Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Importance of black church Essay Example for Free
Importance of black church Essay One of the primary institutional foundations of the black community is the Black church. It is necessary to evaluate the role that has been played by the Black church in response of the abovementioned needs and negative impacts of the black youth today. In this regard, a total of 635 Northern churches were surveyed by the Black Church Family Project. The North Central comprises of 320 churches, while, Northeastern United States comprises of 315 churches. Youth support programs were regarded during the existence of the churches. Adolescent nonmembers of the church were targeted by at least one program in one hundred and seventy-six churches. Low-income homes were most of the targets, as suggested during the study. â€Å"Many have sought to account for the distinctive features of black religious life by focusing major attention on the distant past. They have been preoccupied with African roots rather than with the American experience out of which the black churches emerged†(1983, 157). A variety of sources was used by the Black Church Family Project for the identification of the targets, as black churches were not having any comprehensive list of their churches. Official denominational lists, the National Urban League, as well as, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s local chapters were included in these sources. In addition, local ministerial alliance’s list, and data from the universities were also included in the sources. The executive offices of the mayors and county executives were also inquired for any valid information during the study. Funeral directors, telephone directories, and black churches, as well as, the denominations were also included and regarded in the sources during the assessment of sources as maximum as possible. The Lincoln and Mamiya study that was done in the year 1990 was focused during the study, and its seven historically black denominations were focused as a goal during the study. Eight historically white denominations and several other black denominations were also used for the maximum collection of information regarding the subject. Several noteworthy limitations have been confronted during the study. First, no previously developed or verified resources were benefited by the designing of the project-sampling frame due to the non-availability of the national roster of black congregations. The identification of the sampling universe was the first major problem of the study. The actual number of the black churches across the country was unknown, although, 65,000 to 75,000 was the estimated number of black churches in the United States, as agreed by the religious scholars of the country. Identification and location of some churches were not possible due to their faith traditions and churches with no permanent addresses and telephone numbers. Therefore, the sample excluded and underrepresented these entities. Thirty-nine percent of the churches provided the greatest interest regarding the teen-support programs among the 176 churches, in which, youth programs were organized. Christian fellowships, seminars group, workshops discussions, rap sessions, counseling, and ministry were consisted in these programs. Sports activities were the second most prominent offering in these churches. Athletic camps, teams, and martial arts classes were provided by thirty-one percent of the churches. Three percent of the churches provided youth AIDS support programs, while two percent of the churches offered youth health-related services, which were among the least common programs. Persons with AIDS were given with financial support, counseling, classes, and seminars by the former one. Health clinics, screening of health problems, and seminars were included in the latter one. However, it should be noted that fifteen percent of the churches offered substance abuse programs. Counseling for drug and alcohol, seminars for drug abuse preventive measures, and various workshops were included in these substance abuse programs of the churches. Additionally, sixteen percent of the churches offered college student financial support services, which included emergency financial assistance, and scholarships. Parenting and sexuality issues were handled by fifteen percent of the churches. These churches offered counseling, classes, workshops, pregnancy preventive measures, seminars, and support for teen parents. Issues regarding the youth at risk were dealt by fourteen percent of the churches. Counseling, delinquency prevention, and delinquent youth residence issues were included in these offering. Role modeling was reported by eight percent of the churches, which included mentors, and foster grandparents. Employment and job readiness was reported by seven percent of the churches, which included summer employment opportunities, job training, and career/job fairs. Other youth support programs were listed by fourteen percent of the churches. The importance of human resources and leadership was suggested by another finding. The more youth programs were found, when the clergy was paid more. Youth programs were offered by only sixteen percent of the churches with no paid clergy. However, one paid clergy was found in only twenty-nine percent of the churches, and two or more paid clergy were found in forty-nine percent of the churches during the study. The youth programs were also depended on the number of paid staff in the churches. In this regard, youth programs were offered by only eighteen percent of the churches, which were not having any paid staff. The youth programs were existed in a number of characteristics of the churches. Methodist, middle-class, older, and larger membership churches were found to be more interested in organizing youth programs in their communities. In addition, owned or mortgaged, and churches with more staff and paid clergy were also appeared to be having greatest interest in youth programs. Youth programs are not offered by most of the black churches, even with the availability of such characteristics and resources. For instance, some types of family-oriented community outreach programs are offered by two-thirds of black churches in Northern regions, the specific youth programs are addressed by only a quarter of these churches. In addition, some variations were also noted among the churches during the study. Considerable potential for expansion is suggested, as youth programs have been engaged and organized by only a quarter of black churches.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Free College Essays - Loss of Faith in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Free Essay Writer
Loss of Faith in "Young Goodman Brown" Throughout ones journey in life, our individual perceptions of faith in God, in mankind, and in ourselves, guide us along our path. In the absence of clarity of our faith, one is led to believe the norm is what proves to be popular within a society. Nathaniel Hawthorne's, "Young Goodman Brown", demonstrates to the reader, man's inherent attraction to evil, the intertwined depths of evil, and that a lack of understanding of faith; can not only destroy ones life, but also steal from the beliefs which binds us together as a social group. Even with a clear understanding of the Puritan attitude, the reader is left with the dilemma that seems to impose the idea, that faith in God alone is but a dogma in the absence of faith in and an understanding of humanity. Therefore, we resolve that it is not good enough to choose between good and evil; we must be all embracing of the doctrine of faith and forgiveness, so that we can function in a contributory way within our community. Is Young Goodman Brown's encountering with the Devil merely a test of his own faith? Or perhaps, is he simply intrigued by the mystique of evil forces that lie outside the realm of what he considers acceptable behavior in his Puritan times? Â "With this excellent resolve for the future, Goodman Brown felt himself justified in making more haste on his present evil purpose" (634). Through his writing Nathaniel Hawthorne is able to develop a distinct set of doctrine that existed within the mind of Goodman Brown. Thus, the reader can assume that one trait of Puritan Society is a lack of tolerance for forgiveness. It is no wonder that Puritanism is known for a somber outlook on life, and a tendency to be immovable. A Puritan Society might find it difficult to see perfection in it's own members, especially if they do not recognize their own tendency toward hypocrisy. Young Goodman Brown's perception of his faith abandons him because he lacks a clear understanding of his experience in the woods. So in his ignorance he simply continues to criticize others due to the events that have taken place in his misguided life. He resolves that those he had previously viewed as pious, are now hypocrites in his eyes. "Men of dissolute lives and women of spotted fame, wretches given over to all mean and filthy vice and suspected of horrid crimes" (640).
Monday, January 13, 2020
Characterization in and Then There Were None
Katherine Quimbayo Set 6 September 16, 2010 Characterization in And Than There Were None Agatha Christie uses characterization to show the evil side of human nature, in her mystery novel And Then There Were None, through three important characters, which include Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, and Justice Wargrave. Christie shows characterization through Vera by making her a Dynamic character. Vera changes through the course of the work by influence of the life threatening situation that is going on around her.Furthermore, Vera changes from a proper and polite woman, to a woman who will do anything to survive. â€Å"Vera Claythorne, tired by some recent strenuous term at school, thought to herself-‘Being a games mistress in a third-class school isn’t much of a catch†¦ If only I could get a job at some decent school. ’†This quote shows Vera’s hardworking and stringent personality, its shows that Vera is a proper and educated woman (4). â€Å"à ¢â‚¬ ¦ That is was Vera Claythorne. That she shot Lombard, took the revolver back to the house, toppled the marble block onto Blore and then-hanged herself. The following quotation explains Vera’s endurance toward the end of the novel (258). Both of theses quotes symbolize Vera’s dynamic nature changing from a polite woman to someone determined to survive. In Christie’s novel she also shows the evil side of human nature in Philip Lombard.Christie shows characterization in Lombard by making him a round character. In the novel Lombard is depicted as a chivalrous and aplomb character, although toward the end of the book his chivalrousness turns out to be one of his weaknesses and causes him a fatal end. Philip Lombard, that upon a date in February, 1932, you were guilty of the death of twenty-one men, members of an East African tribe. †This quote explains how Lombard is brought to Indian Island therefore showing more insight about his character than any of t he other guests. This quote also symbolizes that although Lombard is a courteous person he is also complex and contradictory in the fact that he is charming but is also capable of murder (43). â€Å"Automatically Vera pressed the trigger†¦.. Lombards leaping body stayed poised in mid-spring, then crashed heavily to the ground. This passage enlightens the fact that Lombards old-fashioned attitude and courtesy toward women, and not believing that women are capable of murder enables Vera to steal Lombards gun and kill him (240).Not only does Christie intertwine characterization in her novel to show the evil side of human nature in Vera and Lombard, but also in Justice Wargrave. Wargraves character in this novel is portrayed as a flat personality. In this novel Christie does not speak much about Wargrave, she only reveals one or two personality traits. In the corner of a first-class smoking carriage, Mr. Justice Wargrave, lately retired from the bench, puffed at a cigar and ran an interested eye through the political news in the Times. †This passage shows only a few characteristics about the identity of Wargrave, it shows that he is a wealthy man being able to ride in a first-class carriage, and it also shows that he is an ex officio (1). â€Å"Only Mr. Justice Wargrave and Miss Brent seemed comparatively unmoved. †This passage also enlightens the fact that Christie made Wargrave is a flat character.In this novel it does not show Wargrave to participate in many group discussion nor does it show his fear in this situation. In applying this characterization to Wargrave it allows the other characters to take no account of Wargrave to be responsible for the murders of the other guests (44). In conclusion, to show the evil side of human nature Christie uses different characterization for each of the characters, some of which include, Vera Claythorne, Philip Lombard, and Justice Wargrave.During the course of the novel all three characters start to s lightly show the evil side of human nature, whether it be for survival, or for revenge. In the case of Vera Claythorne, she shows a dynamic character in changing from a proper, well educated woman to someone who thrives for survival. Philip Lombard is portrayed as a round character, in the fact that Christie makes the reader aware of a variety of Lombards traits, one of which includes Lombards courtesy towards women, which in the end turns out to be a weakness and the cause of death.The last character that shows evil in human nature is Justice Wargrave, who is portrayed as a flat character. Christie only portrays the character to be a wealthy man, which allows this character to be quintessential to the plot and the story line in being the murderer. In epitome, these three characters show that even though people may seem pleasant and courteous, they will do anything to survive.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
A Background of HSBC UK - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2020 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Analytical essay Level High school Did you like this example? 1. Background of HSBC UK HSBC bank was formed in March 1865 in Hong Kong, HSBC serve about 54 million customer all over 75 countries and regions (HSBC 2014 (A)). HSBC has served their customer mainly in four regions, which are Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Americas (HSBC 2013 (A)). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Background of HSBC UK" essay for you Create order The inspiration of founding the bank was Thomas Sutherland, who working for Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company. He helped to establish the bank to open in Hong Kong and Shanghai. In 1888, HSBC was the first bank established in Thailand and it printed the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s first banknotes (HSBC. 2014 (B)). At the very beginning, HSBC now in UK isnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t HSBC in the past. It was Midland Bank plc in the past. Let talk about how Midland Bank transform to todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s HSBC Bank. In 22 August 1836, Charles Geach founded Midland Bank in Birmingham. In 1851, Midland Bank bought à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Stourbridge Old Bankà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ and it became the Birmingham and Midland Bankà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s first branch (HSBC 2013 (B)). In 1889, HSBCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s representation stems back to British Bank of the Middle East and it was established in London. The founder was Baron Julius de Reuter. Today, HSBC is also one of the financial services or ganization and leading bank (HSBC 2013 (A)). In 1898, Midland bank acquired City Bank Limited. Then became one of the four largest banks in United Kingdom. And so the headquarter transferred to Threadneedle Street (HSBC 2013 (B)). In 1992, Midland Bank plc was officially became part of the HSBC Group. Midland Bank plc was one of the biggest banking consolidated by the time. After this, in 1999, Midland Bank plc was renamed HSBC Bank in September. Until today HSBC is a well known Bank in whole world. It is also consistently ranked amongst the top global brands across the world (HSBC 2013 (B)). In 2000, HSBC launched Internet banking as well. They allowed customer to check balance, transfer, make payment and view transactions online. HSBC developed a new headquarter in London in 2002, which consist of 42 floors. The new headquarter in London was build follow by the Chinese traditional style, such as the two lions statues in front of the entrance. In 2003, HSBC became the first U K High Street lender who offering home buying that implement with Sharia law (HSBC 2013 (B)). By the late 1970s, HSBC management team had come out with the strategy of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“three-legged stoolà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . These three leg tools represented the three main markets, which are Asia- Pacific, USA, and UK. In 1980s HSBC bought Marine Midland Bank in USA that can be considered as the acquisition of the second tools. The primary target is to acquire the Royal Bank of Scotland, but its failed. Therefore, The HSBC changed the target to Midland Bank in 1987. (HSBC 2014 (B)) In 21st century, HSBC has re-focus on its origin. HSBC grow its business in China with the partnership. HSBC stand still in recent global turbulence in economies and market (HSBC. 2014 (B)). 2. Banking Activities of HSBC First of all, HSBC UK possessed two major banking sectors, which are personal banking and business banking. In this section, I would like to focus on the personal banking. Under per sonal banking consist of Everyday Banking, Borrowing, Investing, Insurance, and also Planning (HSBC 2014 (C)). Whereas business banking content Business Banking turnover up to  £2m, Commercial Banking, Cooperate Banking, International Business and other services (HSBC 2014 (D)). 2.1 Loan The main activity of a bank is to borrow and lend money from the consumers. The bank makes money by letting customer to store money inside the bank and bank provide them an interest and of course bank will do some money reservation just to incase the customer wanted to withdraw their money suddenly. The banks can borrow the money from the depositor to borrower who wants loan money (Federalreserveeducation 2014). HSBC provide quite numbers of loans to their clients. HSBC gives Personal Loan, HSBC Premier Personal Loan, Graduate Loan, and also Flexiloan (HSBC 2013 (E)). Different types of loan comply different of loan terms and qualification. Everyone who apply loan from HSBC UK must be a resident of UK. 2.2 Saving Account Under Personal Banking, let look deeper about what is everyday banking, there are current account, saving, ISAs, credit card, international services, and etc (HSBC 2014 (C)). Under saving account, HSBC provides few numbers of saving account such as HSBC Loyalty Cash ISA, Regular Saver, Online bonus Saver, Flexible Saver, Fixed Rate Saver, HSBC Premier Savings, Future Saver for Children, MySavings, and lastly, International Personal Saving Account. There are different terms and conditions under different saving account and also different interest rate for different saving account (HSBC 2013 (C)). 2.3 ISA Besides saving account, HSBC provide ISA account. ISA stands for Individual Saving Account. Why ISA? Because, customer pay less tax or even no tax and this may increase your income (Johanna 2014). HSBC bank provide HSBC Loyalty Cash ISA, the HSBC Premier interest rate is 1.60% AER[1]. HSBC Advance interest rate is 1.50% AER. Other curre nt account rate is 1.40% AER (HSBC 2013 (D)). 2.4 Credit Card Besides saving account and loans, HSBC provide credit card as well. To be eligibility of HSBC credit card customer, the persons who wanted to apply for the credit card must be over 18 year old. And also must be the resident of UK. HSBC bank provide Customer to apply credit card such as HSBC Credit Card, HSBC Premier Credit Card, and Student Credit Card. Under HSBC Credit Card, the APR[2] is 18.9% p.a. The APR of HSBC Premier Credit Card is 11.9% p.a. For the Student Credit Card, the APR is 18.9% p.a. HSBC Credit Card can transfer balance to other account whereas HSBC Premier Credit Card and Student Credit Card cannot transfer balance to other account (HSBC 2013 (F)). 2.5 Insurance Moreover, nowadays bank not only provide as simple as borrow and lend money. Banks provide some extra services such as insurance. According to oxford electrical dictionaries, insurance can be defined as a guarantee of some losses, il lness, death or damages in return of compensate the investor (Oxford Dictionaries 2014). Basically, customers buy insurance under risky situation and prevent losses. HSBC bank did provide insurances for properties and family. Such as car insurance, travel insurance, home insurance and student insurance (HSBC 2013 (G)). 2.6 Student Insurance As a student, I would more concern on the student insurance, students can choose the cover limits between  £2000 and  £5000 to protect themselves from the financial losses or damages as long as they are a student. Other than that, HSBC insurance provides accidental damage protection to the student. This covers the home entertainment equipment, glasses or mirrors up to  £250 per incident. This is something special for a bank. They also cover personal desktop damaged, game consoles, remote controls, dishes and CCTV cameras, which are fixed in the building. Students can also choose other optional extras such as to claim th e losses of personal belonging you have carry outside of your accommodation but within British. Or you can choose to cover the personal computer equipment that you carry out from your accommodation. Or another choice of covers the losses or damages to your cycle, which is locked to a building you accessed within the British Isles (HSBC 2013 (H)). 3. Regulation Every bank in UK faced banking regulation. Included HSBC bank. Banking regulation can refers as financial regulation. According to Financial Time, financial regulation can be defined as laws, rules or regulation that usually published by government to control what financial institute can do. These laws are to protect the investors and maintain the financial stability. This regulation can be range by setting the minimum capital and conduct (Financial Times 2014a). There are two main regulatory authorities in the UK. Which are à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“ The Financial Conduct Authorityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ (FCA) and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Prudential Regulation Authorityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ (PRA). Both of these parties are split from Financial Services Authority (FSA) (FSA 2012). The Prudential Regulation Authority is to supervise the building society, bank, insurer, the major investment companies and credit union. PRA was form by the Financial Service Act. PRA is part of the Bank of England as well. FCA is another institution that not part of the Bank of England (Bank of England 2014). After last financial crisis, the UK government comes out with some regulation in order to reduce some risk and make financial system to be more stable. And also make the global market to be more safety. HSBC bank has implemented some regulations in for key areas to protect the investor such as Market structure, Bank structure, Tax transparency and Capital and Liquidity (HSBC 2014e). 3.1 Market Structure Under market structure, there are new rules developed by HSBC bank to increase the transparency and cut down the risk. For example , HSBC US is using the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (DFA) to govern the market. Whereas, HSBC based in European Union (EU) is using the European Market and Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) to stable the financial stability and reduce the risk (HSBC 2014e). 3.2 Bank Structure The purpose of this structure implemented is to protect the taxpayers and consumers. HSBC bank proposes the Vickers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“ring fencingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ to the retail banking in the UK (HSBC 2014e). In European Union, Liikanen commission is recently complied for EU bank (Financial Times 2014b) 3.3 Tax Transparency The government is trying to do their best to transparent the tax issues. In the US, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is passed to avoid the money of company to be used on personal purposes. In other country there are also some similar regulations for the government to keep their eye on the tax payer (HSBC 2014e). 3.4 Capital and Liquidity This area consist of Basel III, Basel III is a regulation that sets the capital ratio of a bank of 4.5% (Financial Times 2014c). The purpose of reserve the capital ratio is to prevent the next financial crisis. The reserve capital can be the money back up when it is economic crisis. There were a numbers of countries using Basel III. In the EU, the regulatory is carried out through Capital Requirement Directive (CRD) from January 2014 (HSBC 2014e). Calculation Referencing HSBC. 2014 ( A ). Company History. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 April 14]. HSBC. 2013 ( A ). Our history. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 April 14]. HSBC. 2014 ( B ). HSBCS History. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 April 14]. HSBC. 2013 ( B ). UK timeline. [ONLINE] Available at: _lnk=OurHistory_UKTimeline_FindABranch_Link. [Accessed 01 April 14]. HSBC. 2014 ( C ). HSBC personal. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 April 14]. HSBC. 2014 ( D ). HSBC business banking. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 April 14]. HSBC. 2013 ( C ). HSBC Saving products. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 April 14]. Johanna. 2014. Full ISA Guide. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 April 14]. HSBC. 2013 ( D ). HSBC loyalty cash ISA. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 April 14]. Federalreserveeducation. 2014. Banking Supervision and Regulation. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 April 14]. HSBC. 2013 ( E ). Bank Loan. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 April 14]. HSBC. 2013 ( F ). Credit Card. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 April 14]. Oxford Dictionaries. 2014. Definition of insurance. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 April 14]. HSBC. 2013 ( G ). Insurance. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 April 14]. HSBC. 2013 ( H ). Student Insurance. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 April 14]. Financial Times. 2014a. Definition of financial regulation. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 April 14]. FSA. 2012. The split of FSA. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 April 14]. Bank of England. 2014. Prudential Regulation Authority. [ONLINE ] Available at: [Accessed 06 April 14]. HSBC . 2014e. Financial regulation. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 April 14]. Financial Times. 2014b. The Liikanen report decoded. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 April 14]. Financial Times. 2014c. Definition of Basel III. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 April 14]. [1] AER= Annual Equivalent Rate [2] APR= Annual Percentage Rate
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