this poem is the tone and the feelings that where put into it. Looking at John Milton life through one of his best piece of art When I consider how my light is spent. Milton starts the poem with a feel of sadness and a sense of being useless, and this is so because of his blindness which he became in 1651.Ere half(a) my days in this dark world and wide,And that one talent which is death to hideLodged with me useless (Milton 1050)This gives a sense of sadness coming from him and he also introduces a caption on behalf of sarcasm to say that he feels sometimes that he doesnt want to rattling anymore. He refers to death with sarcasm as a talent (Darr) And that one talent which is death to hide (1050). At this point john Milton is not so happy with his life but at that place is something that keeps him going on with a day to day life.So many time mast have John Milton wanted to stop the way he lived in a dark world but he knew he would have to take an account on how he lived his life to his maker, God. He volition shell out his Maker no matter how he is suffering as he will have to present to Him a true account of his life. He will do this in case he is chided when he returns to God and is asked if he carried on with his day to day life even without his eye sight (Darr). He must have feel really depress at first but he knew that if he got use to it and live like everything was going to be better he was going to be just find. And also that in doing this he had nothing to fear after his death because he would have live his life to the fullness that he could. Plus he knew that if he continues with h is day to day life God would never part apart from him.Milton is confused to what he should do and curtly ask why this has happen to him and what should he do with his live. Doth God exact day-labor, light deniedI fondly ask. But patience, to preventThat murmur, soon replies, God doth not needEither mans work or His own gifts. Who bestBear His mild yoke, they serve Him best. (1050)As we nooky see he answers his own question saying that he doesnt need to work for God or give him gifts but just intend in him and continue with his day to day and be patience. He also states that he should not worry about satisfying God because he is served by thousands and if he waits kindly they will also serve him. thousands at His bidding and They also serve who only stand and wait (1050).John Milton blindness powerfulness have stopped him from during many things but he surely didnt stop doing what he loved. He continue writing and doing his day to day bread and butter for he might one day have to present his Maker an account of his live and his faith. Miltons faith in God seems to give him the fearlessness to face his life despite his blindness. It is this faith that seems to give him courage and patience to cope and also gives him the hope that salvation lies for those who wait in patience (Darr). John Milton continue with his live even though he was blind but this didnt stop him because he was doing what he loved and also because of his faith in God.Milton, John. When I consider how my light is spent. 1931. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Reading, Thinking, writing, 9 ed. Michael Meyers, Boston Bedford St. Martins, 2012. 1050. Print Darr, Shaheen. Poetry Analysis When I Consider How My Life is exhausted by John Milton. Yahoo Voices. Yahoo Inc. Jan 22, 2010. Feb 06, 2013. Web
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Cast System in india
History of the Indian coterie administration From Wikipedia, the tree encyclopedia Jump to navigation, search Indian society has consisted of thousands of endogamous clans and groups called latis since past times. The Brahmlnlcal scriptures and texts tried to bring this diversity under a comprehensible scheme which hypothesised four Idealised meta groups called varna.The first mention of the formal varna Indian caste system Is in the famous Purusha Sukta of the Rigveda, although it is the only mention in the entire body of the Vedas and has been decried as a much later, non-Vedic insertion y numerous Indologists like ooze M?ller and excessively by Ambedkar. citation needed Contents 1 Hindoo scriptures 2 Emergence of firm caste structures 2. Mobility across the castes 3 Reform movements 4 Reterences 5 External links Hindu scriptures In the Vedic period, there also seems to pee-pee been no dlscrlmlnatlon against the Shudras on the Issue of hearing the sacred words of the Vedas and amply participating in all religious rituals, something which became progressively restricted in the later citation needed Manusmriti, dated between 200 BCE and 100 CE, ontains some laws that systemise the caste system. The Manu Smriti belongs to a class of books that are geared towards ethics, morals. nd social conduct not spirituality or religion. Emergence of rigid caste structures In its later stages, the caste system is said to have become rigid, and caste began to be inherited rather than acquired by merit. In the past, members of dfferent castes would not partake in various activities, such as dining and religious gatherings, together. In addition, the performance of religious rites and rituals were restricted to Brahmins, who were the designated priesthood. Mobility across the castes The view ot the caste system as nonoperational and unchanging has been disputed by many scholars.For Instance, sociologists such as Bernard Buber and Marriott McKlm describe how the perc eption of the caste system as a static and textual stratification has given way to the perception of the caste system as a more processual, empirical and contextual stratification. Other sociologists such as Y. B Damle have applied theoretical models to explain mobility and flexibility in the caste system in India. 2 According to these scholars, groups of lower-caste individuals could seek to elevate the status of their caste by attempting to copy the practices of higher castes.Some scholars believe that the relative ranking of other castes was fluid or differed from one place to another prior to the arrival of the British. 3 According to some psychologists, mobility across broad caste lines may have been minimal, though sub-castes (Jatis) may change their social status over the generations by fission, re- the question of rigidity in Caste. In an ethnographic study of the Coorgs of Karnataka, e observed considerable flexibility and mobility in their caste hierarchies. 56 He assert s that the caste system is far from a rigid system in which the position of each component caste is fixed for all time.Movement has always been possible, and especially in the middle regions of the hierarchy. It was always possible for groups natural into a lower caste to rise to a higher position by adopting vegetarianism and teetotalism i. e. adopt the customs of the higher castes. While theoretically forbid, the process was not uncommon in practice. The concept of anskritization, or the adoption of upper-caste norms by the lower castes, addressed the actual complexity and fluidity of caste relations. historical examples of mobility in the Indian Caste System among Hindus have been researched. there is also precedent of certain Shudra families within the temples of the Shrivaishava sect in South India elevating their caste. 2 Reform movements There have been cases of upper caste Hindus warming to the Dalits and Hindu priests, demoted to outcaste ranks, who proceed practising th e religion. An example of the latter was Dnyaneshwar, who was excommunicated from society in he 13th ascorbic acid, but continued to compose the Dnyaneshwari, a Dharmic commentary on the Bhagavad Gita. Other excommunicated Brahmins, such as Eknath, fought for the rights of untouchables during the Bhakti period.Historical examples of Dalit priests include Chokhamela in the 14th century, who was Indias first recorded Dalit poet, Raidas, born into Dalit cobblers, and others. The 1 5th- century saint Ramananda also accepted all castes, including untouchables, into his fold. Most of these saints subscribed to the Bhakti movements in Hinduism during he medieval period that rejected casteism. Nandanar, a low-caste Hindu cleric, also rejected casteism and accepted Dalits. 7 In the 19th century, the Brahmo SamaJ under Raja Ram Mohan Roy, actively campaigned against untouchability.The Arya SamaJ founded by Swami Dayanand also renounced discrimination against Dalits. Sri Ramakrishna Paramaham sa founded the Ramakrishna Mission that participated in the emancipation of Dalits. Upper caste Hindus, such as Mannathu Padmanabhan also participated in movements to abolish Untouchability against Dalits, opening his amily temple for Dalits to worship. While there always have been places for Dalits to worship, the first upper-caste temple to openly incur Dalits into their fold was the Laxminarayan Temple in Wardha in the twelvemonth 1928 (the move was spearheaded by reformer Jamnalal Baja).Also, the Satnami movement was founded by Guru Ghasidas, a Dalit himself. Other reformers, such as Mahatma Jyotirao Phule also worked for the emancipation of Dalits. Another example of Dalit emancipation was the Temple Entry Proclamation issued by the last Maharaja of Travancore in the Indian state of Kerala in the year 1936. The Maharaja proclaimed that outcastes should not be denied the consolations and the solace of the Hindu faith. Even today, the Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple that first welcom ed Dalits in the state of Kerala is revered by the Dalit Hindu community.The 1930s saw key struggles between Mahatma Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar, most notably over whether Dalits would have separate electorates or Joint electorates with reserved seats. The Indian National carnal knowledge was the only national organisation with a large Dalit following, but Gandhi nalysis of Untouchability, but lacked a workable political strategy his conversion to Buddhism in 1956, along with millions of followers, highlighted the ill fortune of his political endeavours. 8 Indias first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, based on his own relationship with Dalit reformer Ambedkar, also spread information about the dire need to nullify untouchability for the benefit of the Dalit community. In addition, other Hindu groups have reached out to the Dalit community in an effort to reconcile with them, with productive results.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Scheduling and Project Management (PERT and CRM)
Project Management is an important aspect of every business in the current scenario. The importance of labor movement management was recognized at a very critical stage. The importance of working on projects has been emphasized since then. The study of managing projects relates to activity or an endeavor undertaken to achieve a sealed business objective. Project Management at dell helps them in many ways.While working in cross functional teams on any project the project team faces new and interesting situations which result in the increase of the knowledge and experience level of every member. Interaction between people of contrary fields also results in increasing a persons diversity of jobs he or she can handle. Project Management also working on bringing close all the departments of Dell to stand as a mutual entity (Project Management Institute, 2004).Collaboration with each other in distinct departments helps in improving communication and reducing the barriers. The nine ma jor knowledge beas of project management are well followed at Dell. Difficulties in implementing CRM in Dell are basically common problems confront by any company. These are the huge amount of data and finance required to run this operation. Other limitations are the integration of the Customer Relationship Management System with the original ERP. The constant technological changes might tempt a company for getting the latest engineering first.CRM also requires a highly professional and dedicated marketing approach, which is feasible in situations of high competition (Roger J. Baran, Robert Galka and Daniel P. Strunk, 2007). There are difficulties or limitation faced by Dell while implementing PERT in their organization. PERT is a tool for time estimates of various activities of a project. As PERT only gives estimates whence it can be subjected to biases. A person making the estimates might judge differently than the person actually performing the task.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Is Rosa Parks a True Hero
genus genus Rosa place-A True Hero A hero is a person, typic on the wholey a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Despite what some may argue, Rosa position is a perfect example of a well-mannered rights hero. This ignore be seen not only through the famous capital of aluminium Bus ride, but also through other examples where she showed courage, made achievements, or proved herself to hold noble qualities. These include Sparking the capital of Alabama private instructor boycott, helping the formation of the MIA, Being directly connected to the Browder versus Gayle lawsuit, Working with Martin Luther King, Featuring on International news, Writing her Autobiography and gaining honors and Awards. In the segregated Montgomery of Dec. 1, 1955, the first 10 rows of a bus where reserved for sporty riders. As the bus went along its route, more people got on, and the white plane section of the bus fil direct up. When another white man boarded, the driver ordered Parks and three caustics seated close to her to move. Parks refused and was arrested.This act of individual resistance, oddly in a time where there was lynching for blacks who stepped out of line was rare, especially for a woman. Although it seems insignificant, Parks resistance on Dec. 1, 1955 changed the course of history and led to her other major accomplishments, eventually making her an American Hero. 2 Sparked by the arrest of Rosa Parks on 1 December 1955, the Montgomery bus boycott was a 13-month mass protest that ended with the U. S. 3 Supreme Court ruling that segregation on usual buses is unconstitutional. It started off, with a virtuoso daytime boycott, where people where asked to stay off the buses.However, On 5 December, 90 percent of Montgomerys black citizens stayed off the buses. That afternoon, the citys ministers and leaders met to debate the possibility of extending the boycott into a long-term campaign. During this meeting the MIA was formed. 3 The Montgomery Improvement Associations (MIA) social function was to oversee the continuation and maintenance of the boycott. The governing bodys overall mission, extended beyond the boycott campaign, as it sought to improve the general status of Montgomery, to improve race relations, and to uplift the general var. of the community. 1 King was elected president of the assosiation shortly after the formation. Parks recalled The advantage of having Dr. King as president was that he was so new to Montgomery and to civil rights work that he hadnt been there long enough to make any strong friends or enemies 4 The bus boycott exhibit the potential for nonviolent mass protest to successfully challenge racial segregation and served as an example for other southern campaigns that followed.In Stride Toward license, Kings 1958 memoir of the boycott, he declared the real meaning of the Montgomery bus boycott to be the power of a growing self-respect to animate the fig ht for civil rights. 4 That evening, at a mass meeting at Holt Street Baptist Church, the MIA voted to continue the boycott. King spoke to several thousand people at the meeting I want it to be cognise that were going to work with grim and bold determination to gain justice on the buses in this city. And we are not wrong. If we are wrong, the Supreme Court of this nation is wrong.If we are wrong, the Constitution of the United States is wrong. If we are wrong, God Almighty is wrong 5On the 8th of December, later on unsuccessful talks with city commissioners and bus company officials the MIA issued a formal list of demands courteous treatment by bus operators first-come, first-served put for all, with blacks seating from the keister and whites from the front and black bus operators on predominately black routes. The demands were not met, and Montgomerys black residents stayed off the buses through 1956, despite efforts by city officials and white citizens to defeat the boycott. Although Rosa Parks was not the leader of the MIA, or the leader of the boycott, she was a huge influence on the entire revolt. Rosa was a role model to all of African Americans involved in the Boycott She was subconsciously the leader of the group whenever people had enough and wanted to quit, they would think of Rosa Parks who put her life on the line to fight for her rights and for the rights of all those rough her. This shows her heroicness, and all of the African Americans of Montgomery saw the hero in Rosa, and it gave them the extra fag to help pursue her dream. Shortly after beginning the Montgomery Bus Boycott in December 1955, black community leaders began to discuss file a federal lawsuit to challenge the City of Montgomery and Alabama bus segregation laws. They sought a declaratory judgment that Alabama put up statutes and ordinances of the city of Montgomery providing for and enforcing racial segregation on privately operated buses were in violation of Fourteenth Ame ndment protections for equal treatment. 2 On the 5th of June 1956, the federal regularise court ruled in Browder v.Gayle that bus segregation was unconstitutional, and in November 1956 the U. S. Supreme Court affirmed Browder v. Gayle and struck down laws which put an end to segregated seating on public buses. The order to desegregate the buses arrived the following month, it stated 1. Black and white people could sit wherever they wanted to sit. 2. Bus drivers were to respect all riders. 3. Black people were now allowed to apply for driver positions. 2 On the 21st of December 1956 King officially called for the end of the boycott the community agreed.The next morning, he boarded an integrated bus with Ralph Abernathy, E. D. Nixon, anz d Glenn Smiley. King said of the bus boycott We came to see that, in the long run, it is more honorable to walk in dignity than ride in humiliation. So we decided to substitute tired feet for tired souls, and walk the streets of Montgomery 5 King a lso stated, looking tooshie upon the Boycott the Negro citizen in Montgomery is respected in a way that he never was before5 Although MLK emerged the hero, the credit is also merit by others, in particular Rosa Parks. King and Rosa became national ? ures during the boycott, and the MIAs tactics became a model for the many civil rights protests to follow. Re? ecting on his the experience with MIA, King said I will never forget Montgomery, for how can one forget a group of people who took their passionate yearnings and thick-skulled aspirations and ? ltered them into their own souls and fashioned them into a creative protest, which gave meaning to people and gave inspiration to individuals all over the nation and all over the world 3 The integrating of the buss affected everyones lifes in Montgomery and gave them wish.Rosa was present throughout the boycott and ranch her noble qualities, giving hope and courage, she worked hand in hand with MLK throughout the boycott, but was of ten in his shadows. Throughout the Boycott, Rosa often appeared on national news, this not only helped to spread her ideas, hope and wisdom to the rest of the world, but it also risked her life even more. National coverage of the boycott and Kings trial resulted in obligate from people outside Montgomery. In early 1956 veteran pacifists Bayard Rustin and Glenn E.Smiley visited Montgomery and offered King advice on the application of Gandhian techniques and nonviolence to American race relations. Rustin, Ella Baker, and Stanley Levison founded In acquaintance to raise funds in the North for southern civil rights efforts, including the bus boycott. King absorbed ideas from these proponents of nonviolent direct action and crafted his own syntheses of Gandhian principles of nonviolence. He said Christ showed us the way, and Gandhi in India showed it could work 7Other followers of Gandhian ideas such as Richard Gregg, William Stuart Nelson, and Homer Jack wrote the MIA offering support .Rosa made her image public which turned even more people against her. Risking her life for the benefit of other is truly heroic qualities hat you cannot find in many. Despite the previous facts proving Rosa Parks to be a hero, many still argue that she is not. It can be said that Rosa Parks had planned her act of Defiance to stir up the Montgomery bus boycott. The evidence given to support this idea is first, parks had long been a member of the local NAACP and had been involved in a reference of the very same nature in an incident that happened on March 2, 1955, a full nine months before Mrs.Parks arrest. Secondly, she was not the first African American to refuse to give up her seat (there where in fact several examples dating from just a couple years earlier) 8 so why would the NAACP suddenly act upon Rosa? And lastly, the speed in which the boycott was enacted and that the NAACP was ready for court is proof that it was a planned event. The historians who argue this case cause discombobulation and doubt she the hero that she has been made out to be? Is the result of her actions any less important if it had been a planned action, instead of the spontaneous decision of one woman tired of iving in? The answer in No, Rosa is know for her spontaneous act of resistance, nevertheless, could this theory be one day proven true, it wouldnt make any less a hero of her. Proof of her heroicness can be seen through her autobiography My Story was written and published in 1992 by Rosa Parks herself. The book told the story of Rosas life leading up to the day she got on that bus and decided that she was not giving up her seat. Rosa later published another book called Quiet Strength, which described her faith and how it helped her on her journey through life.This allowed her to spread her ideas and feelings to people who look up to her. 4 In addition to her book, she has been recognized for many honors and awardsin the late 1900s, the NAACP awarded Rosa Parks the Spingarn Medal, their highest honor and the Martin Luther King Jr. Award. In September of 1992, she was awarded the Peace Abbey bravery of Conscience award for her years of community service and lifelong commitment to social change through non-violent means and civil rights. In 1996, Rosa Parks was presented, by President Bill Clinton, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.This is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a civilian by the United States Government. In 1998, the National belowground Railroad Freedom Center presented Rosa Parks with the International Freedom Conductor Award. In 1999, she was presented with the Congressional Gold Medal, later that year she was awarded the Detroit-Windsor International Freedom Festival Freedom Award. In 1999, Time Magazine named Rosa Parks as one of the 20 most powerful and influential figures of the century.In 2000, the State of Alabama awarded her the Governors Medal of Honor for Extraordinary Courage. She also received the Alabama Acade my Award the same year. 7 During her lifetime, Rosa Parks was awarded more than two 12 honorary doctorates from universities worldwide. She was also inducted as an honorary member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Rosa Parks, along with Elaine Eason Steel, started the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development in February of 1987. The Institute was developed in honor of Rosas husband, Raymond Parks who had died in 1977 of cancer. The Institutes main function is to run the Pathways to Freedom bus tours, which take young people around the country to visit historical sites along the Underground Railroad and to important locations of events in Civil Rights history. 7 Three days after her death in October of 2005, The House of Representative and the United States Senate approved a resolution to allow Rosa Parks body to be viewed in the U. S. Capitol Rotunda. Rosa was the first woman, and the second black person to ever have the honor of lying in state in the Nations capitol. Lastly, On the first anniversary of her death, President George W. Bush ordered a statue of Parks to be placed in the National Statuary Hall in Washington, D. C. When signing this resolution, President Bush stated By placing her statue in the cheek of the nations Capitol, we commemorate her work for a more perfect union, and we commit ourselves to continue to struggle for justice for every American. 3 Her worldwide recognition for her tremendous bear on on the world can be easily seen through just her awards ranging from the late 1900s to far after her death.Although Rosa is no longer here, her figment will live on forever and since the rest of the civil rights movement stemmed from what became known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks is known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. Her act of individual resistance is one of seminal events in the civil rights movement. Parks made her heroic stand in an atmosphere of lynchings for blacks who stepped out of line, puttin g her at great risk. Her actions changed the course of history and made her an American icon. ince the rest of the civil rights movement stemmed from what became known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks is known as the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement. Works Cted Page Adamson, Lynda G. Notable Women in American History A delineate to Recommended Biographies and Autobiographies. Westport Greenwood, 1999. Print. Bennett, Lerone Jr. What Barbershop Didnt Tell You about Rosa Parks. Vol. 58. N. p. Ebony, 2003. Print. Chappell, Kevin. Remebering Rosa Parks The Life and Legacy of The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement Vol. 61. N. p. Ebony, 2006.Print. Small, Caroline M. Rosa Parks. Guide To Literary get the hang Their Works (2007) 1. Literary Reference Center. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. The History Lesson from Rosa Parks A Single Act of Responsibility Changes a Nations Heart. The Washington Times Washington D. C 31 Oct. 2005 n. pag. Print. The Rebellious Life Of Mrs. Rosa Pa rks. Booklist 109. 6 (2012) 4. Literary Reference Center. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. Holmes, Tamara E. Mother of Civil Rights Hands Down Her Legacy Rosa Parks Gave produce to a Movement and Set the Bar for Future Generations. Vol. 36. N. p. Black Enterprise, 2006. Print. Huso, Deborah. Sitting Down to Take a Stand Rosa Parks Actions Advanced the Fight for Civil Rights. N. p. Sucess, 2011. Print. 2 . 3 The History Lesson 4 . 1 Adamson, Lynda 5 . 4 Parks, Rosa 7 . 5 The Rebelious Life 8 . 3 The History Lesson 9 . 6 Huso,Deborah 11 . 2 Chappell, Kevin 12 . 5 The Rebellious Life 13 . 5 14 . 3 The History Lesson 15 . 7 Tamara, Holmes 16 . 8 Lerone Bennett 17 . 4 Parks,Rosa 18 . 7 Tamara, Holmes 19 . 8 Lerone Bennett 21 . 3 The History Lesson
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Harrison Bergeron Essay
In the short story, Harrison Bergeron, Kurt Vonnegut portrays a social club in which everyone is equal. by dint of the efforts of the Handicapper General, all persons who were endowed with everything more than moderate talents argon forced to wear various devices meant to make everyone equal, intellectually and physically. Through showing his audience what a truly equal companionship could be, as well as how government could regulate equality, Kurt Vonnegut clearly makes the point that truly equality leads to a loss of authentic individuality within a society.Each person in society has talents that another does not, which is what creates diversity in our communities and cargoners. By removing this diversity from society by make every person equal, the government is inviting its own demise. The first example of how idealistic equality creates a lack of individuality is in the scene where George and Hazel Bergeron ar watching ballerinas on television. George notes, They werent r eally very good no better than allbody else would have been, anyway.By leveling the playing field, and forcing ballerinas to wear weights and masks to veil their talent and beauty, the Handicapper General has taken away from the dancers their unique talents for dancing and eliminating any contender between ballerinas. If all dancers must be equal, this eliminates the need for any one ballerina to spend extra time practicing, or move to be a better ballerina. This, in turn, could create a less than worthy work ethic, as the ballerinas do not have to work as hard to be competitive.As Philip Fetzer explains, even if it were possible to create a society based on equality of ability, it would not be desirable to do so. A society without differences of ability would generate no leaders, no great plant life of art or literature, no new ideas. The society would quickly stagnate. The second instance in which Vonnegut shows his readers the impact of an equal society is when George and Hazel are talking about what society would be like without handicaps to make everyone equal.George cannot think for more than a few seconds at a time because of the handicap that he must wear in his ear, to distract him from his thoughts by blaring loud noises at random. All people who have above average intelligence are required to wear such a device to eliminate any unfair intellectual advantage over others. However, by scaring off the thoughts of truly apt people, the government is also creating a society in which nothing leave behind ever change.Without the truly intelligent men and women in any society, there are no new inventions or new ideas that, in the past, have revolutionized a society. By making all people intellectually equal, the government and the society itself will remain unchanged and unadvanced. Ironically, George believes that without handicaps to keep everyone equal, pretty soon wed be right back to the dark ages again, with everybody competing against everyb ody else. However, without competition, society would revert to the dark ages, unable to struggle with other societies and develop new technology and innovation.As Christopher Alexion points out, human beings must be careful with creating equality, because of the risk of taking it to extremes that eventually destroy whatever it was we were trying to protect. Thats why our efforts toward equality need vitally to be guided by a love of liberty. Naked equality is just another heel for tyranny for if everyones going to be equal in all aspects, then no one can really be free. The terminal example of the effect of a truly equal society occurs when Harrison Bergeron appears on television with all of his clanking weights and extreme handicaps.Harrison is athletic and intelligent, and has an obscene amount of handicaps because of this. Harrison attempts to lower the government, by declaring himself the Emperor, and removing all of his handicaps, as well as those of his chosen Empress. B y having independent thoughts and beliefs, Harrison leads his own revolution in an attempt to change society for the better. Harrison sees that the constant equality means that people are no longer competitive, and he decides to try to change that.However, he is killed by the government in the process, and any dreams of change die with him. As Steven Saus notes, The maximization of human potential and the potential of society can only be achieved by allowing all individuals to have the take up opportunity to succeed within the limits of their primary characteristics. Any person who has new ideas or tries to initiate change within an equal society would be met with the selfsame(prenominal) fate, and consequently, nothing would ever change.By creating a society in which every person is equal, Kurt Vonnegut is able to show his readers how devastating to a society equality could be. At a time when political correctness is a must, and society strives for equality, it is easy to see h ow true equality could lead to a lack of diversity and competition within a society. Although Vonneguts society was a fictional one, a society similar to the one in Harrison Bergeron would become a stagnant and unmotivated environment, falling behind in innovation and invention. Ultimately, the equality in this story will lead to the demise of the society.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Agricultural Crisis in India
Indias Agriculture Crisis Indian is an agricultural country. Even while Indias industrial and services sectors are growing by leaps and bounds and where growth rate of agriculture as below 2% the fact remains that India stock-still lives in villages. Over 50% of Indias population is supported by agriculture. Even industrial and services sectors are invariably entangled with the fortunes of agriculture callable to various intricate forward and backward linkages. There have been ominous signs which showed that the Indian agriculture is in crisis.Unending chain of suicides by farmers in different separate of the country shows that everything is not well with agricultural sectors. Government of India is not sleeping over this crisis. National Commission on farmers has been constituted under the eminent Scientist Dr. M. S. Swami Nathan. He has recommended a comprehensive national policy for farmers to give an all round boost to the sector. However, it is sea sad state of affairs where g overnment is busy in talking about superficial remedies instead of taking the concrete steps which is the need of the hour.More waivers of interests and rescheduling of loans do not address the real worry, which is why caused the farmers distress in the first place? The main problem is the pitiful state of foot in the country. For example, many farmers face a perennial problem due to poor rains in certain parts of the country and there is no proper irrigation to counter this factor. Most farmers are also not aware of the proper cropping patterns.The problem of faulty crop selection is also one of the major forces that drive farmers to poverty. Thus it is necessary to impart proper education to farmers and further develop infrastructure in rural areas. Developed India is possible with the attainment of growing, advancement of manufacturing and services sector. But prosperous India is possible only with healthy agricultural sector. The pride and say-so in farmers and farming need s to be restored. This alone can help agriculture grow like never before.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Responsibilities and Boundaries Essay
Roles, responsibilities and boundaries are evolving qualities within a teacher that are assessed through the teacher/training cycle. To live on a successful private instructor you will need to understand this cycle and include it in your day-to-day teaching routine. The role of every tutor is to value all their students individually and equally. A tutor has a duty of care towards pupils, implicating they should carry out initial assessments of every prentice, to understand their learning abilities.Every learner should be provided with each supererogatory support they require. The learner has the responsibility to tell the tutor of any additional support they need, and the tutor should act upon this information at once to en authoritative the support is provided. Every giving medication has distinguishable methods of teaching and providing support for learners. The tutor should know how to get access for additional support the learner needs. As learners develop a better unde rstanding of the aims and objectives, their needs and requirements change.This should be reflected in continual reassessment. An make-up has many different initial assessments it is the tutors job to know all of these. So the track down can be based upon the needs of the organisation, the syllabus and the learners. As a tutor I must(prenominal) carry on all records of teaching, plans and progression reports. I need to understand the different abilities each learner has. When I plan a lesson I must entail all the various learning methods are included, therefore all learners gain some knowledge from the course.I will need to plan the lesson appropriately including the different learning styles auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. The most common way a tutor understands the learning styles of a learner is to present them with a quiz, to analyse their own learning style. As a result the tutor will find a better understanding of the learners learning styles. To provide effective teac hing I shall have to assess myself. I can do this by asking learners to fill out a questionnaire nearly the presentation and efficiency regarding my teaching techniques.With this information I can evaluate my teaching methods, so as to modify or make changes in the future. I shall know which new activities to plan and find the localise resources for them. Furthermore I will know what the learners expect of me and how I can stimulate their learning frontward to help them reach their full potential and progress further. It is the tutors responsibility to make sure they have gained skills they need for the subject area they wish to teach. They are aware of all the learner abilities and to confess the learners have gained necessary skills and knowledge.The tutor has to make sure all handouts and presentations are thoroughly checked, as any mistake can have a lasting effect on the individual learner. Additionally to keep all learners engaged on the subject the tutor must use variable tactics of teaching. The boundaries of a tutor are placed to maintain a friendly but professional environment, so that the tutor or the learner cannot take advantage of either position. Boundaries allow you to express your limits and to communicate the conditions or handiness of certain privileges that your students desire (B.Jane 2010). The tutor can phone the learner, for delay of coursework or continuous absences, but it is taboo for the teacher to harass the learner. As a tutor it is unacceptable to get emotionally involved with a student. If they require any counselling, it is the tutors job to reflect upon what is being said to them. As a responsible tutor it would be my utmost priority to signpost them to a counsellor within the organisation, without betraying their trust. In consequence maintaining contact on professional grounds.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
An Ideal Type of Security Investment in Malaysia Essay
First of all, we as group have chosen Unit Trust as the best choice in joint to the topic of ideal type of security enthronements according to our understanding and beliefs. According to an article that we have researched, the compact of Malaysian Unit Trust Managers (FMUTM) defines that social whole self-assurance is a form of collective investment which allows investors with akin investment objectives to pool their gillyflowers to be invested in a portfolio of securities of other assets.A professional fund manager will then invest the pooled funds in a portfolio. It includes assets classes such as cash, bonds and deposits, shargons, property, and commodities. The possession of the funds is divided into units of entitlement hence, unit holders do not purchase the securities in the portfolio directly. Consequently, when the funds of the mentioned asset classes increases or decreases, then the value of each issued unit increases or decreases accordingly.Besides that, the return on investment (ROI) of unit holders is usually in the form of income distribution and capital appreciation which is derived from the pool of assets supporting the unit go forfulness fund. Unit trust excessively allows investors to have easy access to a wide range of investments exposures which atomic number 18 not normally available to them. There are a number of other substantial benefits of place in unit trust. Amongst them are that unit trust are very affordable. Investors are eligible to stick with an investment amount as low as RM1000.In addition, rather than concentrating an investment portfolio of one or two investments or share, a portfolio of market securities can be held. Meaning, there is a wider spread of the investments which is also know diversification hence the investment returns will be less volatile. Through unit trust investment, exclusive investors have better chances to spread their money to wider asset classes in the same time gaining their grouchy inv estment exposure requirements. On top of that, unit trusts have good liquidity which further enhances chances of gelt of an investor.Other than that, as mentioned a little earlier on, the people managing unit trusts are approved professionals whom are trained to ensure that decision-making is structured and according to sound investment principles. In the long term, the expertise of a knowledgeable and experienced fund manager usually generates above average investment returns for unit trust investors. Subsequently, with unit trust, the economics of the transaction are more favorable because fund managers invest in larger amounts.Hence, it means that fund managers are able to get access to wholesale fees and products which are impossible for the individual investors to obtain in return, this action reduces the cost and charges and further enhances the profit for the investment of the investors. Moving on, with the introduction of unit trusts in Malaysia came also the regulations f rom various regulators, especially the Securities Commission. The entire range of variables relating to the unit trust industry is governed by various legislations in order to protect the interest of the public investors and also a safe investment mechanism to prevent any frauds.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Major Aspects if the Marketing Plan
This one-third grade merchandising visualise has been formulated to find out the ban effects on the perception ab divulge the McDonalds flowerpot of the larger community. Further, it is the intent behind the conceptuality of this blueprint to get step forward corroboratory routine of all the invalidating earthly concernity ordered towards McDonalds by criticisms often(prenominal) as those increase by the infotainment fritter international Super sizing Me and the book and film of the very(prenominal) title, nimble pabulum re open, as publicity although cast outly charged brings with it the centralize and spotlight of the media on the corporation and any reasons on the part of the pile to rise as an barrack of goodly biography entrust be publicized with as much fervor by the various media.The see involves an operational as nearly as merchandising call forth in decoct towards a more lusty life sentence history and a equilibrise diet eyepatc h promoting healthy habits much(prenominal) as working out as healthful as encouraging the juvenilesters of the countrified to pursue higher raising and save money for college. major Aspects if the trade designingThis formulate is circularize all over a period brush of three years, outlining the product, pricing, dispersal and promotion strategies to be implemented and execute during this time. The mean conveys into consideration that while the McDonalds brand picture is one of its sterling(prenominal) strengths, this strength is impenetrablely waning away under the intense scrutiny and economic aid of the media towards the various criticisms launched against McDonalds and thus it proposes a revitalization of the McDonalds philosophy so as to instruction on the offspring and value a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, clean choices and education.The plan too outline the geomorphologic ripostes that may a overdress during its implementation and execu tion, tactical initiatives to turn scheme into action and methods, nub and measures for the evaluation and go steady of the marketplace parturiency finished regular trade audits.The concentration on targeting the trade efforts towards unripesters pull up stakes fee-tail a recess from merchandise efforts targeted towards children in order to get to their p bents pockets. This impart in any case mean that the uncreated target market thus exit be amid the ages of 18 and 35, whereas the auxiliary market leave alone embarrass opposite age groups as well.Situation digestAnalysis of indwelling environmentSince it is the military mans covering unshakable nourishment high society in terms of sales, it is steadfastly to be lie inve that McDonalds has only recently recovered from a severe and persistent downturn in sales. CEO Jim muleteers strategy for bringing the fast diet giant back on its feet has been based mostly on modify the persona of nutritio n instead of spread outing rapidly and increasing the do of locations where McDonalds is available.Furthermore, out of a fundamental of almost 31, 000 restaurants in around 120 countries cosmoswide, 75% be be bleed by franchisees preferably and then by the corporation itself. In accompaniment to modify food quality through upgrading of facilities, the McDonalds Corporation has besides been consciously attempting to decrease the gentle action of troupe run outlets, with the plan of transferring ownership of 2300 locations to licensees by the year 2008. (McDonalds Corporation Company Profile)Analysis of node EnvironmentWith the made expansion of McDonalds into umteen international markets, the company has become a symbol of globalisation and the spread of the American way of life (Wikipedia). The American way of life is fast paced, always on the go, technology compulsive and consistently ever-changing with divorce rates increasing and the number of single conjure u p families on the rise.The world over, the number of women in the workforce is increasing year by year, contributing to the rise in families with twain parents working. unfluctuating food restaurants differ from full- renovation restaurants in that customers generally order and pay forwards eating be former the typic fast food customer is in a hurry and call fors a ready(a) repast. The typical fast food consumer is amid he ages of 18 and 35, with no children. (Fast food for thought and Quickservice eating ho mathematical function Industry)Analysis of External EnvironmentAccording to hoovers profile of the Fast pabulum and Quickservice Restaurant manufacture, demand in the industry is driven by personal income and demographics and the pro rifleability of individual companies depends on efficient operations, powerful selling, and the ability to offer up fast service. Also, large companies are at and service be build they can efficiently reap the get aheads of economi es of scale, qualification money out of volume preferably then wide-ranging margins (Fast feed and Quickservice Restaurant Industry).The top competitors for McDonalds are Burger King, tube-shaped structure and YUM Foods (McDonalds Corporation Company Profile) although fullservice restaurants supermarkets delis convenience stores snack shops (donut or bagel shops) cafeterias and new(prenominal) companies that offer active food are all part of the competitor (Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry). ram AnalysisStrengths universe a multinational company with operations in over 120 countries of the world, McDonalds global aim and its sheer size as an organization is a colossal strength, enabling it to benefit from economies of scale and emolument sanctuaries. Other then that, McDonalds ability of adaptation to topical anesthetic cultures wherever it appears on the globe has enabled it to expand across borders, countries and continents a feat made possible by the str ategy of run through franchisees and licensees. The former(a) great strengths of McDonalds are its brand image, brand rectitude and expansive fiscal resources.WeaknessesThe one impuissance of the McDonalds Corporation is its inability to adapt to changing tastes. desire most big companies, McDonalds is to an tip a victim of its own success, a giant that is slow to wake up to problems and challenges.OpportunitiesThe opportunities for McDonalds as a multinational fast food company lie in maturation countries which are base to growing markets of fast food and in developed countries where adults go along largely untapped as a market for fast food.ThreatsMcDonalds faces the threat of immense competition from its top competitors Burger King, tubing and YUM In addition to this, threats are also pose by the solutions raised in the book Eric Schlosser entitle Fast Food terra firma, the movie of the same name and the documentary film Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock.Schlossers boo k alleges that McDonalds among other fast food companies uses its policy-making baffle to affix their own cyberspace at the expense of peoples health and the friendly conditions of its workers while also questioning McDonalds practice of advertize tactics which target children. Spurlocks documentary film, featuring himself as the instru intellectualist in an essay where for 30 days, he ate only McDonalds food raises similar allegations, proclaiming that McDonalds food was contributing heavily to the epidemic of corpulency in American society, and failing to provide nutritionary training closely its food for its customers (Wikipedia)Analysis of the arise matrixIn light of the SWOT analysis conducted above, it may be cogitate that McDonalds possesses the faculty of overcoming the threats posed by negative publicity caused by the films such as Fast Food nation and Super Size Me and various other social activists because it has approaching to the financial resources w hich would be required to curb this negative publicity. The only thing lacking is a particul machinated focus of the counsel on this issue and its resolution.Developing war-ridden advantagesMcDonalds can develop competitive advantages by beseeming a socially responsible and aware organization, eespecially by actively load-bearing(a) a cause which cancels or nullifies the adjoin of the aforementioned negative publicity. It is proposed that McDonalds concentrate on social responsibility and public dealings by living a cause which it can internalize into the organization. The proposed cause is the corporal and mental well being of youngsters which includes leading healthy lives free from eating disorders such as obesity, anorexia, bulimia etc and a college education.Developing a Strategic FocusTo fight the ongoing battle against negative publicity against McDonalds it is suggested that the McDonalds Corporation develop a strategic focus on declaration this issue and through t his resolution pave the path for future development and growth of the company. It is proposed that McDonalds shape this strategic focus by concentrating trade efforts towards youngsters between the ages of 18 and 35 rather then the McDonalds trademark of the use of ester power to influence children. market Goals and Objectives Marketing GoalsThe goal of marketing check to this plan allow be to use marketing chats with the intent of converting the negative publicity targeted towards McDonalds into positive and turn it into an advantage for the company.Marketing ObjectivesThe target of the marketing campaign forget be to nullify the negative perception regarding McDonalds that it is contributing towards the bed covering of the epidemic that is obesity and establish that McDonalds is a healthy organization which believes in and values physical fitness as well as personal benefit and self esteem.Marketing schemaThe marketing strategy throughout the tenure of this plan leave a lone be to focus on youngsters and students, seeking to finish the habit of working out and eating healthy, making wise choices and backing education of the youth of the world. basal Target MarketThe primary target market for McDonalds is students and youngsters between the ages of 18 and 35. The secondary target market includes people of all ages who are looking for a quick, yet fulfilling meal as well as children who otherwise run away from eating and would rather play in the park then be home at meal times.Product dodgingMcDonalds will offer its usual, prevalent products that it is known for, however it will start printing nutritional gist on the actual promotional material of the product in legible font size, black in colour. However, the quantities of the contents will be reconsidered and changed according to the daily requirement of each by the human consistence to remain fit and healthy.Pricing StrategyMcDonalds will offer student discounts at its outlets for students living away from home, apt(p) on products specially designed for students redeemable on showing student identity element cards at the time of purchase. distribution StrategyDistribution will be carried out in the usual elbow room through company owned and franchised outlets and kiosks.Integrated Marketing Communication StrategyThe integrated marketing communication strategy will involve the extensive use of advertising and public relations to publicize McDonalds effort of supporting healthy eating habits and making smart choices.Marketing effectuationThe marketing strategy describe above will be implemented through an extensive media, supporting PR plan and a capacious revitalizing effort designed to convert the effects of the negative publicity brought on by issues raised in Super Size Me and Fast Food Nation by direction on students and youngsters. morphologic IssuesThe structural issues that will be faced during the implementation of this marketing plan may include employ ee resistance, inconsistencies between company run and franchised eateries and slow conversion from the past practices to the ones proposed in this plan. A major structural issue will be faced in shifting the marketing and operational focus on to young adults instead of that which was previously on children through advertising the McDonalds toys given away with the Happy Meals and the historied Play Places.Tactical Marketing ActivitiesThe tactical activities will include a number of youth lie programs, which will support healthier eating habits for both, those who eat less(prenominal) then is healthy as well as those who eat more then is healthy, smarter choices by young people and economic aid with educational endeavours.Jobs at McDonalds outlets will be publicized to be rude for candidates who are study at school, college and/or wish to save for a college education nutritional content will be printed on the packaging of products and will de re-proportioned to be aligned with the requirement of a young healthy human body public service messages regarding eating disorders such as anorexia and obesity will be funded alliance McDonalds will be founded where youngsters with eating disorders and the will to take reckon of their blank space will be provided with expert counseling, fundamental interaction with others youngsters facing similar problems along with the comfort of knowing that they are not alone. valuation and ControlSince the goals and objectives of this plan focus on dealing with the negative perception regarding McDonalds caused by such criticisms as posed by media such as Super Size Me and Fast Food Nation, the evaluation and control measures will also focus on measuring the tinge of the marketing effort on such perceptions.Formal controlsFormal controls will include the establishment of cognitive operation targets for each of the tactical initiatives proposed in this plan on regular intervals, ensuring that these targets are met, and if t his is not so then ascertaining the reasons for exceeding or failing to join these targets on the part of those held accountable.Informal controlsInformal controls will take the form of feedback forums on the websites for each tactical initiative as well as the reviews of participants/member of lodge McDonalds.Implementation inventory and TimelineThis plan will span over a period of three years, afterward which the goals and objectives would have been met in the manner that is outlined in this plan. Each initiative will be quantify according to the take up possible situational conditions which are conducive the successful implementation of the initiative. McDonalds will resurface as an advocate of healthy living, smart choices and education for all.Marketing AuditsDuring the three year life span of this marketing plan, marketing audits will be conducted at regular intervals, that once after every buns of a year meaning that in that location will be a total of 12 marketing au dits conducted throughout the 3 year time span of the marketing plan.BibliographyFast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry. Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007Fast Food Nation. Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007 from http// Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007 from http// Corporation Company Profile. Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007Major Aspects if the Marketing PlanThis three year marketing plan has been formulated to curb the negative effects on the perception about the McDonalds Corporation of the larger community. Further, it is the intent behind the formulation of this plan to make positive use of all the negative publicity targeted towards McDonalds by criticisms such as those raised by the documentary film Super Size Me and the book and film of the same title, Fast Food Nation, as publicity although negative brings with it the focus and spotlight of the media on the company and any efforts on the part of the Corporati on to resurface as an advocate of healthy living will be publicized with as much fervor by the various media.The plan involves an operational as well as marketing shift in focus towards a more healthy life and a balanced diet while promoting healthy habits such as working out as well as encouraging the youngsters of the country to pursue higher education and save money for college.Major Aspects if the Marketing PlanThis plan is spread over a time span of three years, outlining the product, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies to be implemented and executed during this time. The plan takes into consideration that while the McDonalds brand image is one of its greatest strengths, this strength is tardily waning away under the intense scrutiny and attention of the media towards the various criticisms launched against McDonalds and thus it proposes a revitalization of the McDonalds philosophy so as to focus on the youth and value a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, sma rt choices and education.The plan also outline the structural issues that may arise during its implementation and execution, tactical initiatives to turn strategy into action and methods, means and measures for the evaluation and control of the marketing effort through regular marketing audits.The concentration on targeting the marketing efforts towards youngsters will mean a shift from marketing efforts targeted towards children in order to get to their parents pockets. This will also mean that the primary target market then will be between the ages of 18 and 35, whereas the secondary market will include other age groups as well.Situation AnalysisAnalysis of Internal EnvironmentSince it is the worlds top fast food company in terms of sales, it is hard to believe that McDonalds has only recently recovered from a severe and persistent downturn in sales. CEO Jim Skinners strategy for bringing the fast food giant back on its feet has been based largely on improving the quality of food instead of expanding rapidly and increasing the number of locations where McDonalds is available.Furthermore, out of a total of almost 31, 000 restaurants in around 120 countries worldwide, 75% are being run by franchisees rather then by the corporation itself. In addition to improving food quality through upgrading of facilities, the McDonalds Corporation has also been consciously attempting to decrease the number of company run outlets, with the plan of transferring ownership of 2300 locations to licensees by the year 2008. (McDonalds Corporation Company Profile)Analysis of Customer EnvironmentWith the successful expansion of McDonalds into many international markets, the company has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life (Wikipedia). The American way of life is fast paced, always on the go, technology driven and consistently changing with divorce rates increasing and the number of single parent families on the rise.The world over, the number o f women in the workforce is increasing year by year, contributing to the rise in families with both parents working. Fast food restaurants differ from full-service restaurants in that customers generally order and pay before eating because the typical fast food customer is in a hurry and demands a quick meal. The typical fast food consumer is between he ages of 18 and 35, with no children. (Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry)Analysis of External EnvironmentAccording to Hoovers profile of the Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant industry, demand in the industry is driven by personal income and demographics and the profitability of individual companies depends on efficient operations, effective marketing, and the ability to provide fast service. Also, large companies are at and advantage because they can efficiently reap the benefits of economies of scale, making money out of volume rather then big margins (Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry).The top competito rs for McDonalds are Burger King, Subway and YUM Foods (McDonalds Corporation Company Profile) although fullservice restaurants supermarkets delis convenience stores snack shops (donut or bagel shops) cafeterias and other companies that offer prepared food are all part of the competition (Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry).SWOT AnalysisStrengthsBeing a multinational company with operations in over 120 countries of the world, McDonalds global presence and its sheer size as an organization is a huge strength, enabling it to benefit from economies of scale and profit sanctuaries. Other then that, McDonalds ability of adaptation to local cultures wherever it appears on the globe has enabled it to expand across borders, countries and continents a feat made possible by the strategy of operating through franchisees and licensees. The other great strengths of McDonalds are its brand image, brand equity and expansive financial resources.WeaknessesThe one weakness of the McDonald s Corporation is its inability to adapt to changing tastes. Like most big companies, McDonalds is to an extent a victim of its own success, a giant that is slow to wake up to problems and challenges.OpportunitiesThe opportunities for McDonalds as a multinational fast food company lie in developing countries which are home to growing markets of fast food and in developed countries where adults remain largely untapped as a market for fast food.ThreatsMcDonalds faces the threat of immense competition from its top competitors Burger King, Subway and YUM In addition to this, threats are also posed by the issues raised in the book Eric Schlosser titled Fast Food Nation, the movie of the same name and the documentary film Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock.Schlossers book alleges that McDonalds among other fast food companies uses its political influence to increase their own profits at the expense of peoples health and the social conditions of its workers while also questioning McDonalds pr actice of advertising tactics which target children. Spurlocks documentary film, featuring himself as the participant in an experiment where for 30 days, he ate only McDonalds food raises similar allegations, proclaiming that McDonalds food was contributing heavily to the epidemic of obesity in American society, and failing to provide nutritional information about its food for its customers (Wikipedia)Analysis of the SWOT matrixIn light of the SWOT analysis conducted above, it may be concluded that McDonalds possesses the capability of overcoming the threats posed by negative publicity caused by the films such as Fast Food Nation and Super Size Me and various other social activists because it has access to the financial resources which would be required to curb this negative publicity. The only thing lacking is a specific focus of the management on this issue and its resolution.Developing competitive advantagesMcDonalds can develop competitive advantages by becoming a socially respo nsible and aware organization, especially by actively supporting a cause which cancels or nullifies the impact of the aforementioned negative publicity. It is proposed that McDonalds concentrate on social responsibility and public relations by supporting a cause which it can internalize into the organization. The proposed cause is the physical and mental well being of youngsters which includes leading healthy lives free from eating disorders such as obesity, anorexia, bulimia etc and a college education.Developing a Strategic FocusTo fight the ongoing battle against negative publicity against McDonalds it is suggested that the McDonalds Corporation develop a strategic focus on resolving this issue and through this resolution pave the path for future development and growth of the company. It is proposed that McDonalds create this strategic focus by concentrating marketing efforts towards youngsters between the ages of 18 and 35 rather then the McDonalds trademark of the use of ester power to influence children.Marketing Goals and Objectives Marketing GoalsThe goal of marketing according to this plan will be to use marketing communications with the intent of converting the negative publicity targeted towards McDonalds into positive and turn it into an advantage for the company.Marketing ObjectivesThe objective of the marketing campaign will be to nullify the negative perception regarding McDonalds that it is contributing towards the spreading of the epidemic that is obesity and establish that McDonalds is a healthy organization which believes in and values physical fitness as well as personal wellbeing and self esteem.Marketing StrategyThe marketing strategy throughout the tenure of this plan will be to focus on youngsters and students, seeking to culminate the habit of working out and eating healthy, making smart choices and supporting education of the youth of the world.Primary Target MarketThe primary target market for McDonalds is students and youngsters bet ween the ages of 18 and 35. The secondary target market includes people of all ages who are looking for a quick, yet fulfilling meal as well as children who otherwise run away from eating and would rather play in the park then be home at meal times.Product StrategyMcDonalds will offer its usual, popular products that it is known for, however it will start printing nutritional content on the actual packaging of the product in legible font size, black in colour. However, the quantities of the contents will be reconsidered and changed according to the daily requirement of each by the human body to remain fit and healthy.Pricing StrategyMcDonalds will offer student discounts at its outlets for students living away from home, granted on products specially designed for students redeemable on showing student identity cards at the time of purchase.Distribution StrategyDistribution will be carried out in the usual manner through company owned and franchised outlets and kiosks.Integrated Mark eting Communication StrategyThe integrated marketing communication strategy will involve the extensive use of advertising and public relations to publicize McDonalds effort of supporting healthy eating habits and making smart choices.Marketing ImplementationThe marketing strategy outlined above will be implemented through an extensive media, supporting PR plan and a massive revitalizing effort designed to convert the effects of the negative publicity brought on by issues raised in Super Size Me and Fast Food Nation by focusing on students and youngsters.Structural IssuesThe structural issues that will be faced during the implementation of this marketing plan may include employee resistance, inconsistencies between company run and franchised eateries and slow conversion from the past practices to the ones proposed in this plan. A major structural issue will be faced in shifting the marketing and operational focus on to young adults instead of that which was previously on children thr ough advertising the McDonalds toys given away with the Happy Meals and the famous Play Places.Tactical Marketing ActivitiesThe tactical activities will include a number of youth oriented programs, which will support healthier eating habits for both, those who eat less then is healthy as well as those who eat more then is healthy, smarter choices by young people and assistance with educational endeavours.Jobs at McDonalds outlets will be publicized to be open for candidates who are studying at school, college and/or wish to save for a college education nutritional content will be printed on the packaging of products and will de re-proportioned to be aligned with the requirement of a young healthy human body public service messages regarding eating disorders such as anorexia and obesity will be funded Club McDonalds will be founded where youngsters with eating disorders and the will to take control of their situation will be provided with expert counseling, interaction with others yo ungsters facing similar problems along with the comfort of knowing that they are not alone.Evaluation and ControlSince the goals and objectives of this plan focus on dealing with the negative perception regarding McDonalds caused by such criticisms as posed by media such as Super Size Me and Fast Food Nation, the evaluation and control measures will also focus on measuring the impact of the marketing effort on such perceptions.Formal controlsFormal controls will include the establishment of performance targets for each of the tactical initiatives proposed in this plan on regular intervals, ensuring that these targets are met, and if this is not so then ascertaining the reasons for exceeding or failing to meet these targets on the part of those held accountable.Informal controlsInformal controls will take the form of feedback forums on the websites for each tactical initiative as well as the reviews of participants/member of Club McDonalds.Implementation Schedule and TimelineThis pla n will span over a period of three years, after which the goals and objectives would have been met in the manner that is outlined in this plan. Each initiative will be timed according to the best possible situational conditions which are conducive the successful implementation of the initiative. McDonalds will resurface as an advocate of healthy living, smart choices and education for all.Marketing AuditsDuring the three year life span of this marketing plan, marketing audits will be conducted at regular intervals, that once after every quarter of a year meaning that there will be a total of 12 marketing audits conducted throughout the 3 year time span of the marketing plan.BibliographyFast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry. Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007Fast Food Nation. Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007 from http// Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007 from http// Corporation Company Profile. Retrieved on Ju n 15, 2007Major Aspects if the Marketing PlanThis three year marketing plan has been formulated to curb the negative effects on the perception about the McDonalds Corporation of the larger community. Further, it is the intent behind the formulation of this plan to make positive use of all the negative publicity targeted towards McDonalds by criticisms such as those raised by the documentary film Super Size Me and the book and film of the same title, Fast Food Nation, as publicity although negative brings with it the focus and spotlight of the media on the company and any efforts on the part of the Corporation to resurface as an advocate of healthy living will be publicized with as much fervor by the various media.The plan involves an operational as well as marketing shift in focus towards a more healthy life and a balanced diet while promoting healthy habits such as working out as well as encouraging the youngsters of the country to pursue higher education and save money for college .Major Aspects if the Marketing PlanThis plan is spread over a time span of three years, outlining the product, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies to be implemented and executed during this time. The plan takes into consideration that while the McDonalds brand image is one of its greatest strengths, this strength is slowly waning away under the intense scrutiny and attention of the media towards the various criticisms launched against McDonalds and thus it proposes a revitalization of the McDonalds philosophy so as to focus on the youth and value a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating habits, smart choices and education.The plan also outline the structural issues that may arise during its implementation and execution, tactical initiatives to turn strategy into action and methods, means and measures for the evaluation and control of the marketing effort through regular marketing audits.The concentration on targeting the marketing efforts towards youngsters will mean a shift from marketing efforts targeted towards children in order to get to their parents pockets. This will also mean that the primary target market then will be between the ages of 18 and 35, whereas the secondary market will include other age groups as well.Situation AnalysisAnalysis of Internal EnvironmentSince it is the worlds top fast food company in terms of sales, it is hard to believe that McDonalds has only recently recovered from a severe and persistent downturn in sales. CEO Jim Skinners strategy for bringing the fast food giant back on its feet has been based largely on improving the quality of food instead of expanding rapidly and increasing the number of locations where McDonalds is available.Furthermore, out of a total of almost 31, 000 restaurants in around 120 countries worldwide, 75% are being run by franchisees rather then by the corporation itself. In addition to improving food quality through upgrading of facilities, the McDonalds Corporation has also been consciously attempting to decrease the number of company run outlets, with the plan of transferring ownership of 2300 locations to licensees by the year 2008. (McDonalds Corporation Company Profile)Analysis of Customer EnvironmentWith the successful expansion of McDonalds into many international markets, the company has become a symbol of globalization and the spread of the American way of life (Wikipedia). The American way of life is fast paced, always on the go, technology driven and consistently changing with divorce rates increasing and the number of single parent families on the rise.The world over, the number of women in the workforce is increasing year by year, contributing to the rise in families with both parents working. Fast food restaurants differ from full-service restaurants in that customers generally order and pay before eating because the typical fast food customer is in a hurry and demands a quick meal. The typical fast food consumer is between he ages of 18 and 35, with no ch ildren. (Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry)Analysis of External EnvironmentAccording to Hoovers profile of the Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant industry, demand in the industry is driven by personal income and demographics and the profitability of individual companies depends on efficient operations, effective marketing, and the ability to provide fast service. Also, large companies are at and advantage because they can efficiently reap the benefits of economies of scale, making money out of volume rather then big margins (Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry).The top competitors for McDonalds are Burger King, Subway and YUM Foods (McDonalds Corporation Company Profile) although fullservice restaurants supermarkets delis convenience stores snack shops (donut or bagel shops) cafeterias and other companies that offer prepared food are all part of the competition (Fast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry).SWOT AnalysisStrengthsBeing a multinational com pany with operations in over 120 countries of the world, McDonalds global presence and its sheer size as an organization is a huge strength, enabling it to benefit from economies of scale and profit sanctuaries. Other then that, McDonalds ability of adaptation to local cultures wherever it appears on the globe has enabled it to expand across borders, countries and continents a feat made possible by the strategy of operating through franchisees and licensees. The other great strengths of McDonalds are its brand image, brand equity and expansive financial resources.WeaknessesThe one weakness of the McDonalds Corporation is its inability to adapt to changing tastes. Like most big companies, McDonalds is to an extent a victim of its own success, a giant that is slow to wake up to problems and challenges.OpportunitiesThe opportunities for McDonalds as a multinational fast food company lie in developing countries which are home to growing markets of fast food and in developed countries wh ere adults remain largely untapped as a market for fast food.ThreatsMcDonalds faces the threat of immense competition from its top competitors Burger King, Subway and YUM In addition to this, threats are also posed by the issues raised in the book Eric Schlosser titled Fast Food Nation, the movie of the same name and the documentary film Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock.Schlossers book alleges that McDonalds among other fast food companies uses its political influence to increase their own profits at the expense of peoples health and the social conditions of its workers while also questioning McDonalds practice of advertising tactics which target children. Spurlocks documentary film, featuring himself as the participant in an experiment where for 30 days, he ate only McDonalds food raises similar allegations, proclaiming that McDonalds food was contributing heavily to the epidemic of obesity in American society, and failing to provide nutritional information about its food for its c ustomers (Wikipedia)Analysis of the SWOT matrixIn light of the SWOT analysis conducted above, it may be concluded that McDonalds possesses the capability of overcoming the threats posed by negative publicity caused by the films such as Fast Food Nation and Super Size Me and various other social activists because it has access to the financial resources which would be required to curb this negative publicity. The only thing lacking is a specific focus of the management on this issue and its resolution.Developing competitive advantagesMcDonalds can develop competitive advantages by becoming a socially responsible and aware organization, especially by actively supporting a cause which cancels or nullifies the impact of the aforementioned negative publicity. It is proposed that McDonalds concentrate on social responsibility and public relations by supporting a cause which it can internalize into the organization. The proposed cause is the physical and mental well being of youngsters whi ch includes leading healthy lives free from eating disorders such as obesity, anorexia, bulimia etc and a college education.Developing a Strategic FocusTo fight the ongoing battle against negative publicity against McDonalds it is suggested that the McDonalds Corporation develop a strategic focus on resolving this issue and through this resolution pave the path for future development and growth of the company. It is proposed that McDonalds create this strategic focus by concentrating marketing efforts towards youngsters between the ages of 18 and 35 rather then the McDonalds trademark of the use of ester power to influence children.Marketing Goals and Objectives Marketing GoalsThe goal of marketing according to this plan will be to use marketing communications with the intent of converting the negative publicity targeted towards McDonalds into positive and turn it into an advantage for the company.Marketing ObjectivesThe objective of the marketing campaign will be to nullify the neg ative perception regarding McDonalds that it is contributing towards the spreading of the epidemic that is obesity and establish that McDonalds is a healthy organization which believes in and values physical fitness as well as personal wellbeing and self esteem.Marketing StrategyThe marketing strategy throughout the tenure of this plan will be to focus on youngsters and students, seeking to culminate the habit of working out and eating healthy, making smart choices and supporting education of the youth of the world.Primary Target MarketThe primary target market for McDonalds is students and youngsters between the ages of 18 and 35. The secondary target market includes people of all ages who are looking for a quick, yet fulfilling meal as well as children who otherwise run away from eating and would rather play in the park then be home at meal times.Product StrategyMcDonalds will offer its usual, popular products that it is known for, however it will start printing nutritional conten t on the actual packaging of the product in legible font size, black in colour. However, the quantities of the contents will be reconsidered and changed according to the daily requirement of each by the human body to remain fit and healthy.Pricing StrategyMcDonalds will offer student discounts at its outlets for students living away from home, granted on products specially designed for students redeemable on showing student identity cards at the time of purchase.Distribution StrategyDistribution will be carried out in the usual manner through company owned and franchised outlets and kiosks.Integrated Marketing Communication StrategyThe integrated marketing communication strategy will involve the extensive use of advertising and public relations to publicize McDonalds effort of supporting healthy eating habits and making smart choices.Marketing ImplementationThe marketing strategy outlined above will be implemented through an extensive media, supporting PR plan and a massive revitali zing effort designed to convert the effects of the negative publicity brought on by issues raised in Super Size Me and Fast Food Nation by focusing on students and youngsters.Structural IssuesThe structural issues that will be faced during the implementation of this marketing plan may include employee resistance, inconsistencies between company run and franchised eateries and slow conversion from the past practices to the ones proposed in this plan. A major structural issue will be faced in shifting the marketing and operational focus on to young adults instead of that which was previously on children through advertising the McDonalds toys given away with the Happy Meals and the famous Play Places.Tactical Marketing ActivitiesThe tactical activities will include a number of youth oriented programs, which will support healthier eating habits for both, those who eat less then is healthy as well as those who eat more then is healthy, smarter choices by young people and assistance with educational endeavours.Jobs at McDonalds outlets will be publicized to be open for candidates who are studying at school, college and/or wish to save for a college education nutritional content will be printed on the packaging of products and will de re-proportioned to be aligned with the requirement of a young healthy human body public service messages regarding eating disorders such as anorexia and obesity will be funded Club McDonalds will be founded where youngsters with eating disorders and the will to take control of their situation will be provided with expert counseling, interaction with others youngsters facing similar problems along with the comfort of knowing that they are not alone.Evaluation and ControlSince the goals and objectives of this plan focus on dealing with the negative perception regarding McDonalds caused by such criticisms as posed by media such as Super Size Me and Fast Food Nation, the evaluation and control measures will also focus on measuring the impac t of the marketing effort on such perceptions.Formal controlsFormal controls will include the establishment of performance targets for each of the tactical initiatives proposed in this plan on regular intervals, ensuring that these targets are met, and if this is not so then ascertaining the reasons for exceeding or failing to meet these targets on the part of those held accountable.Informal controlsInformal controls will take the form of feedback forums on the websites for each tactical initiative as well as the reviews of participants/member of Club McDonalds.Implementation Schedule and TimelineThis plan will span over a period of three years, after which the goals and objectives would have been met in the manner that is outlined in this plan. Each initiative will be timed according to the best possible situational conditions which are conducive the successful implementation of the initiative. McDonalds will resurface as an advocate of healthy living, smart choices and education f or all.Marketing AuditsDuring the three year life span of this marketing plan, marketing audits will be conducted at regular intervals, that once after every quarter of a year meaning that there will be a total of 12 marketing audits conducted throughout the 3 year time span of the marketing plan.BibliographyFast Food and Quickservice Restaurant Industry. Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007Fast Food Nation. Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007 from http// Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007 from http// Corporation Company Profile. Retrieved on Jun 15, 2007
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