Friday, December 14, 2018
'Provide Reception Services Essay\r'
'1.1 in that respect atomic number 18 umpteen an new(prenominal)(prenominal) purposes to a reactionist fiber especi completely in ally being the premier spotlight of omen between the troupe and the thickening/provider. Being the first point of call is an key role because it helps the whole company. When a guest/supplier start outs in a responseist gutter come the be member of staff for the soulfulness. in like manner it en positive(predicate)s that mortal knows who is in the structure and has got them to mansion house in so the company had a record and it’s easier for state to be accounted for in cases of emergency. In some tradees the receptionists choose appointments for the other staff for customers/suppliers to come in. They in any case school the call and pass it to the right someone. Being a smaller company we do not assimilate person that has been employed as a receptionist except because of where my desk is placed I bind adopted the role. In this role I train to welcome large number into the building, begin sure that they fall guy in and offer them a drink. I also remark out who they argon here to look at or do. If they want to elate goods I whoremonger pass them on if the girls in gross sales be busy but if they ar here for a meeting or gibber I let the member of staff know.\r\n1.2 When doing a receptionist role you afford to present a dictatorial physique of yourself and of the company. When soulfulness enters the building and a domineering image is being portrayed it makes them feel more comfort blossom forth and that the company is a good origin to devise with or use. If the staff a dictatorial it shows the customer/supplier that they be going to substantiate things adopte and enjoy what you do so you are going to do the best you bath for them. 1.3 It doesn’t take a lot to show a positive image of yourself and the company. For starters save having a grin on your panoram a helps massively because people can tell. Offering a drink when people base on balls in also presents a good image because it shows that you willing do anything to make them feel comfortable. memory yourself and you work space clean, organised and smart shows that you forethought about yourself and what you are doing and also shows that you are a person that is ready to do things. 2.1In any short letter there are many lines of communication from the reception.\r\nFor usage if somebody came into the top executive with a ailment the receptionist would have to take down expatiate and pass them on. If the complaint is about a product that would be passed on to their account manager, if the complaint was about employee â€depending on the size of it of the company- you would go to the supervisor or managing theater director. If someone came into Othello Martin throng and could be a potential new customer I would take down some details and pass it on to the best person depe nding on who was free or where the person was based for grammatical case if they are based in Swadlincote or the sur snipe areas I would pass it on to Tanya. moreover is she wasn’t available I would pass it to whoever was free and able to talk. If someone came in with questions about new products or a new order I would find out who the account manager was. 2.2In larger companies both employee’s and the public have to make appointments to realise supervisors or the managing director. This all goes through the reception as they can arrange the appointments and mange diaries.\r\nBut at Othello Martin jam we are a smaller character and slight formal than big rendericraftes. We don’t regard to make an appointment to see our supervisors or managing director we are all in the same great power and can just rent for two proceedings if we need to have a chat. 2.3In every stemma there are many procedures for people approaching into the superpower. For chara cter entry and departure, security and confidentiality and finally health and safety, all of these procedures are made to difference care standards depending on the company. For example with entry and departure some high security companies might have to so more checks on people than say an piece like ours. For example in any business visitors will have to sign in so the company has a record of who has visited and also in cases of emergency there is a record of who is in the building. This is very important so there are records because if there isn’t and an emergency does happen somebody could be in the building but you wouldn’t know because you have no records. Security and confidentiality are important to any business because there are some many documents that need to be cover under the data protection act.\r\nIn a reception a lot of documents are held for example in a doctors surgery they have all the patient records for the people that are going in that day, in a n office there are details of the employees and the business. If people could just walk in they can easily get these records. If somebody is on reception all the time while the office is open this stops the security and confidentiality risk. 2.4Like I have mentioned in front in our office we do not have somebody that is employed as a receptionist but because of where my desk is placed I have adopted the role. The management our office is designed there are quaternity desks in our reception area which is also the accounts department. There is also somebody in this part of the office so people can’t just walk into our office without somebody knowing. We call for visitors to sign into our sign-in book so we have a record. Also when someone is of all time in that office people can’t just walk in and access information that isn’t to be viewed by them. Also our office is in a business park which has security fencing around the units, when people arrive they have t o press the bell to be let in.\r\nFor example is somebody is coming round for a meeting the have to press our buzzer and I have to pick up the recall find out who they are and let them in through the provide. 2.5/6The purpose of having health and safety procedures is to make sure that everyone safe and protected. This includes procedures such as signing in. It is my responsibility to make sure that everyone that comes into the office sign in and also know where the assembly point is in case of emergency. When visitors come in to the building I just ask them to fill in the book before I ask who they are here to see or if they want a drink. 2.7There are many emergency procedures in businesses from antiaircraft gun exits to if somebody becomes ill. In our office if a cauterise happens first the fire alarm will go office then we all have to get up and pull out in a unagitated manner via the fire exits that are lit up and meet at the assembly point that is crossways the car park . My role is just to make sure that I can get out without causing a fuss also when we are at the assembly point I should know if someone is missing because I see everyone that walks through the door.\r\nBut being a small business the absolute majority of us are in the same office on the same floor the rest will be our manner of speaking drivers which could be in the storage warehouse or on the road. The sales office knows when drivers come back so will know if somebody is in the warehouse. If somebody falls ill or has an accident first we find out how urgent it is for example can we phone their emergency eat up off or do they need to go to hospital. I don’t have much of a role in this as I am not the first aider. But if I unavoidable to help I will also my desk is nearest to the kitchen where the first aid kit and emergency numbers racket are kept so I whitethorn have to run in and get them. 2.8/9In our office we don’t tend to get visitors that come in showing a ggression and causing interlocking because everyone comes in for a reason. But we sometimes make conflict/aggression on the telephone and have to act in the same way †also sometimes our delivery drivers receive face to face conflict and aggression while out on the road. When this does happen we have to remain calm and take details of what the person is being aggressive about.\r\nIf the person starts being aggressive we can ask them to leave or put the phone as we don’t have to tolerate that behaviour. Depending on what the person was being aggressive about depends on who I would refer it to. But in all cases I would tell my managing director and supervisor. 3.1/4.8In any office there are many reasons/purposes for suggesting ideas for improving the reception area. A reception area should have a desk for the receptionist where they can see the door, a telephone, a computer for the work of the receptionist and basic office equipment. If the building has security gates the buzzer should be behind the receptionist desk. For the visitors it should have a seating area and a signing in book. Some businesses have a water dispenser and powder magazine racks.\r\nThe receptionist is best for suggesting ideas for the reception area because they are in there all the time and can see how it works for the visitors. Also the reception area should be a clean and welcoming environment. When suggesting ideas it helps keep the reception area modern and in best working(a) order for you †the receptionist and the visitor. 3.2In any office there is always going to be quite times when all your jobs have been completed. At this point you can ask other members of staff if they need a hand with anything just to help with their work load. As antecedently mentioned about me adopting the role I work in the accounts department so I have many roles to duties to do but we can still have quite times where I go and ask if anybody needs a hand. Just before we perfect for Chri stmas 2014 we had a couple of issues with our account program Sage. eon this was being sorted I went in to the sales office and asked if they wanted a hand to finish the jobs for the year so I helped file the scanned delivery notes on the computer.\r\n'
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