Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Organizational Structure and Culture Essay
Knowledge Mastery of facts, be given of entropy in subject matter sports stadium. learnings Proficiency, expertise, or competence in given bea e.g., science, art, crafts. Abilities Demonstrated process to use experience and skills when indispensable.KSA DefinitionsInter face-to-face scientific disciplineIs aw ar of, responds to, and considers the call for, feelings, and capabilities of some other(a)s. Deals with fightings, confrontations, disagreements in a positive vogue, which belittles face-to-face stupor, to ac association controlling peerlesss feelings and re fashion ons. Deals in effect with others in both kindly and untoward military posts regardless of status of position. Accepts interpersonal and cultural diversity.Team SkillEstablishes strong get tos relationships among group members. Participates in solving businesss and qualification decisions.communicatingsPresents and expresses ideas and instruction fallly and in short in a manner di scriminate to the auditory modality, whether oral or written. Actively listens to what others are saying to achieve infrastanding. Shares breeding with others and facilitates the extend(a) ex miscellanea of ideas and learning. Is able air, honest, and straightforward with others.Planning and OrganizingEstablishes gos of effect for ego to get hold of specialised marks e.g., establishes challenge plans. Identifies need, arranges for, and notices resources needed to accomplish take in goals and accusives. Develops and uses track systems for monitoring take employment draw close. in effect usesresources much(prenominal) as time and learning. organisational Knowledge and competencyAcquires accurate information concerning the sureness components, the tutelages of for each one pertinent organisational social unit, and the principal classs in the agency. Interprets and utilizes information close the formal and informal geological formation, including the orga nisational structure, functioning, and relationships among units. decently identifies and draws upon sources of information for stand-in. fuss solvent and uninflected AbilityIdentifies existing and contingent problems/issues. Obtains relevant information about the problem/issue, including recognizing whether or not more information is needed. objectively evaluates relevant information about the problem/issue. Identifies the specific cause of the problem/issue. Develops recommendations, develops and evaluates alternating(a) course of transaction, selects courses of action, and follows up.JudgmentMakes well reasoned and well-timed(a) decisions earthly concern on careful, objective review and informed analysis of open considerations and factors. Supports decisions or recommendations with accurate information or cogitate.Direction and pauperismSets a favourable example of how to do the occupation demonstrates personal integrity, responsibility, and account efficiency. Pr ovides advice and assistance to help others accomplish their incline. Directs/motivates self. conclusionIdentifies when immediate action is needed, is willing to imprint decisions, render judiciousnesss, and take action. Accepts responsibility for the decision, including sustaining trend in spite of obstacles.Self-DevelopmentAccurately evaluates own performance and identifies skills and abilities as targets of discipline and training activities related to to flow rate and future job requirements. Analyzes present career status. Sets goals short and/or want term. Identifies available resources and methods for self-improvement. Sets realistic time frames for goals and follows up. flexibilityModifies own behavior and work activities in response to impertinent information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles. Views issues/problems from diverse perspectives. Considers a all-encompassing range of alternating(a)s, including innovative or notional approaches. Stri ves to take actions that are acceptable to others having differing views.leadersAbility to make right decisions establish on perceptive and analytical processes. Practices aimheaded judgment in gray areas. Acts decisively.KSA Definitions prevalent Supervisory/Manager CompetenciesProblem Solving and Analytical AbilityIdentifies existing and likely problems notes, understands, and allows the critical elements of problem situations obtains and evaluates relevant information demonstrates awareness that revolutionary and/or superfluous information sources are required notes interrelationships among elements identifies possible causes of the problems recognizes the need to shift to an ersatz course of action including innovative or seminal approaches and fittingly terminates information collection and paygrade activities.Planning and OrganizingIdentifies requirements allocates, and powerfully uses information, personnel, time, and other resources inevitable for mission doing establishes beguile courses of action for self and/or others to accomplish specific goals develops evaluation criteria and tracking systems for monitoring goal progress and accomplishment and specifies objectives, schedules, and priorities.DecisivenessMakes decisions, renders judgments, and takes action on difficult or afflictive tasks in a seasonably fashion, to include the appropriate communication of both proscribe and positive information and decisions.JudgmentDevelops and evaluates alternative courses of action makes decisions based on countersink assumptions concerning resources and guidelines affirms decisions or recommendations with data or reasoning defines and go through and throughs solutions to problems and recognizes when no action is required.Communication SkillPresents and expresses ideas and information effectively and concisely in an oral and/or written mood listens to and comprehends what others are saying shares information with others and facilitates the open ex motley of ideas and information is open, honest, and straightforward with others provides a complete and timely explanation of issues and decisions in a manner appropriate for the audience and presents information and material in a manner that gains the agreement of others.Interpersonal SkillIs aware of, responds to, and considers the needfully, feelings, and capabilities of others deals effectively with others in favorable and unfavorable situations regardless of their status or position accepts interpersonal and cultural differences manages conflict/confrontations/ disagreements in a positive manner that minimizes personal impact, to include controlling ones own feelings and reactions and provides appropriate support to others.Direction and MotivationMotivates and provides direction in the activities of others to accomplish goals gains the respect and confidence of others fitly assigns work and authority to others in the accomplishment of goals provides advice and assis tance as required.Supervisory consumption PerformanceDisplays knowledge of the roles, responsibilities, and duties of supervisors and managers accurately assesses the impact upon others of role performance and supports and promotes organisational decisions, policies, syllabuss, and initiatives such as EEO and Affirmative Action.Specialty CompetenceUnderstands and appropriately applies procedures, requirements, regulations, and policies maintains credibility with others on speciality matters uses appropriate procedures or systems in the operation and/or staff environment as the position requires.Organizational KnowledgeDemonstrates knowledge of the departments or agencys organizational components, the missions of each relevant organizational unit, and the principal courses in the organization. leadingEstablishes work standards and expectations for self and others. appropriately assigns/delegates work and authority to others in the accomplishment of goals. Keeps goals and objecti ves in sight at all times, monitors progress toward goals, and works to overcome barriers and obstacles. Provides coaching, advice, and assistance as required e.g., helps subordinates overcome obstacles and deal with problems. Appropriately assesses contributions and p performance of employees provides appropriate recognition, and deals with problems as they arise. Instills in others a sense of gazump in the job at hand. executive director Core Competencies error correction codeerror correction code 1 leading Changeerror correction code 2Leading PeopleECC 3Results DrivenECC 4 seam AcumenECC 5 expression Coalitions/CommunicationsECC 1 Leading ChangeThis shopping centre qualification encompasses the procedure to develop and implement an organizational vision which coalesces rouge field and design goals, priorities, values, and other factors. Inherent to it is the energy to balance change and continuity to continually strive to improve customer serve and program performance within the raw material government framework, to create a work environment that encourages germinal cerebration, and to maintain taper, potency and persistence, pull down under adversity. fall upon Characteristics1. exercising leadership and motivating managers to in merged vision, strategic planning, and elements of smell management into the full range of the organizations activities encouraging creative thinking and innovation influencing others toward a pith of armed service designing and implementing bleak or cutting edge programs/processes. 2. Identifying and integrating key issues affecting the organization, including political, economic, social, technical, and administrative factors.3. Understanding the roles and relationships of the components of the state of matter or regional policy devising and capital punishment process, including the Governor, legislature, the judiciary, local governments, and interest groups and formulating effective strategies to balance those interests consistent with the business of the organization. 4. creation open to change and naked information tolerating ambiguity adapting behavior and work methods in response to upstart information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles adjusting rapidly to modernistic situations warranting oversight and resolution. 5. Dealing effectively with pressure maintaining tension and intensity and remaining persistent, even under adversity recovering quickly from setbacks.6. Displaying a high level of initiative, effort, and load to familiar service universe proactive and motion-oriented being self-motivated pursuing self-development seeking feedback from others and opportunities to master new knowledge. leadership CompetenciesCreativity and Innovation Develops new insights into situations and applies innovative solutions to make organizational improvements creates a work environment that encourages creative thinking and innovation designs and implements new or cu tting edge programs/processes.Resilience Deals effectively with pressure maintains focus and intensity and remains optimistic and persistent, even under adversity. Recovers quickly from setbacks. Effectively balances personal life and work.Continual Learning Grasps the nerve center of new information masters new technical and business knowledge recognizes own strengths and weaknesses pursues self-development seeks feedback from others and opportunities to master new knowledge.Service Motivation Creates and sustains an organizational ending which encourages others to provide the reference of service essential to high performance. Enables others to vex the tools and support they need to perform well. Shows a commitment to public service. Influence others toward a spirit of service and meaningful contributions to mission accomplishment.External Awareness Identifies and keeps up to naming on key national and world(prenominal) policies and economic, political, and social trends that affect the organization. Understands near-term and long-range plans and determines how beaver to be positioned to achieve a free-enterprise(a) business advantage.Strategic Thinking Formulates effective strategies consistent with the business and competitive scheme of the organization. Examines policy issues and strategic planning with a long perspective. Determines objectives and sets priorities anticipates probable threats or opportunities. tractableness Is open to change and new information adapts behavior and wok methods in response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpectedobstacles. castigate rapidly to new situations warranting attention and resolution. raft Takes a long-term view and acts as a catalyst for organizational change seduces a shared vision with others. Influences others to retell vision into action.ECC 2 Leading PeopleThis ticker competency involves the baron to design and implement strategies which maximize employee potential and fo ster high ethical standards in meeting the organizations vision, mission, and goals. report Characteristics1. Providing leadership in setting the mens expected performance levels suitable with the organizations strategic objectives inspiring, motivating, and point others toward total accomplishment empowering people by sharing power and authority. 2. Promoting quality through effective use of the organizations performance management system e.g., establishing performance standards, appraising staff accomplishments using the highly- veritable standards, and taking action to reward, counsel, or dispatch employees, as appropriate.3. Valuing cultural diversity and other differences fostering an environment where people who are culturally diverse can work together cooperatively and effectively in achieving organizational goals.4. Assessing employees unique developmental ask and providing developmental opportunities which maximize employees capabilities and contribute to the executio n of organizational goals developing leadership in others through coaching and mentoring. 5. Fostering commitment, aggroup spirit, pride, assertion, and group identity taking go to prevent situations what could go out in nasty confrontations. 6. R3solving conflicts in a positive and inferential manner this includes promoting proletariat/management partnerships and transaction effectively with employee relations matters, attending to team spirit and organizational climate issues, handling administrative, labor management, and EEO issues, and taking disciplinary actions when others means go through not been successful. leadership CompetenciesConflict focusing Identifies and takes steps to prevent potential situations that could result in unpleasant confrontations. Manages and resolves conflicts and disagreements in a positive and constructive manner to minimize negative impact.Integrity/Honesty Instills usual trust and confidence creates a culture that fosters high standar ds of ethics behaves in a fair and ethical manner toward others, and demonstrates a sense of corporate responsibility and commitment to public service.Cultural Aw3areness Initiates and manages cultural change within the organization to impact organizational effectiveness. Values cultural diversity and other separate differences in the workforce. Ensures that the organization builds on these differences and that employees are treated in a fair and equitable manner.Team build Inspires, motivates, and guides others toward goal accomplishments. Consistently develops and sustains cooperative working relationships. Encourages and facilitates cooperation within the organization and with customer groups fosters commitment, team spirit, pride, trust. Develops leadership in others through coaching, mentoring, rewarding, and directing employees.ECC 3 Results DrivenThis core competency stresses account cogency and continuous improvement. It includes the ability to make timely and effectiv e decisions and let on results through strategic planning and the implementation and evaluation of programs and policies.Key Characteristics1. Understanding and appropriately applying procedures, requirements, regulations, and policies related to specialized expertise rationality linkages between administrative competencies and mission needs keeping current on issues, practices, and procedures in technical areas. 2.Stressing results by formulating strategic program plans which assess policy/program feasibleness and include realistic short and long-term goals and objectives. 3. Exercising good judgment in structuring and organizing work an setting priorities balancing the interests of clients and pronto readjusting priorities to respond to customer demands. 4. Anticipating and identifying, diagnosing, and consulting on potential or actual problem areas relating to program implementation and goal achievement selecting from alternative courses of corrective action, and taking action from true contingency plans.5. Setting program standards prop self and others accountable for achieving these standards acting decisively to modify them to promote customer service and/or quality of programs and policies. 6. Identifying opportunities to develop and grocery store new products and services with or outdoors of the organization taking risks to pursue a recognized benefit or advantage.Leadership competenciesAccountability Assures that effective controls are developed and maintained to tally the integrity of the organization. Holds self and others accountable for rules and responsibilities. Can be relied upon to ensure that projects within areas of specific responsibility are completed in a timely manner and within cypher. Monitors and evaluates plans focuses on results and measuring rod attainment of outcomes.Entrepreneurship Identifies opportunities to develop and market new products and services within or outside of the organization. Is willing to take risks i nitiates actions that involve a deliberate risk to achieve a recognized benefit or advantage. node Service Balancing interests of a vicissitude of clients readily readjust priorities to respond to insistence and changing client demands. Anticipates and meets the need of clients achieves quality end-products is committed to continuous improvement of services.Problem Solving Identifies and analyzes problems distinguishes between relevant and hostile information to make logical decisions providessolutions to individual and organizational problems.Decisiveness Exercises good judgment by make give out and reasoning(a) decision perceives the impact and implications of decisions makes effective and timely decisions, even when data is limited or solutions produce unpleasant consequences is proactive and achievement oriented.Technical Credibility Understands and appropriately applies procedures, requirements, regulations, and policies related to specialized expertise. Is able to mak e gravid hiring and capital resource decisions and to address training and development needs. Understand linkages between administrative competencies and mission needs.ECC 4 Business AcumenThis core competency involves the ability to acquire and administer human, fiscal, material, and information resources in a manner which instills public trust and accomplishes the organizations mission, and to use new technology to erect decision making.Key Characteristics1. Assessing current and future staffing needs based on organizational goals and budget realities. Applying sound human resource principles to develop, select, and manage a diverse workforce. 2. Overseeing the allocation of financial resources identifying cost-efficient approaches establishing and assuring the use of inherent controls for financial systems. 3. Managing the budgetary process, including preparing and justifying a budget and direct the budget under organizational and legislative procedures understanding the se lling expertise infallible to ensure appropriate funding levels. 4. Overseeing procurement and contracting procedures and processes. 5. Integrating and coordinating logistical operations.6. Ensuring the efficient and cost-effective development and physical exertion of management information systems and other technological resources that meet the organizations needs understanding the impact of technological changes on the organization.Leadership CompetenciesFinancial Management Demonstrates wide-eyed understanding of principles of financial management and marketing expertise necessary to ensure appropriate funding levels. Prepares, justifies, and/or administers the budget for the program area uses cost-benefit thinking to set priorities monitors expenditures in support of programs and policies, Identifies cost-effective approaches. Manages procurement and contracting. scientific Management Uses efficient and cost-effective approaches to integrate technology into the workplace and improve program effectiveness. Develops strategies using new technology to enhance decision making. Understands the impact of technological changes on the organization.Human Resource Management Assesses current and future staffing needs based on organizational goals and budget realities. Using sexual morality principles, ensure staff are appropriately selected, developed, utilized, appraised, and rewarded takes corrective action.ECC 5 Building Coalitions/CommunicationThis core competency involves the ability to explain, advocate and express facts and ideas in a convincing manner, and negotiate wit5h individuals and groups inwroughtly and outerly. It similarly involves the ability to develop an expansive victor network with other organizations, and to identify the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization.Key Characteristics1. Representing and speaking for the organizational unit and its work e.g., presenting, explaining, selling, defining, and negotiating to those within and outside the office e.g., agency heads and other government executives corporate executives Department of Administrative Services budget officials legislative members and staff the media governors office clientele and professional groups making clear and convincing oral presentations to individuals and groups audience effectively and clarifying information facilitating an open exchange of ideas. 2.Establishing and maintaining working relationships with internal organizational units e.g., other program areas and staff support functions approaching each problem situation with a clear perception of organizational and political public using contacts to build and strengthen internal support bases get understanding and support from higher level management.3. Developing and enhancing alliances with external groups e.g., other agencies or firms, state and local governments, legislature, and clientele groups act in cross-functional activities finding commo n ground with a rig range of stakeholders. 4. working in groups and teams conducting briefings and othe45r meetings gaining cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals facilitating win-win situations. 5. Considering and responding appropriately to the needs, feelings, and capabilities of different people in different situations is tactful and treats others with respect. 6. Seeing that reports, memoranda, and other documents reflect the position and work of the organization in a clear, convincing, and form manner.Leadership CompetenciesInfluencing/Negotiating Persuades others builds consensus through give and take gains cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals facilitates win-win situations.Partnering Develops networks and builds alliances, engages in cross-functional activities collaborates across boundaries, and finds common ground with a widening range of stakeholders. Utilizes contacts to build and strengthen internal support bases.Interpersonal Skills Considers and responds appropriately to the needs, feelings, and capabilities of different people in different situations is tactful, kind and sensitive, and treats others with respect.Political Savvy Identifies the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization. Approaches each problem situation with a clear perception of organizational and political reality recognizes the impact of alternative courses of action.Oral Communication Makes clear and convincing oral presentations to individuals or groups listens effectively and clarifies information as needed facilitates an open exchange of ideas and fosters an atmosphere of open communication.Written Communication Expresses facts and ideas in writing in a clear, convincing and organized manner.
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