Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Nigeria Essay - 2820 Words
Nigeria Modern Nigeria is an archetypal cauldron, enmeshed with a variety of cultural groups and traditions, nevertheless united by the prospect of forging a unique independent national identity. Hausa, Fulbe, Yoruba and Igbo are among the largest of those, in the forty -three years since the end of colonial occupation, struggling to maintain their linguistic and cultural affiliations while simultaneously converging t o create a syncretic sense of Nigerianness. Subsequently, as one means of understanding art, in essence, is as a celebration of identity, artwork in the post -independence era manifests this struggle; thus, placing artists at the epicenter of cultural iden tification. In the 1960s, artist Uche Okeke emerged as an†¦show more content†¦Body and wal painting were not practiced throughout the whole of Igboland, nor were they solely referred to as uli painting! Where such practices did exist, motifs and in terpretations differed. It was not until the onset of colonialism, therefore, that communities and traditions in this region were classified under the auspices of a Pan -Igbo identity; in which the practices of uli body and wall painting were promoted as c ommon Igbo customs.2 Therefore, what is currently referred to as uli painting represents the synthesis of a variety of traditions and motifs, in which interpretations stil vary from community to community and artist to artist. Regardless of classificat ion, however, body and wal l painting designs exist on a similar aesthetic plane. Typicaly, uli designs represent a system of pictographs which, when applied to a given surface, serve as a method of beautification and represent a specific aspect of an ind ividual on which they are applied or the community audience absorbing the imagery. 3 As an object oriented design system, uli symbols are simplified and abstracted. Given their two -dimensionality and relative isolation on the picture plane, symbols are rea d individualy, though they may occasionaly bear meaning to the greater motif. Furthermore, application of theShow MoreRelatedNigeria And Its Impact On Nigeria1753 Words  | 8 Pages Nigeria was founded in 1963, after gaining independence from the United Kingdom, and adopted a federal presidential republic government. On its southern coast it borders the Atlantic Ocean through the Gulf of Guinea. Current President Muhammadu Buhari took power in 2015 but has been involved in Nigerian politics since the 1980s. His insights and experience really add power to his speeches when he comes out to address the issues his country is facing. The problem that Buhari has discussed oftenRead MoreA Description of Nigeria1278 Words  | 6 PagesNigeria Essay Located in West Africa, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous worldwide. Thanks to its natural resources, especially oil, its economy is among the fastest growing in the world. From 1901 until its independence in 1960, Nigeria was a British colony. Great Britain decided to grant Nigeria its independence because after World War II Nigeria’s economy was very poor. Comprised of over 250 ethnic groups, as well as a population that is split religiouslyRead MoreINSECURITY IN NIGERIA1454 Words  | 6 PagesPOVERTY AND INSURGENCY IN NIGERIA: THE BOKO HARAM CHALLENGE. ABSTRACT: This paper aims to study the insecurity in Nigeria which is widely caused by Islamic sects known as Boko Haram in Nigeria and its effects on security. This paper will also find if there is a connection between poverty and Insurgency that has led to a great unrest in Nigeria, the aim of writing isRead MoreIkea in Nigeria1187 Words  | 5 PagesIKEA in Nigeria Nasser Mardini Virginia International University Global Sourcing and Logistics - MBA 628 September 15, 2012 Dr. Stephen Onu Company history IKEA was founded in 1943by Ingvar Kamprad aged 17 in a small farming village in Sweden. The name IKEA was formed from the founder’s initials I.K. plus the first letters of Elmtaryd and Agunnaryd, the farm and village where Kamprad grew up. Originally IKEA sold everything from pens and wallets to picture frame, watched and even ladiesRead MoreColonialism in Nigeria1132 Words  | 4 Pagesone†(Kozlowski, 46). The following essay takes two underdeveloped countries – Nigeria and Iran – and assesses the impact of the colonial era on their contemporary politics and political systems. More specifically, it does so by analyzing how the legacy of colonialism impacted the country’s political structure as well as its economic, domestic and foreign policies. Nigeria and Colonization The borders that shape Nigeria today are the result of the so-called â€Å"scramble of Africa†in the late 18th centuryRead MoreCounselling in Nigeria6031 Words  | 25 PagesCOUNSELLING IN NIGERIA: AN OVERVIEW BY C.N. UGWUEGBULAM, Ph.D., JP. ALVAN IKOKU COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, OWERRI – IMO STATE, NIGERIA AND CUUU KADURUMBA (Ph.D.) COLLEGE OF FOOD PROCESSING AND STORAGE TECHNOLOGY, MICHAEL OKPARA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, UMUDIKE, ABIA STATE, NIGERIA HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING IN NIGERIA Man from pre-historic times have been having challenges and solving them. Nigerians in the traditional set-up before the advent of formalized guidance andRead MoreThe Education Framework Of Nigeria1479 Words  | 6 Pagesthinking and judgment, and by and large of setting oneself up or others mentally for experienced life. The Ministry of Education is responsible for education in Nigeria. The education framework in Nigeria is separated into Kindergarten, essential training, auxiliary training and tertiary training. Foundation Problem The present example of Nigeria Education framework, especially the Tertiary Institutions has been an issue of sensitivity toward the administration, accomplices, educationists, managers (homeRead MoreEthnic Conflicts in Nigeria629 Words  | 3 Pagesworse by staging coups and making a mockery of democracy in Nigeria. The military era was marked by corruption, ineptitude and confusion. It drove Nigeria into many problems including economic problems, poverty, and ethno-religious conflicts until the 1990s. The military continued intervening because they believed the civilian leaders were inept and indecisive. Ethnic conflicts continued to escalate through the democratic transition in Nigeria, as various ethnic groups demanded political restructuringRead MoreThe History And Downfalls Of Nigeria Essay1499 Words  | 6 PagesUpsets and Downfalls Nigeria has been a democracy since 1999 when the military handed over government power to elected officials. Since then, the countries electoral system has experienced many upsets and downfalls. This transition has been anything but smooth with large amounts of corruption within the country s political and socio-economic system. Due to the ineffectiveness of governance, it has been extremely difficult for Nigeria to effectively democratize. In order to improve Nigeria’s corruptRead MoreThe Growth Rate Of Nigeria1772 Words  | 8 PagesGDP Growth Rate The growth rate of Nigeria remained low in the late 90’s through the early 2000’s. In 2003, it climbed to over Ten percent and in 2004 soared to almost Thirty-Four percent. Since that time, it has relatively stabilized and currently stands at 4.18% with an annual growth rate of 6.54%. One of the fastest growing segments is Information and Communication, which account for about 10 percent of the total output. The country’s inflation rate has declined recently after a period of
Sunday, May 17, 2020
About Anne Griswold Tyng, an Overlooked Influence
Anne Tyng devoted her life to geometry and architecture. Widely considered a great influence on the early designs of architect Louis I.Kahn, Anne Griswold Tyng was, in her own right, an architectural visionary, theorist, and teacher. Background: Born: July 14, 1920 in Lushan, Jiangxi province, China. The fourth of five children, Anne Griswold Tyng was the daughter of Ethel and Walworth Tyng, Episcopal missionaries from Boston, Massachusetts. Died: December 27, 2011, Greenbrae, Marin County, California (NY Times Obituary). Education and Training: 1937, St. Mary‘s School, Peekskill, New York.1942, Radcliffe College, Bachelor of Arts.1944, Harvard Graduate School of Design*, Master of Architecture. Studied Bauhaus with Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer. Studied urban planning with Catherine Bauer.1944, New York City, briefly employed by industrial design firms.1945, moved to the Philadelphia home of her parents. Became the only female employee of Stonorov and Kahn. Worked on city planning and residential projects. Remained with Louis I. Kahn when the Stonorov and Kahn partnership broke up in 1947.1949, licensed to practice architecture. Joined the American Institute of Architects (AIA Philadelphia). Met Buckminster Fuller.1950s, associate consulting architect in Kahn‘s office. Continued to work on city of Philadelphia planning with Louis I. Kahn (Civic Center), while independently experimenting with habitable geometric designs (City Tower).1975, University of Pennsylvania, PhD in Architecture, with a focus on symmetr y and probability. * Anne Tyng was a member of the first class to admit women at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Classmates included Lawrence Halprin, Philip Johnson, Eileen Pei, I.M. Pei, and William Wurster. Anne Tyng and Louis I. Kahn: When 25-year-old Anne Tyng went to work for Philadelphia architect Louis I. Kahn in 1945, Kahn was a married man 19 years her senior. In 1954, Tyng gave birth to Alexandra Tyng, Kahns daughter. Louis Kahn to Anne Tyng: The Rome Letters, 1953-1954 reproduces Kahns weekly letters to Tyng during this time. In 1955, Anne Tyng returned to Philadelphia with her daughter, purchased a house on Waverly Street, and resumed her research, design, and independent contract work with Kahn. Anne Tyngs influences on Louis I. Kahn architecture are most evident in these buildings: 1951–1953, tetrahedronical ceiling and openly geometric staircase in the Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut1955, cubes and pyramidal shapes making up the Trenton Bath House, Trenton, New Jersey1974, grid of symmetrical square design of the Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, Connecticut I believe our creative work together deepened our relationship and the relationship enlarged our creativity, Anne Tyng says of her relationship with Louis Kahn. In our years of working together toward a goal outside ourselves, believing profoundly in each other‘s abilities helped us to believe in ourselves. ( Louis Kahn to Anne Tyng: The Rome Letters, 1953-1954) Important Work of Anne G. Tyng: For nearly thirty years, from 1968 to 1995, Anne G. Tyng was a lecturer and researcher at her alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania. Tyng was widely published and taught Morphology, her own field of study based on designing with geometry and mathematicsâ€â€her lifes work: 1947, developed the Tyng Toy, a set of interlocking, plywood shapes that children could assemble and re-assemble. A Tyng Toy kit could be put together to build simple but usable objects, which could then be taken apart and re-assembled to make other objects. Childrens furniture and toys included a desk, easel, stool, and wheeled toys. The Tyng Toy, featured in the August 1950 Popular Mechanics magazine (page 107), was exhibited in 1948 at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.1953, designed City Tower, a 216-foot high, geometrically intricate building for Philadelphia. In 1956, Louis Kahn envisioned tripling the height of the City Tower Project. Although never built, a model was exhibited in 1960 at the Museum of Modern Arts exhibit Visionary Architecture in New York City, with Kahn giving little credit to Tyng.1965, Anatomy of Form: The Divine Proportion in the Platonic Solids, research project funded by a grant from the Graham Foundation, Chicago, Illinois.1971, Urban Hie rarchy exhibited at AIA in Philadelphia. In a Domus Magazine interview, Tyng described the design of square houses along spiral roadways as a cyclical sequence with recurring symmetries of squares, circles, helixes and spirals.1971–1974, designed the Four-Poster House, in which the structure of a modernist Maine vacation home is geometrically integrated with a piece of furniture, the four-poster bed.2011, Inhabiting Geometry, a walk-through exhibit of her lifes work of shapes and forms at the Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania and the Graham Foundation, Chicago. Tynge on City Tower The tower involved turning every level in order to connect it with the one below, making a continuous, integral structure. Its not about simply piling one piece on top of another. The vertical supports are part of the horizontal supports, so it is almost a kind of hollowed-out structure. Of course, you need to have as much usable space as possible, so the triangular supports are very widely spaced, and all the triangular elements are composed to form tetrahedrons. It was all three-dimensional. In plan, you get an efficient use of space. The buildings appear to turn because they follow their own structural geometric flow, making them look like they are almost alive....They almost look like they are dancing or twisting, even though theyre very stable and not really doing anything. Basically the triangles form small-scale three-dimensional tetrahedrons that are brought together to make bigger ones, which in turn are united to form even bigger ones. So the project can be seen as a contin uous structure with a hierarchical expression of geometry. Rather than being just one great mass, it gives you some sense of columns and floors.â€â€2011, DomusWeb Quotes by Anne Tyng: Many women have been scared away from the profession because of the strong emphasis on mathematics....All you really need to know are basic geometric principles, like the cube and the Pythagorean theorem.â€â€1974, The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin [For me, architecture] has become a passionate search for essences of form and spaceâ€â€number, shape, proportion, scaleâ€â€a search for ways to define space by thresholds of structure, natural laws, human identity and meaning.â€â€1984, Radcliffe Quarterly The greatest hurdle for a woman in architecture today is the psychological development necessary to free her creative potential. To own ones own ideas without guilt, apology, or misplaced modesty involves understanding the creative process and the so-called masculine and feminine principles as they function in creativity and male-female relationships.â€â€1989, Architecture: A Place for Women Numbers become more interesting when you think of them in terms of forms and proportions. I am really excited about my discovery of a two volume cube, which has a face with divine proportions, while the edges are the square root in divine proportion and its volume is 2.05. As 0.05 is a very small value you cant really worry about it, because you need tolerances in architecture anyway. The two volume cube is far more interesting than the one by one by one cube because it connects you to numbers; it connects you to probability and all kinds of things that the other cube doesnt do at all. It is an entirely different story if you can connect to the Fibonacci sequence and the divine proportion sequence with a new cube.â€â€2011, DomusWeb Collections: The Architectural Archives of the University of Pennsylvania holds Anne Tyngs collected papers. See the Anne Grisold Tyng Collection. The Archives are internationally known for the Louis I. Kahn Collection. Sources: Schaffner, Whitaker. Anne Tyng, A Life Chronology. Graham Foundation, 2011 (PDF); Weiss, Srdjan J. The life geometric: An Interview. DomusWeb 947, May 18, 2011 at www.domusweb.it/en/interview/the-life-geometric/; Whitaker, W. Anne Griswold Tyng: 1920–2011, DomusWeb, January 12, 2012 [accessed February 2012]
Friday, May 15, 2020
Movie Review Silence Essay - 8101 Words
A half dozen kids and their parents lined the walls of the small room, all squirming in their plastic chairs, excited that they were going to stars in Pankyland the Movie. Except for me, that is. My knees knocked against each other like I had to go to the bathroom, but not because I bubbled inside. This small room felt like they had the AC set on the polar bear setting. I yearned for a jacket. All the other kids held a copy of the movie script and read it to themselves, most moving their lips and mumbling to themselves. Craig, my nine-year-old little brother, sat next to me in his squeaky chair and read his script in silence. Mom sat on the other side of Craig, tapping text messages into her smartphone, probably bragging that she was to be the mom of a movie star. Both Mom and Dad became weird the moment we learned the casting people picked Craig to be in the movie. They’d been calling people, texting them, posting stuff on Facebook, and smiling at Craig a little more than usual. Even when I made black belt in karate, I trotted up to Mom and Dad with my new belt in hand and found them talking about Craig and this stupid movie. The movie was about how Pankyland, the Florida theme park, got its start. My dad loved Pankyland so much he forced an annual trip on us to suffer through the kiddie rides and nonstop, repetitive, overly happy theme park music. Last summer, Craig, a neighbor, and I accidentally stumbled our way on stage. In front of hundreds, Craig sang the PankylandShow MoreRelatedUse Of Sound And Its Cohesion With Visual Elements952 Words  | 4 PagesThis review is the examination of sound and its cohesion with visual elements in the movie Kill Bill Volume 1, specifically from 1:30:14 – 1:37:30. The Kill Bill trilogy does not follow a chronological sequence. This allows the viewer to meet the character first and then see how their experiences created who they are. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Analysis Of Culture By Raymond Williams - 838 Words
Global films enable cultures from around the world a stage that they may represent their cultures and beliefs. Many directors embed messages within the film that could represent social issues, or share an identifiable theme. Global films encourage audience’s appreciation for other culture, and empathy; incorporating the message that although the cultures differ, they face similar dilemmas. This analysis will include focal points from the article, The Analysis of Culture written by Raymond Williams. Additionally, this analysis will explore two fundamental key points of interest. First, this analysis will examine how films achieve communicating social issues. Second, research the effects of films that address humanitarian issues. Finally, examine how diverse cultures utilize film to suggest their own local and global involvement from my own perspective as a student. Beginning with Williams, The Analysis of Culture, identifies three â€Å"general categories in the definition of culture†(Williams, 1961). First, is the ideal culture defined as the lives, work, and values of the culture. Second, is the documentary which is the actual evidence of the culture and, social descriptions of a particular way of life. Third, is the social definition of culture which defines traditions and language. Williams clarifies that culture is difficult to define and the above implies his thoughts attributing to the term. Although, many of the films viewed in COM 564 could easily align with allShow MoreRelatedThe And Dissemination Of Cultural Values, Ideologies, And Hierarchies832 Words  | 4 PagesThe analysis on the construction and dissemination of cultural values, ideologies, and hierarchies is as varied as the historian. Again semantics and semiotics, important issues to understand the full web of the â€Å"word-concept†culture, dominate much of the theory and practice. 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It is the intention of this paper to cover each topic in turn, using them to pick apart and examine the sample film. Johnny Mnemonic is the 1995 film adaptation of William Gibson s short story by the same title. The film takes place in the year 2021 and follows the main character â€Å"Johnny,†a Mnemonic carrier with a silicone implant in his head for storing data too sensitive to be sent via the Net, a virtual realityRead MoreReturn On Investment ( Roi )1502 Words  | 7 Pagesback as Biblical times when assessment of captured tribes worth was valued for the cost to keep the prisoner and how much gain they could provide if they were kept alive to work. Biblical methods were not specific as to the elements involved in the analysis but the elementary practice was an accounting of human assessment. Adam Smith, Economist from 1776, claimed that human capital was maintaining the individual through their education, study and /or apprenticeship that would produce a fixed cost
A Comparative Analysis of Database Software Programs
Comparative Analysis of Database Software Programs Introduction All enterprise software applications rely on databases to provide the necessary data, data structures, integration, security and reporting to ensure corporate-wide systems and platforms can deliver information when and where it is needed. From this perspective, databases are the catalyst of enterprise software growth and stability. The intent of this analysis is to compare the most critical attributes of Microsoft Access, SQL, IBM DB2 and Oracle enterprise database platforms. Based on the analysis completed for this study, the most critical features that need to be include in the analysis are ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) compliant data structures, support for data partitioning, options for interfacing and integration, referential integrity of the database data structures, supported operating environments including operating systems, and extent of support for transaction processing. Additionally the ability of a database to support localization through Unicode is also included in the comparison. Each of these factors is briefly described below and included in a comparison table. Definition of Comparison Factors Each of the databases included in this analysis share the common attribute of support relational data structures, and inherently have the ability to index, create, modify and integrate complex taxonomies together to created a unified data architecture(Basumallick, Wong, 1996).Show MoreRelatedComputers Are Always At Risk When Accessing The Internet1107 Words  | 5 Pagesanti-malware program installed. According to a study from the Web security company Dasient, between 2009 and 2010, the number of malicious websites doubled (Dasient via Chang, Venkatasubramanian, West, Lee, 2013). This poses a difficult front for battling against malware. As long as the number of malware increase, anti-malware needs to keep adapting to the changing times. 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Homo Superior Essay Example For Students
Homo Superior? Essay War of the Worlds by H.G. WellsHomo-Superior?War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells is a fiction story written about war and mankind’s coming of age. It is also a philosophical novel with many deep meanings underlying the shallow looking one-hundred-eighty-eight page book. The subject of this novel is Science Fiction and there are not many that can even compete with Wells in terms of how superior his word descriptions are. He simply does wonders with the imagination of the reader. Obviously the whole book is about the struggle mankind faces, but it is not always with aliens, they are actually more of a good way to represent what Wells really believed. He believed man is dominant, yet should remember how big the universe is and that the possibility of life far more intelligent than ours is very great. The narrator, who is also the main character tells War of the Worlds in first person. He describes everything from the man’s denial, to the invasion, the battles, and the aftermath. In the beginning he discusses the possibility of other life forms existing. When the aliens invade they do not communicate, just organize and destroy all resistance and population centers. The author journeys along all of England fleeing the invaders and always being updated from various people about the news. The climax comes when he walks into a town to find all the aliens dead from bacteria, and the denouement is when he finds his wife. The movie â€Å"Independence Day†is the best way to describe this story to someone who has never read the book before. The two are strikingly similar. In both the aliens invade without warning and destroy everything with their superior technology. People know about the aliens before they arrive ahead of time in each story, but do nothing because of denial and public hysteria. The study and autopsy of aliens are described in the two. There are differences though. There are no heroes in the book, but in the movie there are. Our technology is useless in the book and in the movie it wins it for us. In a sense the endings are the same because a computer virus is what causes the aliens’ shields to go down in the movie and biological viruses kill the aliens in the book. Still when I think about it, â€Å"Independence Day†is the best way to modernize the story. Pre World War One England is the setting for the story. It fits nicely, for if the humans were more advanced; the alien technology would not have smashed them, and actually might have been smashed by technology from that of even World War Two days. In this case the setting is perfect on account of the humans having a small sense of hope in their machinery, but not enough technology to really compete. Characters are not a big part of this book. The main one, who never reveals his name, is the only one who in fact does not always go with the craziness of the public. He does have his moments of running away screaming and hiding, but he learns more about himself, mankind, and the aliens than anyone else in the book. He has loved ones in England and hates the aliens for what they do to his home, yet he understands what the aliens are trying to do. First person is a good way to write this kind of book because the reader knows exactly what a regular Joe would be thinking at a time like this . Another reason Wells is such a great author. Other characters are the aliens, who seem to be ugly heads that talk with their minds. The physical characteristics they possess are far different from humans and they never communicate with the humans. The last character worthy of note is the artillery man the main character meets towards the end of the book. The two seem to agree on the way things will work out, and both would rather live than die fighting. They play many games together, eat and talk and even spend the night out in the English countryside together. Without this man, the book does not exist and there is no story. If the book were a laboratory he would be the scientist that keeps everything going. .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 , .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .postImageUrl , .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 , .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1:hover , .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1:visited , .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1:active { border:0!important; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1:active , .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1 .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufc4d5ea620758847e87cd797170f1fb1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System EssayMy favorite part of the book is the beginning when some of the town’s people decide to get brave and wave a flag at the aliens. How dumb can you be? Everyone knows what is going to happen to him or her before it even happens! It shows the predictability of the humans and the writer. Herbert George Wells was a writer at heart and at an early age would read books in the library of a house that his mother would housekeep for. When his father’s business failed he was basically sold (apprenticed) to another part of England. This causes him to create his first work known as KIPPS. The character goes through what he went through and he has very pessimistic views on the upper class society. His next opportunity to write came to him as a teacher. He had many lovers and affairs throughout his life that must have given rise to all his hostile points in his books. As an author, I have much respect for him. As a person, I don’t think we would get along too well together. His outlook on life is too narrow for me. I loved his book and how short and strident the sentences were. He views are just too sour for me. The whole time he bad mouths humans and makes a mockery out of our race. I know we do stupid things, but we have created so much and have so much to live for I find it hard to agree with him on many things. If I were to talk to him, I would not focus on philosophy so as not to argue with him. It would be out of respect for him as an author and his book. He does have a few bright spot; however, the dark ones far exceed the bright ones. War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells is written to teach man of his arrogance and also how bad arrogance can be. Although the fact of where we came from is still disputed to this day, and will be for a while, one thing is clear. Humans are the dominant species on this planet. The only competition we have is from ourselves. The author is trying to tell the reader that the vision of man should not be so small as to think we are superior beings. We only have ourselves to compare to. In the beginning the narrator, who is also the main character (though we never know his name), tells the reader how when the aliens landed and put up their little satellite, the humans tried to respond intelligently. They went about this very unintelligently however and ended up getting roasted for it. If I were the aliens I would be laughing my ass off at the stupid humans. Waving a flag at a thirty-yard distance is seen as an invasion of territory and a possible threat†¦what were the humans thinking?Anothe r arrogant comment that happened was right before the humans get roasted, one of the narrator’s neighbors says, â€Å"What Ugly Brutes!†While he may have been right, look where it got him. Besides, the aliens must have thought the same thing about us. We were primitive in both our society and our technology. We were unorganized and talked using audible sounds. The amazing thing was that the aliens functioned as one, and always were coordinated and organized. When the main character described what the beings looked like, the reader would assuredly be disgusted like the main character was. Yet the main character backed the author’s point of human arrogance very well when he said that these features such as a lack of a digestive system were advantages. Because of this the aliens never died of old age or grew tired. They were able to be productive twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Their bodies we for perfect for their purpose: destroying humans. Wells makes a superb point when he lets the reader know just how close the threat came from. Earth’s nearest planet! All this time we were going about thinking how great we were and that we were the only ones around and then boom! The aliens swoop out of nowhere and destroy everything with their pinky fingers! Wells was probably trying to teach humility amongst other things to t he reader as just seen here. This problem was right under our noses in terms of how close we were and how easy it was for the aliens to invade. Sure, a few people observed lights and things of that sort coming from the areas around Mars, but these were labeled meteors or space rocks. No way could another intelligent form of life, much less one superior to humans, be responsible for this. So while people knew about this, they did nothing. And as the phenomenon grew closer to Earth, more people found out about it, but no one ever thought of extra terrestrials invading. The last important point Wells makes is that humans were stupid in the way that they acted. There was no strategy to anything, because†¦well we didn’t really know what to do. The only strategy that the British had ever needed at this time was the one that the aliens were using. The far superior technology, armor, weaponry and location were what advantages the English always had in the past, so they knew no o ther way. Of course the artillery bombardments, tanks and automatic weaponry had crushed all before, why not now? Still, after all the failed attempts and lives lost in vain, the humans fought on. There were even suicide missions, which brings about the only admirable quality of us in the book. Our drive to live. Throughout the story soldiers talk of how they would rather die fighting than be enslaved to a master race of walking octopuses. That trait is very human indeed, yet to some it seems crazy. Maybe it is, but not to Wells. He wrote of the stupidity and courage of men. He did a great job of doing both. This book is really a classic because so many people know about it and still read it today, and it is over a hundred years old! It reminds me of how the U.S is today. Sure we are the greatest nation on the planet, however we still need to be reminded that we do not control everyone. We should be more humble and that is how the author felt as well. All the time I see on the news how people rebel and complain about stuff. When it comes down to it they don’t do jack! They just want to bitch about how the system cheats them. There were characters in the book like this in the novel too. The most significant thing to me in the whole book, and I’m sure it is to most readers too, is the fact that germs killed the aliens. Not some secret weapon, or a hero, but the every day cold. This really humbles man. In the end there is hope. The hope that man finally understands that he is not so great and how lucky he can be. Hope that we will learn from our mistakes and take them to heart so that if this happens again, we will be ready. So the one question remains, and I leave it up to you†¦are we Homo-Superior?Book Reports
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Catcher In The Rye Theme Essay Example For Students
Catcher In The Rye Theme Essay The Catcher in the RyeIn Jerome David Salingers book The Catcher in the Rye the difficulties In Holdens life sends you through a thrilling adventure through all Holden have been through. The short story Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut also shows the drama of a little girl named Ramona. Ramona has an alcohol addictive mother who thinks Ramona is in serious trouble. Ramonas mother creates an imagery friend from Ramona to help her out with things and to keep her company while she is playing. In The Catcher in the Rye Holden does not have an imagery friend but he does have friends to talk to when he needs someone to talk to. Through all lifes unexpected happenings Holden and Ramona rose to the occasion or fell to the pressures. The book The Catcher in the Rye is centered on Holden Caulfield, a seventeen-year-old narrator and central character of the novel. He addresses the reader directly from a mental hospital or sanitarium in southern California. Holden begins at Pencey Prep, a private sch ool in Pennsylvania, on the Saturday afternoon of the traditional football game with school rival, Saxon Hall. Holden finds himself in many unusual situations. He keeps running away from home and not even thinking of turning back. He went to New York one time to experience life there. Holdens conflicts are like what Salinger had growing up. Holden lost a very important person to him, his brother. Salinger also lost many close family members too. In the end Holden is at the sanitarium in California. He doesnt want to tell us any more. The whole story has only made him miss people, such as his brother. The short story Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut was another short story written by Salinger. In Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, Eloise an alcoholic mother believes that her little girl Ramona is in serious trouble. She has a make believe friend named Jimmy who provides her with the entertainment that lacks in her neighborhood. Eloise once loved Walt Glass, who died over seas in an explosion. Seeking a love for replacement, she found Lew whose role in this story is that he once referred to Eloises hurt ankle as uncle wiggily. In a drunken rage, Eloise forces her daughter to sleep in the middle of her bed. This is also related to The Catcher in the Rye and Salingers life in the fact that everyone has lost a loved one in their life. Holden his brother, Salinger his family member, and Eloise her husband. Salinger chooses to write stories like this to show that salvation is possible, and that we are not all fated to a life of phoniness and disgust. One of the themes in the story is emotions. T his is the main theme. I have brought this up before about each person in the novel dieing. Thats where all the emotions come from. Whenever you lose a family member or someone close to you youre bound to show emotion. As in the two stories and in Salingers life. Holden showed emotion when he was fail in high school. Holden said, Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules. Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it. Game, my ass. Some game. If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then its a game, all rightIll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there arent any hot-shots, then whats a game about it? Nothing. No game. (Chapter 2) That showed some of Holdens emotions in the beginning of the novel. Mr. Antolini said, I have a feeling that youre riding for some kind of terrible, terrible fall. . . . The whole arrangements designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldnt s upply them with. . . . So they gave up looking. ( Chapter 24) Holden has just left his parents apartment, following his conversation with Phoebe, and he is reaching a point of serious insecurity, having just bursting into tears. Phoebe lent him her Christmas money. He goes to Mr. Antolinis because he feels he can trust and open your heart to in him. This is another emotion Holdne had. .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d , .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .postImageUrl , .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d , .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d:hover , .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d:visited , .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d:active { border:0!important; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d:active , .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u45806c490039dc9568858269a60dc08d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: MENTAL ILLNESS EssayNew York is a symbol in this story. I see New York as a fast moving city. In The Catcher in the Rye, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut and Salingers own life they were all fast moving and at a fast paced action. Very Similar to New York which has people moving from building to building and sidewalk packed to the limit. In Holdens life, main character in The Catcher in the Rye, he has to move on from his brother dieing. He moves on from that pretty fast. In Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut Eloise moves on fast from the passing away of her husband. New York is also where Holden shows his individuality and independence. Holden says, Ackley took another look at my h at . . . Up home we wear a hat like that to shoot deer in, for Chrissake, he said. Thats a deer shooting hat. Like hell it is. I took it off and looked at it. I sort of closed one eye, like I was taking aim at it. This is a people shooting hat, I said. I shoot people in this hat. ( Chapter 3)Holden uses the hat as a mark of individuality and independence. We see how deeply his desire for independence is connected to his feeling of isolation, to the anger he has for the rest of the world. The last is characterization and the Will to move on. Everyone in their respected books or life moved on from their troubles and difficulties in life. They all went their separate ways in order to be happy. Holden tried to ignore his past and move on from it. Holden said, The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. Nobodyd move. . . . Nobodyd be different. The only thing that would be different would be you.(Chapter 16) He meant by that that after moving on people may not be different but he would. Holden would change in personality, character, and sprit and also would change his mind direction in life. In conclusion Salingers life, The Catcher in the Rye and Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut are not all that different books. They have many similar characteristics. Then again each book does have their own differences. As would any two books. Many people prefer The Catcher in the Rye because of its direction of teenage rebellion, but I enjoyed Uncle Wiggly in Connecticut because of the little humor in it. In the end Holden says,Im standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliffI mean if theyre running and they dont look where theyre going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. Thats all Id do all day. Id just be the catcher in the rye and all.Salinger does a great job of relating many aspects in each of his books and that is why he is a great author. 1.Hale, John K. J.D. Salinges Catcher in the Rye. Blooms Notes. 1996. Chesum House Publisher. 2.Simmons, Joseph.No Catcher in the Rye. In Modern Fiction Studies, Vol. IX, NO 4, Winter, 1963-64. pp 370-76. 3.Topper, Martha. In Memoriam: Allie Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye. In Mosaic. Vol. XV, No1 Canter, 1982. pp 129-40.
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