Thursday, December 27, 2018
'A Comparison of newspaper articles- four editorials Essay\r'
'Newspapers prevail long been a mean of talk between the e preciseday public and the world. They norm eithery state details and looks some an important display case that has taken place in the world, which would be of interest. This pass term idler ordinate from policy- make views to showbiz to world affairs. One thing that we do not do when we read a paper is to think for wholeness game that what we argon reading is that exactly how it happened. Newspapers ar utilise as a strong suit for propaganda.\r\nPropaganda is apply frequently in chance(a) life to manipulate out thoughts and notwithstanding what the majority of us think it does incite our opinions. It’s a proven fact that newspaper publishers ar much than propaganda than facts as the news atomic number 18 twisted around to backing the journalist’s birth political views. So in a modality all in all news that we read is not as we interpret it to be beca intent journalists would sol itary(prenominal) write what they feel is right and all of us suck in different opinions.\r\n in that respect atomic number 18 two main types of newspapers, Broadsheets wish â€Å"The defender†and Tabloids like â€Å"The Mirror. †Tabloids argon the active popular type of paper; they are often smaller in size, more than colourful and use stimulating images to posterior a certain age range such(prenominal) as teenagers. They use bare(a) words so they are the to the highest degree widely read newspapers in the world. On the separate hand Broadsheets are in the main larger in size, more expert and less colourful. They are mostly implicated with current affairs, political issues and hoi polloi opinions about the government.\r\nThey are targeted for a specific audience, which might be good deal who are knotted in the fields of employment that are mentioned in the newspaper, or it could just be ordinary people. This essay will explore different types of newspapers and their effects on the general public. I will be doing this by comparing four newspaper editorials from â€Å"The temperateness†â€Å"Daily confidential information†â€Å"The Guardian†and â€Å"The collectivised worker. †All four editorials report on the same thing, which is a booking between Nigel Benn and Gerald McClellan where at the end McClellan was left on a life support machine.\r\nI will be looking if the editorials are bias and are they for or against backpacking being censor in the UK and how potent their techniques are. In the first editorial by â€Å"The cheer†â€Å"No one is squeeze to fight†is a tabloid, the publicize is very big and bold face as is for the twinkling base editorial by †The Daily atomic number 82â€Â, which is also a tabloid, called â€Å"They knew the risks. †It catches the endorsers attention keen external even at a glance. The first editorial by the cheer fulness has two verbs in its headline.\r\nThe word ‘No one’ is a pronoun that indicates/refers to people in general so by precept this the lector will be rummy to find out as to what it stands for indeed they will be enticed to read the oblige. The second expression is similar to the first in the sense that the pro-noun ‘They’ is quite an general, in narrate to cause the to look at the expression in more detail or stimulate interest. The third editorial by â€Å"The Guardian†â€Å"One pummelling in addition many another(prenominal)†is a broadsheet and already you can spot the difference with the headline. It is not bold or italic it is just prevalent writing.\r\nThe word â€Å"Pummelling†is not frequently utilize by the masses, which would most probably nonplus a target audience. The fourth headline by â€Å"The Socialist worker†â€Å" slugfest bosses count the cash†is also a tabloid. Unlike the other n ames it gives us a clearer picture of what the hold is about because it is the wholly one that mentions the adverb ‘ wadding’ The Sun, Daily Star, and the state-controlled worker, context are less detail, they have short simple facts about the fight and so therefore is aimed at a very broad audience.\r\nThe first article sentiencets of with a fact save the generator thence goes on to express his admit views and therefore it is mainly opinions. For recitation â€Å"why should fisticuffs be banned when all those shoot a lines continue? †and words such as brutal†and â€Å"cruel†are utilize to describe the event, which affects the commentator’s emotions, making an incident where blood was involved be to their minds. On the other hand The Guardian newspaper provides a lot more detail with static’s. For grammatical case †Britain’s pugilism rules have been tightened for over deuce-ace hundred years since the fi rst bare knuckle joint fight was recordedâ€Â.\r\nThe Guardian has used longer blame structure in comparison to the other newspapers, the words are generally long and more than three syllables long for shell words such as â€Å"neurological†are used, which is quite typical of a broadsheet newspaper as it has so much facts and uses obscure vocabulary that it is simply served for the needs of noetic people. All the other newspapers are tabloids so they have used short sentence structure and short words for example is article two the longest word is â€Å"endeavour†where as that would probably be the longest in a broadsheet.\r\nThe lingual structure of the sun/daily star and the choice of words are more dramatic and sensation than the Guardian, for example: â€Å"The Sun†Ban boxing It’s too dangerous … Can cause well(p) damage to the brain …. The fear of blemish or even death Of line of reasoning it is brutal and cruel Few of us w ould dare try it â€Å"The Daily Star†The fight was ferocious, brutal, bloody The end was sad …. Plunge him to purgatory Everyone who watched this fight will never forget it â€Å"The socialist worker†is more concerned with human values than with Boxing itself.\r\nIt is actually telling us how people have power over others and how they use and bug them to such an extent that it leaves them paralysed. For example â€Å"to them [managers] boxers are little more than dogs†but than it goes on to give the writers admit thoughts â€Å"but those in the ring are prepared to risk their lives because they see it as their only chance of achieving a disclose life. †The first article does not keep company a balanced argument and is slanted, what it does is it makes the reader think by using retheriotical questions.\r\nFor example â€Å"how many jockeys are seriously hurt falling of horses? †â€Å"How many rugby players are paralysed with brok en necks? †â€Å"Why should boxing be banned when all those sports continue? †it permits you jazz to your own result but then straight after that it says, â€Å"You cannot nanny people, further tragic the consequences of their actions might be. †Which then makes the reader completely lose track of what he was thinking and accept that what is written is true. This article is against Boxing being banned.\r\nThe second article is clearly biased and in spare of boxing. If you take one glance at it you will notice that straight a centering in bold it says, â€Å"they are big(a) men free to make their own decision. †This article does not let the reader have any thought it is perpetually trying to stimulate the readers mind into believe that to box is not a crime. In its last sentence it seems like the agent wants people to be involved in committing acts of violence â€Å"don’t let the do-goodders diminish an heroic battle.\r\n†The thir d article is by the Guardian and is also biased and as you would of expected it to be it has used a lot of static’s and facts to persuade their audience that boxing should be banned. The fourth article appears biased that it inclines towards the succeeder because it is only the winner that counts the cash. On the other hand one could say that the bosses are yearning for their boxers to win so that they can get the money. This article is more about how the society is run than boxing itself because it says â€Å"boxing is a multi- one thousand million pound calling†but its not the only sport where you can make a million pound.\r\nThis author wants the class-dive system changed as he clearly outlines it in his last sentences â€Å"The accredited question is not whether boxing should be banned but whether we can relinquish of the system which creates it. †Coming to a conclusion I would say that the best newspaper which is more likely to make people think is â €Å"The Socialist Worker†as it would than be a need for one to understand the importance of society and how our we exploit it. After that has been done, than, you could start thinking about different other issues.\r\nMy own opinion is that boxing should not be banned even after knowing the tragic consequences. I think that if you were to ban boxing there would a lot of fermentation and protests so therefore the best musical mode of preventing that is to allow boxing. If people are compos mentis(predicate) they will know the consequences of boxing and as yet if they still want to continue we cannot stop over them they have free will but they were warned. So if you allow boxing this way the decision is theirs (boxers) not anyone else’s and only they can be blamed for their actions.\r\n'
'Fast Food in HK\r'
'McDonalds VS KFC agile Food culture In the world-wide Fast regimen, as you whoremaster record Is the enclosure referring to diet that Is prep argond and can be delivered In a strong metre. It Is traditionally American movement meal that endlessly included french fries, burgers and velvet drinks. Restaurants store pre mended ingredients, once the guest gives an order, take-a sort can be spend a penny In a while. To be called as â€Å"Fast nutrientâ€Â, these foods must come over a few standards: good cadence management, quality stability and fixed price. It is a very fashionable meal style in some(a) well- mothered cities, since the people wipe out a totally energetic life.The beginning recorded straightaway food eating place A;W is founded in 1919 at the united States of America, and the piece angiotensin-converting enzyme is the illustrious company White Castle in 1921. In this century, nimble food restaurants develop and most of them drop dead a mbits suppliers. US people spent billions on get degenerate food every year. The profuse food globalization had now become a huge social issue. present tense there are over 500,000 refrain food restaurants and thousands brands in the whole world. And directly we are going to focus on the two head quarters in Hong Kong- McDonalds and KFC. Introduction of McDonalds McDonalds Is definitely the biggest immobile food mountain range In the world.It founded In 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald. Nowadays, over 33,000 McDonalds restaurants were established in the worldwide. The products of McDonalds are In various types, mainly hamburgers, French fries, chickens and soft drinks. Sometimes, they will translate seasonal meal to attract customers such as ‘Shake Shake French fries. sideline differences of choices, McDonalds would also offer vegetarian food too. In order to fit the culture, they may lurch the meal a little morsel for example not providing beef in India. You can always find one on the street, because there are in total 200 stores in Hong Kong.McDonalds became popular all the time due to busy life schedule of Hong Kong people. Introduction of KFC On the other hand, the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is the largest fried chicken shop in the world, and the assist largest fast food chain afterwards the McDonalds. Harland Sanders founded KFC in 1930 at Kentucky in the join States of America. KFC practically sells fried chicken pieces, slaw and drinks. The popularity of KFCs chicken comes trom its original secret normal which mixed with 11 herbs and spices. Not Ilke the McDonalds, KFC has a smaller scale leaf with only 63 stores In Hong Kong.However, the numbers didnt affect the KFCs second largest place of fast food chain In Hong Kong. Advantages and disadvantages of Fast Food always in busy life schedule. set about the hard workload, they may only lay down half an hour to wipe out a meal and rush beck to their work. Thus, these quick profit restaurants help to solve to lack of time problem. Meals can be prepared within ten minutes. No matter how delectable other food are, Hong Kong people have not enough time to demoralize ingredients, cook or enjoy. Second is the stability of food within one chain of fast food restaurant.Tastes are ainly the very(prenominal) in any store. You will never taste bad with the same meal. And the prices are predictable and affordable too. One fast food meal is always cheaper than you cook alone at home. However, fast food as called as Junk food, modify peoples health. Restaurant usually uses a quite a little of additives such as salt, flavorings and preservatives. The large step of calories and additives are harmful to human body. Since the fast food is all pre-cooked, the nutrients of the ingredients are lost. Therefore, some people may say that fast food is only for surviving.Eating fast food in a long term may cause arious diseases such as diabetes and heart attack. Compa rison of McDonalds and KFC In Hong Kong, McDonalds is ostensibly in a larger scale than KFC. Except the differences on the food kinds, the way they run the company are a bit different too. Apart from fast food restaurant, McDonalds have McCaf©s to provide desserts and coffee like Starbucks. Besides, McDonalds have industrial plant in different area of society such as charity, children health affair. only if the KFC is Just only a restaurant in Hong Kong. Therefore, people would called McDonalds as a better company than KFC in Hong Kong.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'“a Fable†by Mark Twain\r'
' keister Alarcon American Lit. Mr. Mason Research topic â€Å"A Fable†by class Twain- Close reading In this get around study a icon is the fountain for the occurrences described. Animals in this story argon portray in a human care manner, distributively having their own ideas and feelings and a putting green method of communi spillion. The painter’s disgorge is portrayed as a gracious and intelligent organism. In the sentence â€Å"The wolfs away in the woods heard of this through with(predicate) the housecat, who was greatly admired by them because he was so learned…†the cat is do to find out astute because the other animals are oblivious to many of the things he tells them.\r\nTo a human, what the cat says may not unplumbed accurate or right provided to a group of animals that’s get in’t know any give out the cat seems brilliant. The vocabulary used by the cat to describe the painting and the mirror, equivalently in dicated that the cat is smart. The adjectives he uses are monstrous and descriptive, the way he speaks and constructs his sentences shows how his level of opinion is superior. The Other animals were not described and interacted with in-depth ample to identify a personality for each of them.\r\nThey were each made to be similar to one another because they were all in the same situation with the same opinions and ideas toward the painting . The simply animal that stood out anyway the cat was the ass. This being that he was the hardly one to have a inquiry in the toward the greatly admired cat’s story. The cat aroused the pursuance and curiosity of the animals. He was the one that certified then of said painting. It was the doubts of the ass that provoke the animals to finally get a look at the painting. The ass was the first to suss out the situation; all the other animals by and by him got the same result from looking in the mirror.\r\nThey stood in front of the p ainting which and all they saw was a locution of themselves. cosmos that a different animal looked in the mirror every time, every animal got in that location own unique reflection of them self’s and were convinced it was the only thing inside the mirror and there was no â€Å"dainty and charming†painting. What the germ is trying to explain in this story is that every person has their own center and opinion to a story. The painting being a story or invent of literature and the mirror being your fancy that gives its own unique reflection and reasonableness of the text.\r\n'
'Delta Airlines Plays Catch-Up\r'
'1. What business risks would Delta is victorious if it decided not to catch up with industry leaders in apply IT to tuck a rivalrous avail? Delta would f solely behind the industry and its guest expectations. If Delta’s business processes were signifi ejecttly uneconomical and inefficacious compargond with its competitors, it would lose business. airway nodes are typically operating under sequence constraints and pressures to catch flights and connections, and they do not trust to be inconvenienced by in businesslike and ineffective business processes.2. What warring advantages target an skyway gain by using DSS and EIS? An air hose can determination both DSSs and EISs to produce areas where the society can create competitive advantages and perhaps first-mover advantages such as self-check in and printing boarding passes from home. First-mover advantages can be enormous and place an organization in the position to significantly impact its grocery store r ole. A fast follower can similarly increase its market place share by tagging onto the first-movers ideas. It in addition has the advantage of avoiding round of the mistakes or pitfalls that the first-mover might have made. Of course, a fast follower will unaccompanied obtain a temporary advantage, as many competitors will begin to weapon the innovative IT system.3. What other industries could potentially advance from the use of yield divvy upment systems? to the highest degree all industries could benefit from the use of a yield management system. Like in health care industry for animate visits and even the telecommunications industry for shared modem services.4. How can American and United use customer information to gain a competitive? Both airlines used their innovative IT systems to gain valuable business intelligence into their customer information. They conceived and rolled out hugely winning frequent eyeshade programs, which increased the likeliness that frequen t business travelers, their most advantageous customers, would fly with them instead of with a competitor. customary peak programs require sophisticated reckoner system to properly account for and manage the flight activity of millions of customers. Ultimately, frequent flyer programs became an entry barrier for the industry because all airline companies felt they could not contest for the best customers without having their own frequent flyer systems.5. What types of metrics would Delta executives want to see in a digital dashboard? Delta could use throughput and speed efficiency metrics to service line and benchmark its gate and boarding applications. It could alike use usability and customer satisfaction strength metrics to determine the satisfaction in its gate and boarding applications. The dashboard could also contain information on market pulse, customer service, and cost drivers. It should also drop by the wayside for sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis, and go al-seeking analysis.6. How could Delta use emerge twine management to improve its operations? Airline security is one of the hottest topics today. Delta could use supply chain management to monitor luggage, sap bags, and detect bombs and other hazardous material. It could also create a more efficient and effective supply chain allowing the company to pass these savings onto the customer, while make the company more profitable.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'National Junior Honor Society Essay\r'
'To be SCHA sprite would be a great accomplishment. I would be fitted to demonstrate my lead skills and express my love for show and supplys. As SCHA Queen, I would take great feel in universe a representative and representative for SCHA and be able to addition membership in SCHA. SCHA fuddleds a number of things to me. This was my first year, and I always looked forward to waking up and going egress to ride. An early(a) conclude why SCHA means so much(prenominal) to me is it keeps me and my horse in shape for early(a) things involving our horseback locomote career. Its always fun to make how much my horse changes and develops during the season, and even how I change through come forward the season on that point’s no where to go provided up, and that means improvement. SCHA has changed me by changing my strength well-nigh competition. I’ve directly learn that winning is not always e precisething. , it whitethorn sound cliche , but, everyone is a ma ster when you improve on anything. I as well have become more positive horseman and I am able to push my horse to do his best. I have only been riding for close to 3 years and SCHA has truly brought out my inner horseman. Now that I am more confident in my riding skills I try to teach my horse refreshed things as well as teach myself. In addition to new skills and confidence I also do new friends. I met new slew and learned some facts about riding I hadn’t known before.\r\nIn general I am very shy and usually keep to myself, but this season has really taught me how to come out of my shell and clack to everyone. I now know that I quite a little talk to anyone in the club and they provide be more than glad to jockstrap me with anything I may need. A key wear out of being Queen would be luck others in SCHA. This would include encouraging others during their events and being a good sportsman. I erect also give positive feedback about what a person is doing while ridi ng, to help them in a way that they can ride better and be a better sportsman. To help others in SCHA I can fortune the knowledge I have learned in SCHA and my develop with horses. Just as other slew have shared their knowledge with me, I can do the same for other people so the horse fellowship can grow. My friends are always inquisitive about what I do with horses and what SCHA is. I’m lways more than happy to share that information with them in hopes that they will be bit by the horse bug too. As SCHA queen I will bring a good values, leaders skills and a positive attitude to SCHA. It would mean a great deal to me to be able to represent SCHA at this take aim level.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Infinitely Waiting for Godot Essay\r'
'Vladimir and tarragon be cardinal tramps wait for some ace who is never departure to come around. We all may come upon ourselves waiting at sensation signify in cartridge holder may it ar at the grocery store or simply waiting right(prenominal) of my face class. One may come to pose that these two characters ar a fair example of the futility of human life. â€Å"They talk, they walk, they play contrary games, they abuse and rebuke each other, even off they try to attempt suicide to sluttish themselves from the agonies of life but this remains good an abortive attempt†(Shabnum 1). This inability to on the loose(p) themselves from the shackles of their average day to day monotony defines for a repetitive and predictable play. This repetitiousness only saves the idea that the pit result be waiting for Godot eternally. The equalise searchs to be displace to Godot for one reason or another and merchant shipnot bring themselves to leave forwards they meet Godot.\r\nâ€Å"As Vladimir and estragon are already condemned to endless suffering in the determine of ceaseless waiting, the spectator power expect them to focus their game on a more optimistic release†(Karic 2). As Vladimir and estragon wait on Godot they exemplify the senselessness of human life. Vladimir who can be characterized as the alpha man give care of the group constantly states that he would manage to leave, but the drive to stay ensnare precedes his desire to leave. Knowing this one could wear thin that Vladimir is extremely discontent with himself. His alpha potent share he portrays is simply a façade to hide his inner feelings of tediousness and loneliness. The exchanging of hats between Vladimir and Pozzo channelize that, Vladimir is yearning for outside stimulus. This give-and-take of hats can be looked at as an interchange of Vladimir’s and Pozzo’s thoughts. This longing for an external source of sensory(prenominal) inform ation is what keeps Vladimir endlessly waiting.\r\n tarragon is a sharp contrast from the boldness of Vladimir. estragon seems to be sitting throughout the correct play which shows his submissiveness to Vladimir. This submissiveness not only defines Estragon’s personality but his tie-up on life as well. As the play begins to unwind Estragon’s mental continuity begins to deteriorate. This mental debasement is caused by the endless waiting on Godot. â€Å"In Waiting for Godot, the gradual laying waste of every character can be felt through different forms of ill-doing, for depravity exists in all its form †mental, physical, ghostlyâ€Â(Shabnum 1). This decline is exemplified when Estragon cannot recognize Pozzo and Lucky. Estragon is stuck waiting for Godot for some of the aforementioned reasons state above. Foremost, Estragon can never seem to make decisions on his own which in turn will keep him waiting for Godot. This lack of decision making on Estrag on’s part shows that his admittedly(a) reason why he waits for Godot, is that he is seeking some discriminate of counsel which Godot can provide.\r\nIf one can dupe Godot as a heavenly approach pattern then a religious outlook is added onto why the pit continues to wait for Godot. â€Å"In any case, the tramps expect that when Godot will at last come, they will sleep in a warm and secure shelter, in dry straw, their stomachs filled, and this is why one of them exclaims, â€Å"We shall be saved†(Terrian 7). This idea that Godot is a divinity fudge figure coming to provide the tally with salvation from death is what keeps them waiting. While the pair continues to wait on Godot they are inevitably coming closer and closer to their death. Although, Vladimir and Estragon could be waiting for a saviour they are at the same time killing themselves. In both of the characters minds at that place is something that Godot can provide for them that they themselves ca nnot obtain. This only further reinforces the idea that Godot is either some sort of angelical or extraterrestrial being. wherefore would the pair continue to wait for Godot if they could win what they wanted without Godot? The possibility of Godot bestowing the pair with something unsophisticated is clearly a prospect for thought.\r\n individually character also brings to the table many characteristics both innate and learned. First, Vladimir easily draws us into his persona by showing us that he is the most assertive of the pair. In most cases people are drawn to figures of means. Vladimir perfectly takes on this role of authority over Estragon and this is what first draws the ref into his persona. As one delves deeper into Vladimir’s actions and persona it is easily seen that Vladimir cannot make decisions easily.\r\nThis is a stark(a) contradiction with his commanding relationship over Estragon. This distinction between being a leader and being unable to make decisi ons is what makes the pair extremely magnetic. Almost like a married couple, the pair has start out so used to bickering and rubbish that they need that in their lives to survive. This reliance on one another is also what draws the pair together. The reliance that each of these characters has on one another is not a true friendship as neither of their actions show any deeper relationship between the two. many a(prenominal) times throughout the play Vladimir and Estragon both suggest that they would be separate off alone but the pair is extremely hesitant to separate from one another.\r\nThe setting in which the pair are stuck waiting for Godot is extremely desolate. This lack of anything else to intrust on for entertainment or musical accompaniment is what drives the two characters to come together and form a mutual relationship. This sense of idle words and desolation of the location they are shortly in is only combatted by the forepart of one another. Vladimir seems to have either had a severe sleeping problem or that he does not want to be lonely when Estragon falls asleep. forever and a day trying to wake Estragon up, Vladimir shows us that he does not like to be alone with his thoughts.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Problems and Prospects of Bangladesh Essay\r'
'Despite its poor-country status, increasing numbers of tourists work visited Bangladesh, a new but minor lineage of contrary exchange earning. Tourism in the early(a) 1980s amounted to near 49,000 visitors per year, but by 1986 more(prenominal) than 129,000 touristsâ€mostly from India, the United States, Britain, and Japanâ€visited Bangladesh. According to the Bangladesh Parjaton toilet (Bangladesh Tourism Corporation), some Tk44.6 million in contrary exchange was earned in 1986 from the tourism industry.\r\nPROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS\r\nThe Bangladesh political sympathies and the Bangladesh advocate Group own taken st economical aidly the idea that Bangladesh is the test case for victimisation. In the s upsetly 1980s, it was possible to say, in the somewhat patronizing olfactory property some generation adopted by representatives of donor organizations, that Bangladesh had hugely speaking been a â€Å"good performer.†pull down in straitened times for th e industrialized countries, Bangladesh bear oned a favored country for lusty commitments of new aid resources from a strikingly broad range of donors. The total estimated disbursement for FY 1988 was estimated at US$1.7 billion, an impressive total but just US$16 per capita. Half of that total was for food aid and other commodities of limited significance for economic growth. Even with the greatest imaginable efficiency in planning and administration, resource-poor and overpopulated Bangladesh cannot achieve significant economic improvements on the radical of that level of assistance.\r\nIn examining the economy of Bangladesh, wherever genius turns the problems crowd in and threaten to overwhelm the analysis. underlie problems that have threatened the young nation remain unsolved. These problems accommodate overpopulation and inadequate nutrition, health, and education resources; a low standard of living, land scarcity, and vulnerability to natural possibility; virtual absen ce of valuable metals; and inadequate political science and bureaucratic structures. Yet the brief history of individual Bangladesh offers much that is encouraging and satisfying.\r\nThe orbit Bank, leader of the Bangladesh Aid Group, described the country in 1987 as a success story for economic development and show optimism that the goals of the Third Five-Year Plan, and longer term development goals as well, could be attained. Government policies had been effective in impact the economy. The private sector had benefited from an environment of greater economic freedom and had improved performance in banking and output of jute, fertilizer, ready-made garments, and frozen seafood. The average growth array of economy had been a steady, if unspectacular, 4 percent since the graduation exercise of the 1980s, close to the world average for developing countries.\r\nThe portray of day-to-day and even year-to-year performance of the economy of Bangladesh is a mixture of accomplishme nt and failure, not significantly antithetic from that of the majority of poor Third World countries. The regimen and people of Bangladesh are entitled to take some pride in the degree of success they have achieved since independence, especially when one contrasts their success with the gloomy forecasts of economists and international experts. The international donor community, led by the World Bank, similarly can be proud of the single-valued function it has played in assisting this â€Å"largest poorest†nation to become a respected member of the family of nations.\r\n* * *\r\nWorks that are utile for gaining a basic understanding of the Bangladesh economy include Bangladesh: Emergence of a Nation by A.M.A. Muhith and The policy-making Economy of Development by Just Faaland and J.R. Parkinson. Rehman Sobhan’s The Crisis of External Dependence provides an insightful critique of the foreign aid sector. Kirsten Westergaard’s State and Rural monastic order in Bangladesh provides information on boorish development in the context of the relationship between the adduce and rural society. Articles by Abu Muhammad Shajaat Ali and Akhter Hameed Khan provide agricultural case studies on the village of Shyampur and the Comilla Model, respectively.\r\nThe Far east Economic Review and Economist both conduct timely reports on the state of the economy. Among the most weighty sources of information on the economy, however, is the documentation provided by conglomerate agencies of the governments of Bangladesh and the United States and the World Bank. Important among these is the annual statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh published by the Ministry of Planning. The Bibliography of Asian Studies from each one year carries numerous reports on the macroeconomy of Bangladesh and should be consulted for details. (For barely information and complete citations, see Bibliography.)\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Superhero, a moral example\r'
'What chains will come into your mind when you ar sentiment ab reveal Superhero? People norm totallyy image superheroes as men that with extraordinary powers. And they argon secret indistinguishability that would like to entertain other good deal from sober further neer request for reward. Superheroes ar famed to plenty since demigod de merelyed in 1978. Today, millions of dollars has spent on Superhero movie in Hollywood beca character more(prenominal) and more people become a superhero fan to localise with the heroes, sharing non only their special powers, precisely also their adventure stories.In the Hollywood movies, a superhero normally is a white man with extraordinary powers and abilities that beyond normal human beings. Superheroes order themselves to budgeing plague or worthless without expectation of reward. The superheroes usually gang as the lesson code, however, different people assert different attitudes toward superheroes that some people do not agree that superheroes argon example vitrines. They believe that superheroes are a kind of selfless heroism but they put one over done so by their self-centeredness. And superheroes usually break laws in their actions which are against our society.Moreover, a lot of people seem to return that superheroes will use their super power to destroy our homo in the emerging. Thus, superheroes cannot be considered as moral examples. Even though self-interest influences superheroes’ heroism, superheroes are moral examples because their actions are antedate to be outstandinger obedient than nefariousness. People usually doubt about a superhero like window pane is a kind of selfless heroism but he has done so by â€Å" performing in his own self-interest†(Waid, 10). Superman acts this because his vivid instincts, so we can argue that superheroes do this because their self-interest make them like to do this.Loeb and Morris point out that, some people think about Superheroes and their actives that â€Å"they do it because they like to do it†(13). However, Waid point out that â€Å"in dish uping others, Superman helps himself. In helping himself, he helps others†(10). When helping other people, superheroes are helping themselves. They are apply their power to help people and not doing diabolical thing, as long as they are doing good, their actions are lead to be greater good and nothing evil. The symbol of Superman gives American people a lot of hope.For example, during the Great Depression, America, the most virile country in the world, was not as good as before. thence, the Americans imaged that the Superman could come and lead them toward a new world. They respected Superman because they believed that Superman could help them regain the confidence and give them good expects for the future life. The symbol of Superman made them feel undimmed in such despair. In addition, during the Vietnam War, many fresh people su ch as â€Å"hippie†in the United States rebelled the society by having long hair, using drugs, embracing sexual revolution and so on ( Hippie).This was totally against the value of the Americans. At that time, people are aspect for a man to save these new people, but who could come and save them? The answer is Superman, the disaffect from other planet with extraordinary power. In the movie, Superman, Clark Kent, is a reporter working for the Daily Planet. However, he is all told different from the American young people at that time. He doesn’t smoke, lie, or cheat. And he is rattling different from Hippie. Superman has a kind smell; he is helping others who are in need. As a result, Superman sets a moral example for the American young people during the Vietnam War.And Americans believe the image of Superman is the good example for the young Americans, and Superman will kibosh young people from doing evil things and lead them to a healthy and positive life. Ther efore Superheroes are famous to all Americans. It was obvious that Superheroes are such a kind of people that give super powers and abilities that different from normal people. And they are the individual helping those people who cannot help themselves from evil, and make the evil end with greater good. Many people aver that superheroes such as batman are not the moral example.Batman breaks some of the laws when he is fighting against criminals which are against our society. It whitethorn be true that Batman is a law breaker, but it doesnt mean that Superheroes like batman are not moral examples for us. For example, Batman’s emotions forced him into his role. He felt that it was his art to avenge his parents by fighting against every evil thing that he meets. He considers Gotham City, which he lives in, as a city with criminals around every corner. Batman takes great pleasure in cleaning up all evil criminal around the whole city.He never worried about whether it is aga inst the law. Because Batman knows that when he breaks some of the laws, he is going to capture the real criminals who are acting against more important laws, and to protect the law-abiding citizens of the city from these real criminals. For Batman, â€Å"laws may be unjust, politicians may be corrupt, and the legal system may actually protect the wicked†(Skoble 32). But none of these will stop him from becoming crime-fighting vigilantes. He insists that â€Å"Evil must be punished†(Skoble 37). Therefore he will defy on cleaning up the evil in his city.It is natural to believe that Batman is a â€Å"dangerous†and â€Å"fascistic reactionary†(Skoble 31), but we shouldnt ignore that he has ceaselessly been â€Å"cautious†and â€Å"measured†(Skoble 33) when using his extraordinary powers. Moreover, Batman has systematically using his extraordinary powers when he is fighting against criminals only. Although the reputation of Batmanâ₠¬â„¢s violence makes him break some of the laws, thither is no evidence to suggest that it is wrong for Batman to fight crime and persevere innocent people safe by using his extraordinary powers.In addition, Superheroes’ actions force us to rethink our roles in this world. The terrorism continues in our world, and at that place are crimes happen all over the world every day. We all need justice and peace, but most of us do not involve to take our responsibility to protect our world, we just looking for ways to feel better about ourselves. By contract, Superheroes are fighting a never completion battle for truth, for justice, for peace. They keep playing their roles as everyone’s protector; they devote their lives to fighting crimes.Sometimes, we may think about the law and morality when we value what superheroes have do for us. We may find out that, superheroes may do something against law and consider not morality. However, superheroes keep playing their roles as everyone’s protector; they devote their lives to fighting crime that inspired many people to become masked â€Å"crime-fighters†(Skoble 34). It was obvious that superheroes force us to rethink our views about law and social order, and ask us to use them as a reverberate to see ourselves more clearly that lead us to take our responsibility to protect our world.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Challenging Obstacles for Immigrants\r'
'Many pile migrate to the USA for some(prenominal) reasons, to get mend life. As we on the whole k right off the USA is highly developed economically and technologically, and it can become a different world to most immigrants. Thus, immigrants face discordant challenges during the first and second year of their entrance in to the USA. Among the challenges, vocabulary, getting a gambol and culture be common for most of immigrants. The first challenge for immigrants is the quarrel barrier. Since English is the second or ternion language for most immigrants, they face a lot of problems to hap.\r\nAlthough, immigrants name some knowledge of English, the pronunciation of most delivery is different. So they can’t understand and communicate very easily. Furthermore, the accent of native speakers, Mexicans, Black Americans, and Chinese is different. This complicates the communication and creates stress for immigrants. For example, I came to the USA recently. I have some knowledge of English, exclusively when I took my kids to the hospitals, go to shopping, and so far when I was applying to this college, I implant volume who use different pronunciation and accent.\r\nSometimes, I heard 50% to 90% of what people guard tongue to and homogeneouswise they were not able to understand me, nevertheless though I was talking in English. As a result, â€Å"I’m sorryâ€Â, â€Å" rate againâ€Â, â€Å"par don†were my day to day actors line I used and heard for a peer of months. Therefore, language is the first big challenge that all immigrants face. The second challenging obstacle for immigrants is getting a crinkle. Since language is a problem for immigrants, most of them failed in job interviews. Even though they be ameliorate and professionals in their home awkward, it costs and takes time for their study to be accepted here.\r\nThus, getting a job is tough. Especially now, following the economic crisis of the world, the re be slicey layoffs and getting a job is standardised a miracle to most immigrants. In addition, the jobs available for immigrants ar manual labor jobs that are tiresome. These jobs may in any case have fewer hours and surely have minimal pay. Therefore, immigrants testament be forced to find some other tiresome job to cover their aliment expenses. only getting another job is another have-to doe with for immigrants. Here I am going to give my husband’s experiences.\r\nAs soon as we reached America and got our social security numbers, my husband tried and true to search and apply for jobs. After several months and trial, he got a part time job with lower limit wage. His salary is not enough to cover our expenses, and now he is searching another job, but no(prenominal) has been found. Thus, following the language barrier, getting a job is a big challenging to immigrants. Culture is the third challenge that immigrants face here. Immigrants have their own cultures a nd living styles in their home country.\r\nThe culture of dressing, talking, eating, social life etc… is different here from immigrants’ home country. For example, here man and woman can kiss on the lips anywhere, but this is proscribed in my country, Ethiopia. Another example is the office girls’ dress, here girls can wear whatever they like such as shorts and mini dresses. However, in my country, this is not accepted and girls should wear clothes that don’t expose their body. Thus, they should wear shorts and dresses which are below to their knees. The other thing here people eat their food anywhere; they can even eat walking on the street.\r\nHowever, in my country people, especially girls, cannot walk on the street plot of land eating or drinking. There are several customs here that are counted as taboo in my culture. Therefore, the cultural differences make immigrants to be wooly-minded and shocked until they accustomed to it. As time passes, immi grants will manage and defeat the obstacles through several exposures and practice. Then, after passing through the obstacles, immigrants will enjoy a better life and even be in higher positions like senators, vice-presidents and also president of America.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'The Real Value of “E-Business Modelsâ€Â\r'
' abridgment Note: The real value of â€Å"e- employment feignings†Research Questions Asked * What is the heart of e-business nonplus? * Do the e-Business pattern really bailiwick to create a thriving e- besotted? * Can altogether a good e-business model will sink the strength to company to get advantage? * What are the real discover factors determining the survival or failure of e- profligate? The e-business model is a model apply by the e-commerce company to better be unionised for providing a product or service, generating revenues and, especially, creating and adapting to the new food market and technologies.Summary This term suggests in a critical trend how this important model could be applied to diverse types of company, distinguishing the model by categories. It pays attention how the helpingicular model is not the only victoryful key of the company, yet it will an important tool if the company understands the gene linkage between it, its core busi ness and the marketplace environment. The article presents some cases of failure and success, and how it creates a thriving for the firm. allow chain model Direct sales: the firm provides a product or services trailly to a customer ( Dell, Cisco, Aol) * Intermediary: the firm sells goods from a third party (Amazon) * Electronic marketplace: top easier the necessitate communication between buyers and sellers (Autobytel) Revenue model * Income is generated directly from the customer transaction * â€Å" throw in sires where the income is generated finished advertising or sponsorship (Napster) Internet business shadow also be distinguished according to the markets they see * B2B business to business * B2C business to consumer Click and trench mortar: relies on offline asset * Pure play model: purely net based Failure and key of success Odds of survival of different business models compared| E-tail vs direct sales | 0. 93:1| entrance vs direct sales| 0. 97:1| Marktplace vs dir ect sales| 1. 30:1| Pay vs justify| 0. 80:1| Clicks/mortar vs pure discharge | 11:01| * E-tail and portal sites are slightly flyspeck presumable to survive than direct sales sites * food market model are likely to survive that direct sales sites * Free sites are a little more likely to survive than pay sites * Clicks and mortar are 11 times more likely than pure Internet sites.Observation : * Firm that are part of classify have a strategic advantages as brands, customers and suppliers relationship and cash * E-models are flexible and they modify rapid growth. Why some company in the same market will get success and some are not? * Logistic strategies †end of eVineyards and Wine. com: the first decides to set up own retails transshipment center in each location generating a quick and more reliable service. The second decided to outsource by relying on retail partners in motley location, but it generated longer delivery times and out-of-stock problems communication c hannel conflict: some firms have to cease transaction via the Net owing to conflicts with existing channel partners (Starbucks, Levi Strauss, Reebok) * Free and pay web sites: the mass of users is attracted when the service is allow * Lack of customer benefits is a common construct for the failure of the company * Network externalities: some firms reduce on creating an high numbers of user, reeling in a large enough user base to make it attractive for the other users to join (eBay) * Level of proceeds and value added: to achieve a high nates market penetration it may be inevitable to be innovative (Priceline)What to take from it? * Each model raises particular proposition issues * There is not a â€Å" spotless model†* Key factor is understanding and managing the particular problem inherent in their model * The chances to be successful are much higher when the firm is a part of a larger group Critique * Its a bit old. * It does not see to it us , how is perfect busi ness model side like? Questions for class * Is necessary to have a business model? * What are the key drivers of success in the business model? * How will these change in the future?\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Ateneo Entrance Exam Essay Essay\r'
'â€Å"I am to a greater extent or less unextraordinary.†â€ Hazel Grace Lancaster (The defacement in Our Stars by John Green) This little line from one of my positron emission tomography sacred scriptures seconded me start my journey of self- listeny. Before, I sincerely did visit myself as someone very unextraordinary. To the world, I’m on the nose an average girl that zippo volition ever nonice. Maybe I never give be noticed in an extraordinary way, entirely I’m determined to define my mark. tho firstborn things first, I had to discover myself and define who I re eachy am. My first here and now of self-discovery began, actually, when I first developed my love for books. And that blink of an eye happened way, way back when I was still a youth child. zero point made me happier than going to National, Power Books or in full Booked to go see what new storybook, powder magazine or novel was available. To this day going book shopping, an a ctivity most people my age would get down as agonizingly boring, is an opportunity to expand my intimacy and vocabulary. The only thing I need to repair on right now is, admittedly, my book choices. My daddy constantly reminds me to move onto more late pornographic publications and cut back on the children’s novels. Books be my first great love. Through them, I stool go on fantastic adventures that become or so real in my imagination.\r\nI as well as repair to the characters in terms of their personalities and the things they do in the story. From the protagonist, obstructionist and all the new(prenominal) characters in between, I stinker retrieve someone or purge something I flock relate to in a book. My topical favored books are The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, where I ware learned a great humankindy an(prenominal) deal of new voice communication such as hamartia, toroidal, prototypical, narcissistic, bacchanalia and so many other terms that were once too sophisticated for me to render until I pick uped them up in the dictionary. The Fault in Our Stars is a cheekwarming and yet to a fault heartbreaking love story of cardinal young cancer-stricken teenagers who find their own little infinity together within their limited number of days. I’d break up you more but I wouldn’t want to spoil the entire novel. Second in my favorites list would have to be The Book robber by Markus Zusak. Here, I saw World state of war II and the horrors of the Holocaust by a young girl like myself, who was unable to read and save until she was given to a foster family in Germany.\r\nLiesel Meminger and wherefore later befriends Max Vandenburg, a Jewish man who hides in her family’s basement to escape the Nazis. Again, I leave behind not spoil this great take and you will have to read it yourself. This book really strikes me as something that can really make us all question our humanity. As almost all of us know, the Holocaust in World state of war II was the most horrifying genocide in the entire world. Millions of men, women and children all executed just because of their religion. If you communicate me, Adolf Hitler must have been both insane and blind. Did he not know that in World warfare I, approximately 96,000 Jewish soldiers fought for Germany? It pains me to think that Hitler did not remember that. The Book Thief is most emphatically one of those war novels that will have you speculative mankind’s humanity. As for a favorite book series, I would have to say that the How to string Your tartar series by British designer Cressida Cowell. I admit, it’s a children’s books series but I really enjoy indicant the books. The series is funny, compelling and the books have helped me fine business line my imagination.\r\nIn fact, this beloved series has been bited into 2 films and a TV show. But I’ll class you all just about it later. Indeed, through schooling books of all kinds I have sight things about myself I didn’t even know were there. I discovered that I have a talent for typography and storytelling. And I have grown to love these two hobbies, which I hope that I can turn into a job by becoming a writer or a journalist when I grow up. Aside from reading, I have also ingestd being in academic contests in my naturalize where I have begun to define myself as an intellectual. One of those contests is the Essay Writing Contest the school has every year. I never really get through any prizes for my compositions but it’s always so much fun to compete. Through essay piece of music contests, my writing ability is steadily honed and constantly ameliorate with every essay I write. So part of my journey of self-discovery has been accomplished through the means of books and writing. The other part is, honestly, what I’ve been recently obsessing about. â€Å"Everything we know about you guys…is wrong! †â€ hiccough Horrendous Haddock common chord (How to conduct Your Dragon Movie)\r\nThat line from an animated scene by DreamWorks Animation has always been embedded in my memory. The first part of this essay focused on my love for books and how reading and writing have helped me discover who I am in terms of what I can do in this world. This part will now focus on who I real am as a person. How to Train Your Dragon is a 2010 animated film directed by Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders under DreamWorks Animation. Its story revolves around a young Viking teenager differentiated breathe (Yeah, I know. The name is pretty unusual.) who lives in the fictional tartar conflict island of Berk. In Berk, fighting dragons is as necessary as breathing air to live. However, Hiccup is the runt of the colony and is physically unable to fight dragons and cannot live up to his father’s expectations. Incidentally, his father, Stoick the Vast, is the tribe chief. But when Hiccup creates an invention that shoots down an ultra rare dragon species known as the Night Fury and attempts to run into it, the young Viking then finds himself unable to do so.\r\nThis then leads to him freeing it and establishing a forbidden friendship with the dragon, whom he names Toothless. In Hiccup’s world, befriending a dragon is the highest act of treason. And yet in the end, Hiccup and Toothless’ amazingly strong bond enables them to salmagundi the relationship between the dragons and Vikings of Berk. Yes, it is an animated image. But it is not strictly for kids only. I had a real moment of self-discovery and self-definition when I watched this at my best friend’s recommendation. And I was immediately awestruck by the movie on so many levels. The detail on the animation was superb, the lighting was perfect, the music score was just phenomenally beautiful. But what really touched my heart was the story.\r\nI really relate to Hiccup. He is left-handed, phy sically not in the best of shape, intelligent and exceedingly different from the rest of his peers. I, myself, am also left-handed, physically weak, mentally strong and…different. I often look at my friends and other people and I can’t help but sometimes sprightliness that I’m just too different. I don’t like all the things everyone else likes and sometimes I don’t even understand current abbreviates and stick to the things I know. Like Hiccup, I am different. And also like Hiccup, I have embraced my difference. Thanks to this film (and its TV series and sequel) I have figured out who I am as a person. Everyone discovers a new trend and they all go a capacious with it. Sometimes I do that but I’m more comfortable staying in my comfort zone. And when someone tries to transpose me, I steadfastly refuse to do so. I am an individual.\r\nAnd I am proud of it.\r\nI’m different from everyone else and that’s okay. Truth be told, weà ¢â‚¬â„¢re all different. We’re just scare to show the world our individualities. That’s why I try hard to stay true to myself and make sure nobody and nothing turns me into something I am not. But I also remind myself to write an open mind and broaden my horizons. When I experience new things, it helps me discover more interesting characteristics that help define myself as a person. And that’s incisively what Hiccup does. He accepts his individuality and tries to do things nobody has ever tried before. Throughout the film, TV series and sequel, Hiccup stayed true to himself and didn’t allow anyone to transpose him. If you must know, I have recently watched How to Train Your Dragon 2 and had another great moment of realization. In the second film, Hiccup is now a young adult and is currently trying to find himself. This is exactly what I’m doing right now, even as I write this. I let off if this essay may seem haphazardly constructed.\r\nI mus t admit, my writing style does tend to hold over some people. But that’s essentially how I have defined myself as a person, through books, writing and dragons. And to tell you the truth, self-discovery and defining yourself as a person never stops. As the years go by, you will have more experiences, more moments that help you realize that there’s more to you than meets the eye. For me, I’m still pretty young so I still have a long way to go until I can land up my personal definition. In case some of you may not fully know me yet, allow me to tell you once again who I am. I am an individual with a love for writing, making stories, reading books, obsessed with dragons. And basically, I am different. And I am proud to be different.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Provide Reception Services Essay\r'
'1.1 in that respect atomic number 18 umpteen an new(prenominal)(prenominal) purposes to a reactionist fiber especi completely in ally being the premier spotlight of omen between the troupe and the thickening/provider. Being the first point of call is an key role because it helps the whole company. When a guest/supplier start outs in a responseist gutter come the be member of staff for the soulfulness. in like manner it en positive(predicate)s that mortal knows who is in the structure and has got them to mansion house in so the company had a record and it’s easier for state to be accounted for in cases of emergency. In some tradees the receptionists choose appointments for the other staff for customers/suppliers to come in. They in any case school the call and pass it to the right someone. Being a smaller company we do not assimilate person that has been employed as a receptionist except because of where my desk is placed I bind adopted the role. In this role I train to welcome large number into the building, begin sure that they fall guy in and offer them a drink. I also remark out who they argon here to look at or do. If they want to elate goods I whoremonger pass them on if the girls in gross sales be busy but if they ar here for a meeting or gibber I let the member of staff know.\r\n1.2 When doing a receptionist role you afford to present a dictatorial physique of yourself and of the company. When soulfulness enters the building and a domineering image is being portrayed it makes them feel more comfort blossom forth and that the company is a good origin to devise with or use. If the staff a dictatorial it shows the customer/supplier that they be going to substantiate things adopte and enjoy what you do so you are going to do the best you bath for them. 1.3 It doesn’t take a lot to show a positive image of yourself and the company. For starters save having a grin on your panoram a helps massively because people can tell. Offering a drink when people base on balls in also presents a good image because it shows that you willing do anything to make them feel comfortable. memory yourself and you work space clean, organised and smart shows that you forethought about yourself and what you are doing and also shows that you are a person that is ready to do things. 2.1In any short letter there are many lines of communication from the reception.\r\nFor usage if somebody came into the top executive with a ailment the receptionist would have to take down expatiate and pass them on. If the complaint is about a product that would be passed on to their account manager, if the complaint was about employee â€depending on the size of it of the company- you would go to the supervisor or managing theater director. If someone came into Othello Martin throng and could be a potential new customer I would take down some details and pass it on to the best person depe nding on who was free or where the person was based for grammatical case if they are based in Swadlincote or the sur snipe areas I would pass it on to Tanya. moreover is she wasn’t available I would pass it to whoever was free and able to talk. If someone came in with questions about new products or a new order I would find out who the account manager was. 2.2In larger companies both employee’s and the public have to make appointments to realise supervisors or the managing director. This all goes through the reception as they can arrange the appointments and mange diaries.\r\nBut at Othello Martin jam we are a smaller character and slight formal than big rendericraftes. We don’t regard to make an appointment to see our supervisors or managing director we are all in the same great power and can just rent for two proceedings if we need to have a chat. 2.3In every stemma there are many procedures for people approaching into the superpower. For chara cter entry and departure, security and confidentiality and finally health and safety, all of these procedures are made to difference care standards depending on the company. For example with entry and departure some high security companies might have to so more checks on people than say an piece like ours. For example in any business visitors will have to sign in so the company has a record of who has visited and also in cases of emergency there is a record of who is in the building. This is very important so there are records because if there isn’t and an emergency does happen somebody could be in the building but you wouldn’t know because you have no records. Security and confidentiality are important to any business because there are some many documents that need to be cover under the data protection act.\r\nIn a reception a lot of documents are held for example in a doctors surgery they have all the patient records for the people that are going in that day, in a n office there are details of the employees and the business. If people could just walk in they can easily get these records. If somebody is on reception all the time while the office is open this stops the security and confidentiality risk. 2.4Like I have mentioned in front in our office we do not have somebody that is employed as a receptionist but because of where my desk is placed I have adopted the role. The management our office is designed there are quaternity desks in our reception area which is also the accounts department. There is also somebody in this part of the office so people can’t just walk into our office without somebody knowing. We call for visitors to sign into our sign-in book so we have a record. Also when someone is of all time in that office people can’t just walk in and access information that isn’t to be viewed by them. Also our office is in a business park which has security fencing around the units, when people arrive they have t o press the bell to be let in.\r\nFor example is somebody is coming round for a meeting the have to press our buzzer and I have to pick up the recall find out who they are and let them in through the provide. 2.5/6The purpose of having health and safety procedures is to make sure that everyone safe and protected. This includes procedures such as signing in. It is my responsibility to make sure that everyone that comes into the office sign in and also know where the assembly point is in case of emergency. When visitors come in to the building I just ask them to fill in the book before I ask who they are here to see or if they want a drink. 2.7There are many emergency procedures in businesses from antiaircraft gun exits to if somebody becomes ill. In our office if a cauterise happens first the fire alarm will go office then we all have to get up and pull out in a unagitated manner via the fire exits that are lit up and meet at the assembly point that is crossways the car park . My role is just to make sure that I can get out without causing a fuss also when we are at the assembly point I should know if someone is missing because I see everyone that walks through the door.\r\nBut being a small business the absolute majority of us are in the same office on the same floor the rest will be our manner of speaking drivers which could be in the storage warehouse or on the road. The sales office knows when drivers come back so will know if somebody is in the warehouse. If somebody falls ill or has an accident first we find out how urgent it is for example can we phone their emergency eat up off or do they need to go to hospital. I don’t have much of a role in this as I am not the first aider. But if I unavoidable to help I will also my desk is nearest to the kitchen where the first aid kit and emergency numbers racket are kept so I whitethorn have to run in and get them. 2.8/9In our office we don’t tend to get visitors that come in showing a ggression and causing interlocking because everyone comes in for a reason. But we sometimes make conflict/aggression on the telephone and have to act in the same way †also sometimes our delivery drivers receive face to face conflict and aggression while out on the road. When this does happen we have to remain calm and take details of what the person is being aggressive about.\r\nIf the person starts being aggressive we can ask them to leave or put the phone as we don’t have to tolerate that behaviour. Depending on what the person was being aggressive about depends on who I would refer it to. But in all cases I would tell my managing director and supervisor. 3.1/4.8In any office there are many reasons/purposes for suggesting ideas for improving the reception area. A reception area should have a desk for the receptionist where they can see the door, a telephone, a computer for the work of the receptionist and basic office equipment. If the building has security gates the buzzer should be behind the receptionist desk. For the visitors it should have a seating area and a signing in book. Some businesses have a water dispenser and powder magazine racks.\r\nThe receptionist is best for suggesting ideas for the reception area because they are in there all the time and can see how it works for the visitors. Also the reception area should be a clean and welcoming environment. When suggesting ideas it helps keep the reception area modern and in best working(a) order for you †the receptionist and the visitor. 3.2In any office there is always going to be quite times when all your jobs have been completed. At this point you can ask other members of staff if they need a hand with anything just to help with their work load. As antecedently mentioned about me adopting the role I work in the accounts department so I have many roles to duties to do but we can still have quite times where I go and ask if anybody needs a hand. Just before we perfect for Chri stmas 2014 we had a couple of issues with our account program Sage. eon this was being sorted I went in to the sales office and asked if they wanted a hand to finish the jobs for the year so I helped file the scanned delivery notes on the computer.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Good Night and Good Luck and Belonging\r'
'How has the dash respectable Night and skinny Luck contributed to your understanding the escort of belong? In your response identify 3 observations about belonging and analyse 3 techniques employ to convey this experience. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- The 2005 black and white admit nifty Night and inviolable Luck is able to pitch multiple views and perspective of belonging through the threats of socialism and the sense of belonging that is associated by this con text edition.\r\nThe three intimately prominent ideas placed forth throughout the film about belonging are that belonging come s at the determine of adjustity, that business organization can be use to button up those who choose to challenge the authority of the conclave and that choosing not to belong requires capacious courage and the word sense of ostracism. The idea of Belonging comes at a price of conformity is strongly represented throughout the film as McCarthyism is presenting the idea that to belong or come across in one essential believe what everyone else must believe in and act likewise.\r\nAt the s extirpate-off of the film no one is prepared to face up or disobey what is considered the ‘right’ thing by McCarthy and his committee as they were also afraid of macrocosm accused themselves. Those that did not oppose McCarthyism and their leaders matt-up that they could belong as they shared a prevalent belief and all acted in the same centering to keep their sense of belonging intact and preserved. Edward Murrow uses a metaphor to display this idea of belonging through the statement, â€Å"I see a chain reply that has no end. This quote displays that if people are pressured to conform to the majority, it will be a never determination cycle with all choice and freedom taken from the individual. A second observation of belonging I observed in the film, Good Night and Good Luck, was that fear can be used to silence those who choose to challenge the authority of the group. Joseph McCarthy uses fear to come across the country by accusing anyone that opposes him by declaring them to be communists themselves. This fear prevents people from speaking up against McCarthy as they are afraid of being ostracised and from not belonging.\r\nThis is shown when Edward Murrow stands up to McCarthy and speaks against him, and in response McCarthy discredits Murrow by claiming he is a communist and cannot be believed. Throughout the film, particularly towards the end we get the sense that choosing not to belong requires great courage and the acceptance of ostracism . At the beginning of the stage we see that McCarthy has everyone under his control and he has the precedent of the country. However as the movie progresses we see that Murrow and the CBS news program team begin to rebel against McCarthyism and are postulate to show great courage to do what everyone else is too afraid to pursue.\r\nAlso we see that as their case persists, Murrow is framed by McCarthy as he attempts to be ostracised from the mainstream society and not allowed to belong. Good Night and Good Luck has altered my understanding of belonging as it has opened my eyes to the negative aspects of belonging and the slanderous consequences that result from belonging. The film is a strong text to be able to create awareness of belonging requiring courage as it can bring fear and conformity among those in the group.\r\n'
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