Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Andrew Carnegie Was Born In Dunfermline, Scotland In 1835. His Father,
Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland in 1835. His father, Will, was a weaver and a follower of Chartism, a popular movement of the British working class that called for the masses to vote and to run for Parliament in order to help improve conditions for workers. The exposure to such political beliefs and his family's poverty made a lasting impression on young Andrew and played a significant role in his life after his family immigrated to the United States in 1848. Andrew Carnegie amassed wealth in the steel industry after immigrating from Scotland as a boy. He came from a poor family and had little formal education. The roots of Carnegie's internal conflicts were planted in Dunfermline, Scotland, where he was born in 1835, the son of a weaver and political radical who instilled in young Andrew the values of political and economic equality. His family's poverty, however, taught Carnegie a different lesson. When the Carnegies emigrated to America in 1848, Carnegie determin ed to bring prosperity to his family. He worked many small jobs which included working for the Pennsylvania Railroad where he first recognized the importance of steel. With this recognition, he resigned and started the Keystone Bridge Company in 1865. He built a steel-rail mill, and bought out a small steel company. By 1888, he had a large plant. Later on he sold his Carnegie Steel Company to J. P. Morgan's U.S. Steel Company after a serious, bloody union strike. He saw himself as a hero of working people, yet he crushed their unions. The richest man in the world, he railed against privilege. A generous philanthropist, he slashed the wages of the workers who made him rich. By this time, Carnegie was an established, successful millionaire. He was a great philanthropist, donating over $350 million dollars to public causes, opening libraries, money for teachers, and funds to support peace. In the end, he gave away about 90% of his own money to various causes. He also preached to others to do the same as in giving money for education and sciences. The problem, however, was that there was such a contrast between the rich and the poor. By this he was referring to the inequalities in rights, hereditary powers, and such things. He also felt we should have a continuum of forward progress, i.e. civilizing, industrializing. Apparently in his time there was a movement to drift back into a time when there was little advance in modernizing and technologically advancing; when "neither master nor servant was as well situated." This proves that the direction the U.S. took until now was, in fact, the right path since the goal was already in progress. He has to argue and prove that through forward motion all of these problems of social difference, that the poor would also advance with the times, thus diminishing the difference slowly but surely. As the rich get richer they bring up the standard and, in effect, the poor with them as the economy grows. The government comes up with a way to run money that is suited to be in the best interest of the most possible people. In the end, you realize that the majority of the wealth made in this new system is going only to a few people. Then it says about the only question that could possibly arise in this type of a situation. Since the wealth inevitably goes to a concentrated amount of people in the best possible set of circumstances, the question is what to do with the money in order to best serve the general public. So what can a man do with the excess wealth he has amassed? His money is not just for "competence," but rather surplus money. There are three solutions that Carnegie gives for this. The first includes leaving one's money to his family or his oldest son, a common practice in western Europe. This is a "misguided affection", and a bad idea according to Carnegie, because one cannot duplicate the styles and strategies of another no matter how hard he tries. A son can make mistakes and lose his fortune or he can lose it "from the fall in the value of land." It has also
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Longitudinal studies Essays
Longitudinal studies Essays Longitudinal studies Paper Longitudinal studies Paper Longitudinal studies provide data about the same individual at different points in time allowing the researcher to track change at an individual level. Furthermore it could be argued that longitudinal studies can also be used to study change in the lives of organisations and institutions as well as individual people. In this essay I will be focusing on why longitudinal studies may be difficult to undertake and whether they are desirable. I will also mention the different types of longitudinal studies and why longitudinal studies are conducted. (Hakim: 1987) There are many different type s of longitudinal studies. One of these would be individual level panel surveys where samples of individuals are tracked and interviewed. Another type of longitudinal study is household panel surveys. This is where individuals are monitored within the contexts of the household where they live. Additionally, in this type of survey, information is normally collected about the whole household at each wave. Furthermore cohort studies can be categorised as one of the types of longitudinal studies. This consists of studies where samples from a particular age variety are followed to investigate their different trajectories as they age. Also, longitudinal studies which are linked across time can be record linkage studies and administrative or census data. (Hakim: 1987) (Miles et al: 1994) Many argue that the United Kingdom has always taken a prominent role in the development of longitudinal studies and this can be reflected through the numerous types of longitudinal studies such as the Official for National Statistics, Longitudinal Study of the Census and the British Household Panel Survey to just name a few. It could be argued that these studies provide an understanding of social change, of the trajectories of individual life histories and the dynamic processes that underlie social and economic life. Furthermore many claim that their important role in social science and policy research is the core for the continued investment in longitudinal studies in the U.K. This can be seen as one of the main reasons why longitudinal studies are desirable to undertake. Many argue that longitudinal studies are desirable to undertake as they can address issues and support methods in ways that are not possible with traditional cross-sectional approaches. In addition its particularly important and valuable in research areas where the emphasis is directly on change and the occurrence are themselves intrinsically longitudinal such as poverty, employment instability and social attitudes. Also longitudinal studies may be desirable when investigating causal process as determining whether or not certain factors affect a variable for example the effects of unemployment on mental health. Furthermore, supports of the longitudinal design argue that longitudinal studies are desirable in the area when controlling for the effects of unmeasured fixed differences between subjects and also is valuable when studying social change and needing to separate out age, period and cohort effects. Lastly favourites of the longitudinal design claim that longitudinal studies are desirable in a number of research areas where establishing the effect of treatment by following an experimental design or quasi-experimental design or for example comparing periods before and after the introduction of public policy. Evidence illustrates that these advantages have been used for a wide range for important research findings. The first can be in finding the effects on children of school and family background in order to understand social mobility and the effectiveness of educational interventions as well as to identify the key points for intervention. Secondly the longitudinal studies have been able to examine the effects of changing patterns of marriage, cohabitation and childbirth on the time children are likely to spend in lone parent families and furthermore the effects on their later lives. Moreover the features of longitudinal studies have been able to illustrate the defining characteristics of people who experience repeated spells of unemployment and poverty. And also highlight their effects which many argue make it difficult for people to find work and or maybe escape poverty in the future. As it has been argued, longitudinal studies collect data about different times in individuals lives, and across generations, linking evidence from different points in the lives of parents and children. Furthermore this capacity to follow individuals through time and observe how experiences and behaviour is influenced by the wider social and economical contexts in which they find themselves. (Hakim: 1987) (Miles et al: 1994) (Phillips: 1966) (Vaus: 2001)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
International ManagementCase Study and Set the strategies Essay
International ManagementCase Study and Set the strategies - Essay Example It cannot also modify the product that it offers to the European market. The company will also have to deal with the high marketing expenses and will need to deal with the government authorities in keeping with their regulations on exporting. 2. Enter into an alliance with a large European company. Entering an alliance with a European company offers myriad of benefits for Dale. For one, this will enable the business organization to share risks and costs associated in entering the European market. Since, it will be dealing with an established firm which is already prominent in the target market, its entry will be much easier. Conforming to government regulation is also facilitated by the partnership. It should be noted that governments often favor local companies than foreign ones. Through the partnership, Dale will also benefit from the European company's knowledge and brand equity in the market together with the technology and other expertise of its partner. However, drawbacks can include mistrust in sharing proprietary technology and cultural clashes. Dale also has to deal with how to split the profit noting the asymmetric investments by the partners. 3. Manufacture the product in the United States and set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Europe. Manufacturing the product in the home country will enable Dale to reap economies of scale in production. Setting up a wholly owned subsidiary in Europe will allow the company to control marketing tactics and building brand image. It will also enable Dale to learn more about the market and tailor its product according. However, this will present concerns over government regulation and having to deal with a workforce with a different culture. 4. License a European firm to manufacture and market the phone in Europe. This will benefit Dale with a high return on investment as it will be given a high fee for the manufacture and marketing of the revolutionary wireless phone. No intervention in the foreign market is required as the licensee shoulders all the risk involved. The only downside is its inability to reap returns on manufacturing and marketing activities. It is recommended that Dale chooses to partner with a large European firm in manufacturing and marketing its product abroad. This partnership will enable the company to enter the market easier while using the strong brand equity of the large firm. Sharing the risk with another entity is a potential way of mitigating risk. It should be noted that its partner's knowledge about the market will allow it to tailor its product according to unique needs of its target market. Section 2. 1. How does expanding internationally benefit Wal-Mart In the international arena, Wal-Mart recognized that opportunities in the home country were becoming constrained. Wal-Mart is benefited from the international expansion through capturing a wider market base. It should be noted that as most developing economies improve their condition, opportunities abroad abound. The higher income in foreign markets represents profit prospects for retailers. The company also reaps economies of scale in purchasing and ordering due to its strategic partnership with merchandise suppliers. International expansion also enables it to employ its expertise and capabilities while banking on its strong brand equit
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Moral Dilemmas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Moral Dilemmas - Essay Example In stating about this problem, Russ Shafer-Landau argues that various moral principles tend to be effectively independently to how an individual perceives them. Kant’s moral theory is slightly different especially how people perceive it. In defining moral dilemmas, the Kant moral theory is seen as deontological whereby a person’s actions are morally upright in terms of virtues of individual’s motives. In this case, they must derive from a certain duty than inclination (Timmons 27). The determination to act according to his/her duty mostly overcomes the self-interest evidence or the desire to do otherwise. Moreover, Kant argues the aspect of moral values of an individual’s actions with the fact that they only reside in maxim or formal principle. Alternatively, it explains about the general commitment of a person to engage in a certain act because it is his/her duty to do so (Timmons 35). This therefore means that, duty remains the necessity for a person to act out of vengeance for the law. Rigorous application of similar methods towards this reasoning would result in an equal success while dealing with moral philo sophy problems. This therefore means that the eventual principle of morality must always be a moral law that happens abstractly and has the ability of guiding an individual towards a right action. In as much as the Kant’s theory seems effective and applies to real life events, this theory of ethics has its own flaws and ineffectiveness when used literary (Timmons 32). Generally, the theory fails to tell people what they should do especially when their moral responsibilities are conflicting. Kant’s theory of ethics is entirely general especially on some of the common happening in terms of moral ethics and dilemmas. However, the theory is not detailed and effective enough to guide people on how to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Pet Stores are among the few retail businesses growing in the economic Research Paper
Pet Stores are among the few retail businesses growing in the economic downturn. Why Does this suggest a parallel (pet stores a - Research Paper Example Pet owners are purchasing more than sheer requirements when it comes to their pets. Actually, in accordance with the industry’s primary trade organization’s expenses statistics, they are ready to pay almost any cost for their pets (Dean, p. 4). The American Pet Products Association (APPA) recently published the comprehensive yearly evaluation of expenses statistics and information, which reveals overall spending within the pet industry increased by almost 7 percent from 46 billion USD in 2010 to a little more than 49 billion USD in 2011. The pet industry carries on displaying resilience regardless of the economic downturn and APPA is even estimating a 6 percent raise in spending to go beyond 52 billion USD within the coming year. Health-care linked pet expenses carries on to reveal the maximum expansion within the pet industry with spending increasing by 9 percent growth from 2009. Pet owners are becoming a lot more responsive towards their pet’s wellbeing, gener ally being practical with respect to veterinarian care and utilizing specialty formula foods, supplements, in addition to advanced, and sometimes, expensive cure preferences to guarantee that their pet stays in good physical shape. Of all categories, veterinary care has the major projected intensification at 10 percent that would cause a likely 15 billion USD in spending during 2013. Pet services is an additional group that has witnessed continued as well as diversified development in reaction to the rising demands pet owners face on a daily basis (Boler & Fahey, p. 81). The pet retail industry is a huge and quickly developing market. During the last ten years, the industry has seen exceptional increase from 25 billion USD to more than 50 billion USD – that is more than Americans use on films, music, and video games collectively. During 2011, Americans used 51 billion USD on their pets, with an estimation of 51.90 billion USD in pet spending during 2013. This yearly expenditu re is likely to reach at 54 billion USD during the next two years. That is an extremely incredible level of development keeping in view the country’s overall condition of economic slump. A shocking 95 percent of pet owners used the equivalent or additional amount on their pets in the most recent financial depression phase. A number of pet owners are even skipping extravagance in their own life with the intention of ensuring that their pets are living in comfort. Economic professionals now broadly advertize the pet industry as actually invulnerable to financial downturn. Even from 2008 to 2010, years that witnessed almost each industry of America’s retail financial system collapse, pet expenditure was up by 12 percent. In fact, the pet industry is the seventh biggest retail industry within America, surpassing the ornaments, sweets, toys, and hardware industries. In addition, following consumer electronics, pet care is the most rapidly expanding group within retailing, g rowing almost 7 percent each year. Evidently, consumer demand within the pet business is at an unprecedented high. Particularly, with respect to the pet services field, dog training as well as pet care spending have raised from 6.2 billion USD to 7.1 billion USD during the last three years with key development now forecasted for the coming five years. As showed by a recent research, Pet services are among the rapidly developing sectors within the pet
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Viewpoint Of Developers Background Of Study Construction Essay
The Viewpoint Of Developers Background Of Study Construction Essay Nowadays, building quality has been one of the important factors to satisfy customers. The priority of the customer is mainly based on quality rather than cost. In todays economy competition, it is getting more fierce and cruel than before. Products with good quality can attact buyers to purchase, therefore the pressure has been formed from customers leads the developers to provide the building product with excellence quality (Connections Magazine 2003). Connie (2001) acknowledges that facilities, exterior and interior design are included in building quality. Due to the inconsistency in construction quality, the naissance of Construction Quality Assessment System or CONQUAS by the Construction Industry Development Board Singapore (now known as the Building and Construction Authority (BCA)), in conjunction with major public agencies and some leading industry professional bodies and organisations, had been designed to measure the construction quality level in construction industry in year 1988 (The National House Buyer Association 2008a). The CONQUAS has been evolved in seventh edition which renamed as CONQUAS 21. Although having the different name, but still, QLASSIC aka Construction Industry Standard (CIS:7) serves the same objectives as CONQUAS 21. Quality Assessment System in Construction or QLASSIC was developed by Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia together with various professional bodies, association, universities and government agencies to resolve the inconsistency construction quality. It is designed to standardise the quality standards in construction, to evaluate the performance of the construction, to have a proper standard of assessment system as well as to collect data for statistical analysis to continually improve quality of construction (The National House Buyer Association 2008a). In other words, QLASSIC can be served as a quality yard stick for the construction industry and is able to let outsiders to compare relatively and quantitatively the quality of workmanship between construction projects. Furthermore, some developers can set a CONQUAS score as a target for contractor to achieve (Building and Construction Authority 2008). Once the contractor has reached the targeted score, he will be awarded, but if the contractor is below the base line, he will be penalised. This will encourage the contractor to provide a superior building product. Both CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC are an independent assessment which is conducted by inspectors from BCA Singopore or CIDB Malaysia. Sample of building will be selected randomly and inspected to represent the quality of overall project, means that the inspection will not evaluate and measure every single unit in the project (The National House Buyer Association 2008a). Problem Statement Recently, people are more concerned about quality achieved in building project. So, many people will hesitate whether the property is up to the standard and worth to purchase with the amount of money that they pay (The National House Buyer Association 2008a)? Building project with high quality can ensure future marketability and enhances the clients confidence to the building (Building and Construction Authority 2008). Therefore, developers should deliver the final building product with high quality standard to the purchasers. Quality is always being emphasized in a construction project, the establishment of CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC is an additional assurance for the developers to ensure the quality of the workmanship in the project is infallible. Moreover, the result of the assessment can present impartially the overall quality of the completed project as well as represent the performance of the building by the developer and the contractor. Furthermore, the higher score of the building can give a great sense of confidence to the house buyers to purchase the houses. However, some developers in Malaysia are adopting either CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC to ensure the quality of the product. There is no study being conducted regarding the preference of application of these two assessment methods. Therefore, a study on preference of application between CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC will be proposed to find out the preference of developers. At the meantime, the researcher also wants to compare the application between CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC and to determine the advantages of applying CONQUAS or QLASSIC. Finally, the researcher also wants to find out the constraints when implementing CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC. Project aim and objectives Aim The aim of this research is to study the preference of application between CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC from the viewpoint of developers Objectives In order to achieve the aim mentioned above, several objectives are created. To compare the application of CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC; To determine the advantages of applying CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC in construction projects; To examine the problems or constraints when implementing CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC in construction projects; To find out the preference of developers in the application of CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC and the reasons. Key Questions The following key questions are formed in order to achieve the objectives: What are the differences between application of CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC? What are the advantages of applying CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC? What are the constrains or problems to be faced when implementing CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC? Which type of construction quality assessment system is more preferred among Malaysian developers? Importance and benefits of study This study is to find out the preference of developers on application of CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC. This can gather the opinions from developers in order to determine which construction quality assessment system is more preferred among Malaysian developers. Besides, this study also can increase the level of awareness for the Malaysian developers who do not apply either CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC. Other than that, the research also focuses on the advantages and constraints in applying CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC. The benefits of this study provide better understanding to the developers about the advantages when applying CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC and encourage them to apply either system for further improvement in the quality aspects of construction projects. Besides, this study highlights the constraints when implementing CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC so that developers are aware of these issues and able to avoid or mitigate them for effective application of the aforesaid construction quality system in their construction projects. Scope of study To achieve the objectives mentioned, this study will just focus on two construction quality assessment systems, namely, CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC. This research does not include other construction quality assessment system such as European Association for Quality Assurance (ENQA), Project Quality Performance in Hong Kong developed by Chan (2001) and Blueprint in United States developed by the Quality Performance Measurement Task Force (QPMTF) of Construction Industry Institute (CII) (Stevens 1996). Additionally, the researcher will conduct an in-depth study on the advantages and constraints of applying CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC. The researcher will also cover the preferences of application between CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC from the viewpoint of developers. Data collection will be done by conducting a structured interview among developers in Malaysia to ascertain the advantages and constraints of applying CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC and to find out the preferences of developers in the application of CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC and the reason. Due to time constraint, the structure interview will be conducted on developers, which are registered under Construction Industry Developer Board (CIDB) within Selangor and Kuala Lumpur area only. Thus, the contractors as well as developers from other states will not be considered for this study. Methodology In order to achieve the objectives of this study, there are two methods to be used to collect data, they are respectively the primary data sources and secondary sources. Primary Data Sources The second, third and fourth objectives, which are determining the advantages of applying CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC, problem or constrains when implementing CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC and preference of the developer in application of CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC and the reasons, can be obtained by conducting structured interview. Structure interview will be conducted with developers who adopted both CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC in the previous or current projects. The interview mentioned will be conducted within Selangor and Kuala Lumpur area. Secondary Data Sources Literature review is an essential material for researchers to enhance basic knowledge regarding to the research topic. Journal articles, government articles, newspapers, journals, books, magazines and internal research are used in secondary data sources. The review from those sources would complement the information for the first, second and third objective, which are compare the differences between application of CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC, advantages and constrains of applying CONQUAS 21 or QLASSIC. Besides, information can also be obtained from library at TARC, National Library and the resources centre of CIDB. Figure 1. Outline of research proposal Literature Review Quality Philosophy Definition of Quality The word of quality has a wide definition and it is an elusive concept, because different people view it differently (Joel E.Ross 2009). It can be further proven by Kerzners (2009, p.875) study, he indicated that quality cannot be defined accurately, the major reason for quality depends on the view of the customer. Quality is always treated as a complicated term, the explanation is inadequate to help a quality professional fully understand the concept. However, quality experts define quality in a different way as well, which is based on the customers perspective, speciafication-based prespective (Assignment Expert n.d.). However, there is a modern definition derived by Prof.R.K.Gupta (2008) that quality is fitness for intended use. It can be explained as meeting or exceeding customer expectations. It can be further defined as the degree of fulfillment of customer needs and expectations by a supplier or service provider. Undoubtedly, quality is an essential element in a series of activities that has been preceived and value much by end users, not the suppliers. There are seven essentials of measuring quality, they are Functions, Safety, Aesthetics, Reliability, Longevity (product lift and maintenance), Service-delivery (effectiveness of marketing channel) and customer communication (effectiveness of communication channel). Those are the main elements to cover customers satisfaction and developers preception about quality of product (Prof.R.K.Gupta 2008). Davids study (cited in Joel E.Ross 2009) stated that quality can be summarised into five principal approaches, which are transcendentel view of quality, product-based view, user-based view, manufacturing-based view, and value-based view. The explanation of each view is shown as below: Transcendental view of quality cannot be defined, but it can be differentiated by looking product. For instance, advertisement. Product-based view quality is deemed as quantifiable and measurable characteristics. For instance, measure products durability or reliability (e.g. mean time of failure or finish) and design the product to the benchmark. Although this approach has a lot of benefit, but it has restriction as well. In fact, quality is mostly based on individual taste or preference, therefore the benchmark for measuring may be misleading. User-based view products that meet customers preferences are esteemed as highest quality. This may lead to two problems, one is the differences of customers preferences and the other is the difficulty of unifying the different preferences of customers. This approach can identify the products that meet the needs of major customers. Manufacturing-based view products are complied with the requirements, or specification. This concept applies to both services and products. Good quality product is not necessary in the eye of end-user but in the standards or specification set by the organisation. Value-based view quality is defined in terms of costs, prices and other attributes. Therefore, the materialization of customers decision mostly depends on the quality at an acceptable price. Evolution of Quality There is a changing view of quality during the past twenty years, so improvement of quality is occured from time to time. Quality improvement not only focused in product but also services (Harold kerzner 2009, p.875). Additionally, Harold kerzner has introduced a changing view of quality from past to present as shown in table 2.1. Table 2. Changing views of quality Past Present Quality is the responsibility of blue-collar workers and direct labour employees working on the floor Quality is everyones responsibility, including white-collar workers, the indirect labour force, and the overhead staff Quality defects should be hidden from the customer (and possibily management) Defect should be highlighted and brought to the surface for corrective action Quality problems lead to blame, faulty justification, and excuses Quality problems lead to cooperative solutions Corrections-to-quality problems should be accomplished with minimum documentation Documentation is essential for lesson learned so that mistakes are not repeated Increased quality will increase project costs Improved quality saves money and increases business Quality is internally focused Quality is customer focused Quality will not occur without close supervision of people People want to ptoduce quality product Quality occurs during project execution Quality occurs at project initiation and must be planned for within the project (Source: Harold kerzner 2009, p.875). Importance of Quality There is no doubt that quality is extremely important because it will bring benefits. The benefits can be divided into two, they are internal benefits and external benefits. The figure 2.1 below shows the internal benefits and external benefits from good quality. (Source: Abhiman DasMulmi 2009, p.7) Figure 2. Internal benefits and external benefits from good quality Historical Perspectives of Total Quality Management There are four stages of evolution of Total Quality Management, they are Quality Inspection, Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Total Quality Management (TQM) (UTM 2003). Figure 2.2 shows the four stages of Quality Management. Abhiman DasMulmi (2009) recogonised that quality management is also a hirarchical process which is initiated with rough inspection and then developed through quality control, followed by quality assurance under the wider management approach of TQM. Figure 2.3 shows the different characteristics of different stages in TQM. The concept of TQM has been developed since 1950 by various American experts. Among the experts, W Edwards Deming, Joeseph Juran and A.V.Feigenbaum have contributed significantly in developing the concept of TQM. Quality Inspection Abhiman DasMulmi (April 2009) has stated that in order to ensure the basic level of quality to be accomplish, the most suitable use of quality control will be quality inspection. Once the inspector found out the poor quality product which is separated from the acceptable quality product, the product would be scrapped, reworked or sold as lower quality. Therefore, the method of inspection mainly sorts out the conformance and non-conformance of the product, it usually is done by visual inspection or testing (UTM 2003). (Source: Dale 1994) Figure 2. Four stages of quality management Quality Control (QC) Due to industrial advancement, it came to second stage of TQM development. Quality control is a stage above inspection (Abhiman DasMulmi April 2009). The quality was controlled through supervised skills, written specification, measurement and standardisation (Prof. Alessandro Brun 2010-2011). The process of QC involves monitoring and then utilizing statistical techniques to make decision. Quality standard of products and services can be improved and maintained through QC (Abhiman DasMulmi April 2009). Quality Assurance (QA) Quality assurance (QA) is the third stages of quality evolution. It is aim to provide products and services that fulfill customers expectations and needs (UTM 2003). QA can be defined as a process of checking, correcting and controlling is conducted in such a manner that the manufacture/ service providers are aware that all stages of the process are being conducted correctly with the specified standard (Abhiman DasMulmi April 2009). Other activities such as comprehensive quality manuals, use of cost of quality, development of process control and auditing of quality systems are also developed in order to progress from quality control to the quality assurance (UTM 2003). Total Quality Management (TQM) Total Quality Management is the last stages of this development, it involves the understanding and implementation of quality management principles and concepts in every aspect of activities. (Prof. Alessandro Brun 2010-2011) The purpose of TQM is to fully utilise these activities to provide customers with best quality products or services at the lowest cost. Additionally, continually improve quality is the main aim of TQM to become a winning strategy to gain customer loyalty (UTM 2003). (Source: Chew 2000) Figure 2. Different characteristics of different stages in TQM 2.2 Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC) Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS 21) Introduction In current scenario in Construction Industry, performance of completed product can be measured by implementing either QLASSIC or CONQUAS 21. Both of them are an independent assessment carried out by assessors to inspect, evaluate and measure the quality of workmanship. QLASSIC Quality Assessment System in Construction or QLASSIC is an independent method that developed by CIDB Malaysia to assess and evaluate the construction work which done by workman based on the approved standard (CIDB n.d.). On other hand, QLASSIC also act as a benchmark for contractor to achieve and maintain the quality of construction work (CIDB 2011) According to Ali Faizal (n.d.), QLASSIC is a standard which expected to reduce contentious disputes between relevent parties such as architects, engineers, developers, purchasers, contractor regarding on constitution of acceptable quality and to ensure that the interest of buyers or purchasers is secured. CONQUAS 21 Since year 1989, Construction Quality Assessment System or CONQUAS is introduced in Singapore to serve as a standard assessment system on building project. In year 1998, several features was added into CONQUAS by BCA, therefore, CONQUAS has evolved in a new edition which renamed as CONQUAS 21 (Building and Construction Authority 2008). Comparison Both quality assessment systems served as a same function to assess and evaluate the quality of workmanship of building project based on the approved standard. Besides, both of them are carried out through site inspection by assessors that have no any relationship with that particular project. Marks will be given after the assessment system is completed. Additionally, regardless of QLASSIC and CONQUAS, both of them are act as a benchmark for contractor to achieve and maintain the quality of construction work. Objective CONQUAS 21 was designed with three objectives while the QLASSIC was designed with five objectives. Those objectives was designed and developed for the users to achieve. QLASSIC (CIDB 2006) To standardize the level of quality of the construction industry in Malaysia; To measure the quality of workmanship of building project by implementing standard quality assessment system; To measure quality of workmanship of a building project based on approved standard; To appraise the performance of contractors based on quality of workmanship; and To collect data for statistical analysis CONQUAS 21 (BCA 2008) To have a standard quality assessment system to assess quality of workmanship for construction works To make quality assessment objective by Measuring constructed work against workmanship standard and specification Using a sampling approach to suitably represent the whole project To enable quality assessment to be carried out systematically within timeframe budget Comparison On the whole, most of the objectives between CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC are same, just present in different wording. The similarity of the objectives between both quality assessment systems is having a standard quality assessment to evaluate the quality of workmanship and measure construction work against workmanship standard and specification. There are some differences between CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC. Firstly, one of the objectives of CONQUAS 21 is to enable quality assessment to be carried out systematically within time frame and budget. Secondly, QLASSIC is designed with another two objectives, they are to appraise the performance of contractors based on quality of workmanship and to collect data for statistical analysis. Scope In general, scope has been defined as the area or extent of an activity (Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary 2010). CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC have set out their scope or the covered area of the assessment. Therefore, both of the quality assessment systems set out the standards for various aspects of construction work (BCA 2008). Assessment on the quality of workmanship is carried out based on the various construction elements in the project and marks awarded are then summed up to give a total quality score for the building project (CIDB 2006). QLASSIC (CIDB 2006) Main elements to be covered in Quality Assessment System are as follows: Structural works Architectural works Mechanical Electrical works External works The above mentioned components can be further broken into different items such as internal finishes, external finishes, roof, sanitary work, electrical work and so on. However, the works such as piling, heavy foundation and sub-structure works which are heavily equipment-based and called under separate contracts or sub-contracts are excluded. Undoubtedly, assessment is primarily based on workmanship standard through site inspection and field testing. Therefore, assessment on structural work and ME works is carried out during the construction process, while for completed building project, assessment on architectural, ME fitting and external works is executed to measure the quality of workmanship. Other than site inspection, test on the material and the functional performance of selected services and installation also will be included in the assessment. Those tests can protect the interest of occupants in term of safety, comfort and aesthetic defects which will be surfaced only after some time. CONQUAS 21 (BCA 2008) Main components to be covered in CONQUAS are as follows: Structural works Architectural works Mechanical Electrical works The above mentioned components can be further broken into different item such as internal finishes, external finishes, roof, sanitary work, electrical work and so on. However, the works such as piling, heavy foundation and sub-structure works which are heavily equipment-based, buried or covered and called under separate contracts or sub-contracts are excluded. Undoubtedly, assessment is primarily based on workmanship standard through site inspection and field testing. Therefore, assessment on structural work and ME works is carried out during the construction process, while for completed building project, assessment is only carried out on architectural work to measure the quality of workmanship. Other than site inspection, test on the material and the functional performance of selected services and installation also will be included in the assessment. Those tests can protect the interest of occupants in term of safety, comfort and aesthetic defects which will be surfaced only after some time. Comparison It is obviously shown that there are four components covered in the QLASSIC while three components for the CONQUAS 21. The only difference between them is QLASSIC has an additional component, which is External works. In fact, the external work of CONQUAS 21 is grouped together with structural work. Due to the additional component of QLASSIC, there are slightly differences on the quality assessment. For better understanding, the following table shows the differences of the quality assessment between them. Table 2. Comparison of Components to be Tested Between QLASSIC and CONQUAS 21 Components to be tested QLASSIC During Construction process Structural works and Mechanical Electrical works. Completed Building Architectural works, Mechanical Electrical works and External works. Components to be Assessed QLASSIC (CIDB 2006) For the QLASSIC, the assessment is divided into 4 components: Structural works Structural is always deemed as an importance element of whole building because it might incur big amount of failure and repair cost once it failure. Therefore, the assessment of structural work comprises: Site inspection of formwork, steel reinforcement, prefabricated or pre-cast elements, etc during construction. Laboratory testing of compressive strength of concrete and tensile strength of steel reinforcement. Non-destructive testing of the cover and the uniformity of hardened concrete. Architectural works Architectural works are mainly deal with the finishes. The quality and standards of workmanship can be showed obviously through the finishes. Floors, ceiling, window and door and internal wall, fittings and fixtures, external wall, roofs, driveway, apron and porch are works under architectural. Mechanical and Electrical (ME) works The quality of ME works is also important because it might impact the performance of the building once its failure and high cost is involve in rectification works and installation works as well. Electrical works, air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation works (ACMV), fire protection works, sanitary and plumbing works, lifts, escalator and other basic ME fittings are covered under the assessment. External works Lastly, the external works cover the general external works elements in building construction such as the link ways/shelter, drains, road works, car parks, footpaths, turfings, playgrounds, gates and fences, swimming pools, hardscapes and electrical substation. CONQUAS 21 (BCA 2008) For the CONQUAS 21, the assessment is divided into 4 components: Structural works Structural is always deemed as an importance element of whole building because it might incur big amount of failure and repair cost once it failure. Therefore, the assessment of structural work comprises: Site inspection of formwork, steel reinforcement, prefabricated or pre-cast elements, etc during construction. Laboratory testing of compressive strength of concrete and tensile strength of steel reinforcement. Non-destructive testing of the cover and the uniformity of hardened concrete. Architectural works Architectural works are mainly deal with the finishes. The quality and standards of workmanship can be showed obviously through the finishes. The assessment covers the following: Site inspection of floors, internal walls, ceiling, window and door, fittings, roof, external walls of the building. Material functional tests such as window water-tightness, wet area water-tightness and adhesion of internal wall tiles. Installation of waterproofing for internal wet areas also included in the process of assessment. Mechanical and Electrical (ME) works The quality of ME works is also important because it might impact the performance of the building once its failure and high cost is involve in rectification works and installation works as well. Electrical works, air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation works (ACMV), fire protection works, sanitary and plumbing works, lifts, escalator and other basic ME fittings are covered under the assessment. The stages of the assessment include: Site inspection of installed works before they are concealed such as the concealed pipes Site inspection of final installed works such as the Air-Handling units (AHU), cooling tower, fire alarm control panel, etc. Performance tests on selected works such as earthing test, dry riser test and water pressure test, etc. Comparison The components of CONQUAS 21 and QLASSIC are quite similar. However, there is only one difference, it is CONQUAS 21 does not have external works. In fact, the external works was grouped together with structural works. The following tables are the comparison of sub-components to be assessed between QLASSIC and CONQUAS 21: Structural works Table 2. Comparison of Sub-Components to be Assessed between QLASSIC and CONQUAS 21 (Structural Works) Sub components to be assessed QLASSIC CONQUAS 21 Part 1: Reinforced Concrete Structures Formwork à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Reinforcement (Cash in-situ and Precast) à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Finished Concrete (Cash in-situ and Precast) à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Precast Specific Requirements à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Structure Quality à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Non-Destructive Testing à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Part 2: Structural Steel Works Main Member/ Partial Assembled Component à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Metal Decking à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Erection Tolerances à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Corrosion and Fire Protection à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Welding Test Reports à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Part 3: Pre-Stressed Concrete Condition of Tendons Anchorages à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Installation of Sheathing à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Stressing Grouting Process à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Debondling à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ (Source: CIDB 2006 and BCA 2008) Architectural works Table 2. Comparison of Sub-Components to be Assessed between QLASSIC and CONQUAS 21 (Architectural Works) Sub-components to be assessed QLASSIC CONQUAS
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
I Want to be an Art Teacher :: Teaching Educacion Admissions
I Want to be an Art Teacher Have you ever been to a point in your life where there were to many decisions and not enough time? This is what happened to me in my senior year of high school. Throughout my teen years, I never discussed college with my family or did they with me. College for some reason was not on my agenda. Then I realized that I wanted to go to further my education. The reason I chose to go to college was that I am an artist, and felt that I needed to learn more about art techniques. I didn’t want to loose my talent, and I realized how much I enjoyed being in class. I had the privilege of being a student of some wonderful teachers at the high school I attended, and they influenced my decision to becoming an art teacher. Teaching is a challenging profession, but also very rewarding. I had the opportunity to do an art project with local kids of Monroe County over the summer. That experience helped me a great deal to see a glimpse of my future. During the four-week program the kids worked and learned about all forms of art. The teaching experience gave me pleasure on departing some knowledge and interest to the children that were there. That feeling of accomplishment for myself and seeing it in the faces of the children encourages me to proceed in my goals on becoming an art teacher. My goals as a teacher will be managing my classroom in an eclectic way of combining philosophies. Differing seating arrangements in art classes are limited, therefore are materials need to be shared among the students. In my class, there will be at least four chairs to each table so that material can be dispersed equally. On the bulletin boards I will display work of past and present students to show their accomplishments in my class. The materials needed is wide range, they include paints, color pencils, drawing pencils, markers, differing sizes of paper, scissors, and much more. Projects will be fun and pertaining to the Arts.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: A Transformation Essay
Macbeth, a dark and dramatized play, is very well-known. It was written by William Shakespeare between 1603 and 1607. Macbeth was a much respected person but his wife, Lady Macbeth, started to persuade him into things and he became an evil man. Macbeth was not mentally strong to handle all the pulling my Lady Macbeth. In the beginning of the play Macbeth is a respected general and a loyal subject of the king. A group of three withes tells him that he can be crowned king if something happened to King Duncan. But Macbeth makes the state: â€Å"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me.†(1.3.56-57) That statement makes it clear that Macbeth does not have any thought in doing anything evil to be able to achieve being king. He does say â€Å"I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none.†(1.7.34-36.) this lets others know that Macbeth that he will do what it takes to become a man. When Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth what is going on she suffers none of his uncertainties. She tells him that he needs to murder Duncan so he can obtain the kingdom. He was unsure of himself but with the pushing of his wife, he got persuaded to kill the king. King Duncan was planning on coming to the Macbeths castle to dine, so Lady Macbeth and Macbeth put together a plan. Their plan was to get the two chamberlains drunk so they would black out and the next morning they could blame the murder on them as they will remember nothing. When Macbeth going to kill Macbeth he says this famous quote before grabbing the dagger, â€Å"Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee; I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain? I see thee yet, in form as palpable As this which now I draw.†(2.1.45-51) This quote shows that he is committed to kill Duncan and that he is seeing things and cannot tell reality from fantasy. Macbeth starts to worry about what he has down and barely sleep the night. Macbeth lets Lady Macbeth know when he says, â€Å"Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more. (2.2.38-40) Fearing the witches’ prophecy that Banquo’s heirs will get the throne, Macbeth gets a group together to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. Come, seeling night, Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day; And with thy bloody and invisible hand Cancel and tear to pieces that great bond Which keeps me pale! Light thickens; and the crow Makes wing to the rooky wood: Good things of day begin to droop and drowse; While night’s black agents to their preys do rouse (3.2.32-39) This quote is Macbeth’s wish for the coming up night. They ambush Banquo and fail to kill Fleance. Macbeth starts getting paranoid and at the feast that night he sees Banquo’s ghost. Macbeth starts talking to the ghost, Then comes my fit again: I had else been perfect, Whole as the marble, founded as the rock, As broad and general as the casing air: But now I am cabin’d, cribb’d, confined, bound in To saucy doubts and fears.â€â€But Banquo’s safe (3.4.22-27) Macbeth just found out that Fleance had not been killed. After this Macbeth was mentally done. He started going downhill. When got news that Lady Macbeth had killed herself it made him sink into a deep depart. Macbeth starts to fight until Macduff kills and beheads him. Malcolm, is now the King of Scotland. Macbeth has changed a lot over the course of this play. He was once a very loving and respected man but as you can see when you are not in the correct state of mind you can be talked into anything. Lady Macbeth did nothing but push him to his breaking point and when she killed herself if did nothing but hurt her husband. This all started because lady Macbeth wanted all the power over Scotland.
Friday, November 8, 2019
English for Written Communications Essay Example
English for Written Communications Essay Example English for Written Communications Essay English for Written Communications Essay FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND LANGUAGES OUMH1203 ENGLISH FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION POPULAR WEEKEND HABITS OF OUM STUDENTS IGNATIUS ABRAHAM BALING 740527 â€Å" 13 â€Å" 5651 019 â€Å" 8651980 [emailprotected] Mr. LAW SZE YUNG INSTITUT PERGURUAN RAJANG JULY 2008 SEMESTER 1. INTRODUCTION OUM students learning using the distance learning mode have to juggle their time between their own job and their studies. They also have to make time for their own pleasure and their family. Some students faced the difficulty in managing stress. Thus, it is important that they can release their tensions. This research paper aim at finding the popular habits or pastimes the students like to do during the weekend while they are still studying with OUM. Before the research is started, I discussed the topic with my peers and tutor to ascertain what was needed in making this research paper. The data was attained from 20 students from the OUM Local Learning Centre in Sibu. The data was attained by completing a set of questionnaire given to them. 2. METHODOLOGY 1. Subjects The data was taken from 20 OUM students who are still studying at OUM Local Learning Centre in Sibu. They are studying various degrees in various levels or semesters. 2. Instruments The instrument used in attaining the data is a set of questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of the studentsâ„ ¢ personal details and their favourite pastimes that they always do during the weekend. (see Appendix) 3. Procedure The process of gathering the information starts with the production of the questionnaire. It asks the students their personal details and their favourite habits during the weekend. The questionnaires were then distributed to the 20 students via one of the students who went for tutorial who later distributed them to his friends. After the questionnaires were returned, the process of retrieving the data from the questionnaires began. The data is then transferred to charts and table for better understanding. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 COLLECTED DATA The data collected from the questionnaires are shown in Chart 1 below. Chart 1: Popular weekend habits of 20 OUM students Based on the chart above, we can see that the most popular activities done during the weekend is gardening (9 respondents), which is 45%. The next most popular activity is reading (7 respondents, 35%) and the third most popular activity is shopping (6 respondents, 30%). A more detailed look at the information is shown in Table 1 in Appendix and Chart 2 below. Chart 2: Percentage of popular activities 2. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MALE FEMALE POPULAR HABITS From the collected data, it is further divided into male and female preferences of activities. The information is shown in Chart 3 below. Chart 3 From the chart above, it can be seen that more male prefer indoor activities like watching television and reading than female. Female prefer more on outdoor activities such as gardening and shopping. It also shows that male respondents do not like to cook and do aerobics at all. Female respondents, on the other hand, are not interested in a number of activities stated as in the chart above. The pie charts below show the percentage of male and female respondentsâ„ ¢ preferences of activities. 4. CONCLUSION The research encompasses 20 OUM students and the activities that they like to do during weekends. It is noted that the male respondents tend to do indoor activities. The female respondents like to do outdoor activities like shopping and gardening. Based on this research, it is concluded that the respondents do a variety of activities during weekends. These activities are done individually or with friends and family.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on The Death Penalty
The Death Penalty: Utilize It Don’t Destroy It It is more reasonable to utilize the death penalty than to abolish it. The death penalty should not be abolished because it deters people from committing murder and because the death penalty gives peace of mind to the victims and their families and puts an end to the crime. It is more reasonable to utilize the death penalty than to abolish it. The death penalty should not be abolished because it deters people from committing murder and because the death penalty gives peace of mind to the victims and their families and puts an end to the crime. The death penalty deters some people from committing crimes and also saves human lives. Not everyone will be deterred from committing crimes because of the death penalty. However, since the death penalty is the highest penalty for crimes it will evoke the most fear in a human being. This fear will save human life. As legal expert Ernest van den Haag explains, â€Å"The threat of 50 lashes deters more than the threat of 5: a $1000 fine deters more than a $10 fine; 10 years in prison deters more than 1 year in prison- just as, conversely, the promise of a $1000 reward is greater than the promise of a $10 reward †¦ .†Most murders happen in the passion of the moment, however, serial killers, burglars, gang members, and others who plan their crime in advance can and do think of the possibilities. Many criminals don’t carry weapons while committing crimes, for example, to keep from killing, as Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania recalls, â€Å"My twelve years’ experience in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office convinced me that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime. I saw many cases where professional burglars and robbers refused to carry weapons, for fear that a killing would occur and they would be charged with murder in the first degree, carrying the death penalty.†Ab... Free Essays on The Death Penalty Free Essays on The Death Penalty The Death Penalty: Utilize It Don’t Destroy It It is more reasonable to utilize the death penalty than to abolish it. The death penalty should not be abolished because it deters people from committing murder and because the death penalty gives peace of mind to the victims and their families and puts an end to the crime. It is more reasonable to utilize the death penalty than to abolish it. The death penalty should not be abolished because it deters people from committing murder and because the death penalty gives peace of mind to the victims and their families and puts an end to the crime. The death penalty deters some people from committing crimes and also saves human lives. Not everyone will be deterred from committing crimes because of the death penalty. However, since the death penalty is the highest penalty for crimes it will evoke the most fear in a human being. This fear will save human life. As legal expert Ernest van den Haag explains, â€Å"The threat of 50 lashes deters more than the threat of 5: a $1000 fine deters more than a $10 fine; 10 years in prison deters more than 1 year in prison- just as, conversely, the promise of a $1000 reward is greater than the promise of a $10 reward †¦ .†Most murders happen in the passion of the moment, however, serial killers, burglars, gang members, and others who plan their crime in advance can and do think of the possibilities. Many criminals don’t carry weapons while committing crimes, for example, to keep from killing, as Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania recalls, â€Å"My twelve years’ experience in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office convinced me that the death penalty is a deterrent to crime. I saw many cases where professional burglars and robbers refused to carry weapons, for fear that a killing would occur and they would be charged with murder in the first degree, carrying the death penalty.†Ab... Free Essays on The Death Penalty â€Å"†¦Over 600 people were falsely convicted and 35 faced death for crimes that they did not commit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Johnson). The death penalty is an ineffective and expensive way of dealing justice to the American people. It is easier and cheaper to send someone to prison for life than to have them face the death penalty and be executed. Capital punishment is an unnecessary punishment because criminals are already managed at prisons. 69 The death penalty can lead to the death of innocent people. For example, â€Å"†¦According to a new study, serious errors occur in almost 70% of all trials leading to the death penalty†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Leibman). This shows that if 100 people were put on death row, 70 would have serious mistakes in their cases, enough mistakes to have them executed even if they were innocent. This unacceptable amount of errors is the number one cause for mistrust of the legal system. In addition, â€Å"†¦dozens of inmates have been put to death in Texas despite unreliable evidence†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (The Chicago Tribune). This statement alone shows the truth about the death penalty. Innocent people are being executed and will continue to be executed unless the death penalty is abolished. For example, â€Å"†¦In several states innocent individuals may be executed because medical technology is not made available in time to prevent their death†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (American Association of Public Health Physicians). The lack of proper resources during a trial can make the difference between the innocence and guilt of a person. The death penalty does not always show the innocence or guilt of a person. It shows how much he or she is willing to spend to help the trial go his or her way. The death penalty is an unfair system to those who cannot afford the â€Å"evidence†they need to help free them. 224 The death penalty is a corrupt form of legal justice. For example, â€Å"†¦Defendants in about one-third of the Texas cases were represented at trial by an attorney who had been o... Free Essays on The Death Penalty THE DEATH PENALTY Jarret McCluskey English III Mrs. Williams April 8, 1993 McCluskey 1 The Death Penalty There is no easy answer to the capital punishment issue. Most people feel very strongly about it, even though their views differ considerably. This has been a controversial issue for as long as capital punishment has been around. The death penalty has been used through out history. Before societies were organized, people would kill others for committing crimes. They decided who was guilty and the punishment for most crimes was death. Many innocent people were killed in this manner. Laws came about because these people made many errors in judgment. They let their emotions decide who was guilty, not the facts (Flanders 4). During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Period the use of capital punishment changed very little. Most forms were uncivilized and included great pain. The idea seemed to be that not only should these people die, but that they should suffer greatly while dying. The offenders were killed by various methods, such as burning at the stake or being crushed by heavy stones (Flanders 5). When Henry VIII was king, over 70,000 executions took place. In 1780, the "bloody code" contained 350 capital crimes. They added to the number of crimes that were punishable by death, but the number of executions was actually less. By the mid- 1800s, there were only four crimes that were punishable by death (Flanders 6). One of the reasons given by the people who disapprove of capital punishment is, there is no real evidence that the threat of capital punishment decreases violent crime (Flanders 27). They also say that "if electrocution or lethal injection will deter murder, then burning at the stake, drawing and quartering will be even more effe... Free Essays on The Death Penalty Mead Shumway of Nebraska, was convicted of the first-degree murder of his employer's wife on circumstantial evidence and sentenced to death by jury. His last words before his execution were: "I am an innocent man. May God forgive everyone who said anything against me." The next year, the victim's husband confessed on his deathbed that he [the husband] had murdered his [own] wife (Radelet, Bedau, Putnam 347). There are an uncertain numerous amount of incidents similar to the one depicted above, that have repeatedly occurred throughout the course of history. Two highly distinguishable figures in the area of capital punishment in the United States, Hugo Bedau and Michael Radelet, discovered in 1992, at least 140 cases, since 1990, in which innocent persons were sentenced to death (Hook and Kahn 92). In Illinois alone, 12 death row inmates have been cleared and freed since 1987 (Execution Reconsidered). The most conclusive evidence in support of this "comes from the surprisingly large numbers of people whose convictions have been overturned and who have been freed from death" (Bedau 345). One out of every seven people sentenced to death row are innocent (Civiletti). That's nearly 15%. The numbers are disturbing. Innocent people are becoming victims of the United States judicial system by its overlooked imperfections. A former president of the American Bar Association (ABA), John J. Curtin Jr., said it best when he told a congressional committee that "Whatever you think about the death penalty, a system that will take life must first give justice. Execute justice, not people." Though some of the innocent death row inmates have managed to escape their execution, there are numerous others who are unable to overturn their sentence through appeals. Many cases of innocence go unheard and result in the unfortunate fatality of an innocent bystander. When the death penalty in 1972 was ruled unconstitutional in Furman v. Georgia, the Justices e...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Bodies as a Site of Productions and Commodification Essay
Bodies as a Site of Productions and Commodification - Essay Example The loveliness and magnificence of different organs of a body capture the eyes and hearts of the viewers, and they find marvelous physical appeal in the same to love and adore the person(s) carrying these charms, in accordance with their choices, tastes and standards of beauty. Therefore, Baudrillard (1998) has declared human body as the finest commodity available in the market, which outshines all other products and merchandise existing in the corporate environment in general because of its dazzling stand out, unique characteristics and natural ecstasy. In addition, various parts of human body are also used and employed for medical and research purposes, which turn out to be highly beneficial for discovering new realities about human body and its attributes and characteristics, paving the way towards discovering new formulae, techniques and devices for the complete convalescence of the people suffering from various ailments and diseases. The people also allow granting various parts of their bodies including eyes, kidney, liver, blood and semen for commercial benefits on the one hand, and as donation to the blind, ill and issueless individuals on the other. The credit goes to technological advancements, which have wide opened the new avenues of transplanting various body organs from one person to the other in a successful and skilled manner. However, contemporary biotechnological developments are accompanied by the fear that commodification of human tissue and DNA will lead to exploitation of dignity and integrity of innocent individuals. Ethical principles and historical traditions can constitute powerful arguments against direct commodification of the human body (Rendtorff, 2000: 57-58). Thus, human body and its different organs can be utilized during man’s life-time as well as after his departure from the world. The significance of human body can be explored in several different viewpoints. On the one hand, the people also develop love and affection f or the innocent countenances the little children carry, and compare them to the angels in respect of simplicity, innocence and tenderness; and on the other hand, the changing physical appearances of the teenagers and adults is taken as a gorgeous source of obtaining sexual gratification and satisfying their carnal desires as well. Langlois et al. (2000) are of the opinion that it is the male for whom attractiveness and showiness is more important in comparison with female. It is partly due to the very fact that female body looks far more alluring because of its flexibility, bewitching organs and softness that tempts the male to conquer the same either permanently or for the time being. In humans, because attractiveness is especially important as an indicator of reproductive fitness in women, the reliability of attractiveness ratings should be higher when judging females than when judging males, especially as evaluated by male perceivers (Jackson, 1992). However, the stoutness and ha iriness of male body fascinates the females as well as effeminate males, which long for their company and romance or sexual union with them. Consequently, the naked bodies of both men and women have been being carved, painted, drawn out and engraved for centuries since
Friday, November 1, 2019
Romero (1989) - Religion film analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Romero (1989) - Religion film analysis - Essay Example Archbishop Oscar Romero depicted a great hero of the liberation struggle in Latin America during a period referred to as the ‘long dark night’ which lasted from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. To this end, one of the main themes that emerge pertains to liberation theology since Archbishop Romero is depicted as the ‘voice of the oppressed in El Salvador when he reached the pinnacle of the Roman Catholic hierarchy’. Interestingly, Romero achieves the archbishop status at a time when El Salvador is embroiled in injustice and violence. The military forces of El Salvador are fighting against the Marxist guerrilla forces within the country. Incidentally, the ongoing fight against Communism is only oppressing the poor. To this end, the theme of suffering and oppression is evident in the dramatic movie. The image of Romero is of an emboldened man of God who comes out as the voice of the voiceless and oppressed in El Salvador. An example of his brevity is his stance following the assassination of a colleague by the name of Richard Jordan, the torturous murder of another priest by the name of Alejandro Bracho and the murder of a young lady who is a leader of the Christian base community in Lucia Reina. Incidentally, the film shows that Romero begins his role as bishop with the backing of the powerful and rich ruling Catholics in El Salvador such as Ana Alicia who is the wife of the Minister of Agriculture. Representation of Religion in the Film The aspect of religion is evident through the life of Archbishop Romero as he gradually evolves into liberation theologian. Evidently, the film projects the faith in religion even in the face of terror. This is evident in the scene where Archbishop Romero returns with his colleague to the church that was occupied by the military in order to recover the Eucharist. The Eucharist was a symbol of the blood and body of Christ among the Catholics in El Salvador. Furthermore, the Eucharist represented th e dignity of the El Salvadorian community. In this regard, the act of retrieval was a religious and socially significant event by Archbishop Romero. Interestingly, the potential of ultimate liberation of the EL Salvadoran populace is hinged on the capacity to redeem themselves from religiously instigated persecution by their political opponents. Moreover, religion played a pertinent role in the selection of Romero as the archbishop. In this regard, the short period in which Romero served was characterized by political unrest. To this end, those who opposed the radical right section were deemed as Marxist communists and ideal targets for execution. In this regard, the Catholic leadership were comfortable with the appointment of Romero as the archbishop. The Catholic religious leaders wanted a church leader for El Salvador who would not elicit any negative focus towards the Catholic Church. This would essentially guarantee their safety and enduring support for the government. However, following Romero’s appointment, he became more aware of his political duties pertaining to the plight of the lower class in El Salvador. To this end, he experienced increased difficulties in balancing duties of rallying support from his powerful religious colleagues and the helpless poor in society. Comparison of the film with class readings Gutierez in the ‘the task and content of liberation,’ delves into the struggle of Latinas in the liberation struggle during the 1960’s. Evidently, Gutierez focuses on the liberation process for the poor by grassroots Christian communities. In this regard, the author focuses on a theological perspective pertaining to the liberation role of the Roman Catholic Church in Latin populace. In comparison to the film
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